Elizabeth Tulloch – Superman and Lois
By: Jamie Steinberg
Q) What was it about the character or series that made you want to be a part of “Superman and Lois?”
A) As far as the character, I feel like I’m sort of in love with her. I feel like she’s really, really appealing and has remained so appealing and iconic from when she was introduced in 1938 for such really great reasons. She’s so strong and so determined and she’s not intimidated by anything. And she’s also compassionate and loving and wonderful. I think what really made me and Tyler [Hoechlin] want to sign up for the show was the family aspect of it. We were really on board when Todd [Helbing] was saying not only is this going to be about you two being parents, but you guys are going to be parents to two teenagers. We just knew instantly. Tyler and I have been working in this industry for a long time. Not only having the added layer of a family drama but being parents to teenagers and teenagers in their Freshman year of high school. There are just so many potential storylines down the road with the boys and with the two of them being parents and juggling – I think it was really interesting, especially in the pilot episode how Lois and Clark really have differing opinions on whether to tell the boys or not. Lois sort of caves because ultimately this is Clark’s secret to tell and not hers. I liked that they were not on the same page about everything all the time because I’m married, and my husband and I aren’t always on the same page about parenting. It’s ultimately all about compromise and I liked that it was reflective on the page and on the screen as well.
Q) Lois is a boss in her own right. Were there certain aspects or layers of her that you were most looking forward to portraying?
A) Tyler and I are particularly fond of the sort of sweet scenes that he and I have alone together. We really like those. But for me, the most kind of fun that I have are when I’m confronting Edge (Adam Rayner). Then, you see Lois who, especially now, no longer have the resources and the platform of The Daily Planet behind her and she is as strong and as determined and as unafraid of Edge as she ever was. I like portraying that strength on screen.
Q) She’s a mother just like you are in real life. What instincts do you bring to Lois from that perspective?
A) I have gotten that question a lot. I obviously only have a two-year-old. The way I have instinctively played Lois from the beginning is that I felt she would be a pretty cool mom and pretty understanding of what the boys are going through – or at least she’s trying to be. So, I felt like ultimately, she was going to always want to treat the boys with respect and I treat my daughter that way. I don’t really talk to her like she’s a little baby. Honestly, I have high expectations for her. David [Giuntoli] and I are always on her case about being kind and always being polite and saying “please” and “thank you” because we take it really seriously – the task of trying to mold this tiny person into being a good and kind and decent human being. Vivian hasn’t really started acting out yet, but I’m sure that’s going to happen any time in the near future because she turned two recently. I’ve heard how crazy two and three years old can be. But the main difference on screen Lois has to be really stern with the boys sometimes, but always with a little twinkle in her eye. I think that’s just how I like to play Lois – even when she’s being stern with them she does it with a little twinkle in her eye because she gets why they are acting out. She understands why they would be rebelling. She gets that they’ve put the boys through a lot by just the deception really that has been happening for years.
Q) The episodes are so action packed. What are some episodes that viewers should keep an eye out for?
A) Episode 3 is the first time you see Lois getting in on the action. So, that will be fun for people because I’ve seen some people on social media saying, “When is Lois going to get involved?” I think it sort of walks that line really well, our show. Even though the show is primarily at its core (in my point-of-view) a family drama, it’s Superman and Lois Lane. You’ve got to have You’re going to still have big set pieces. You’re going to still have Superman doing incredible stunts because that’s why some people are going to be tuning and that’s cool, too. I think Todd, our creator, really understands some people might be tuning in for the big action sequences, but I feel like for the long term for people to stay is if they really start to care and love these characters.
Q) Where were you when you found out about renewal?
A) I was home and we had been sort of discussing Season 2 ideas. I think that was always the goal. I think also once the network and studio saw the cuts for episodes one and two they were just so beautiful and I think they were feeling confident. But you want to see how the audience responds at least after one episode. I was at home and oddly enough my husband found out from his agent before I officially found out! That seems to be this guy who kind of knows anything before anybody else does. David called me and goes, “Do you have news for me?” I said, “No, I don’t think so.” He asked, “Are you sure you don’t have any big news for me?” I was like, “No. Did you just find out about a Season 2 pickup before I did?” I was like, “Yeah.” Then, I started calling Tyler furiously but he was still asleep. Tyler woke up to seven missed calls from me and then he called me back.
Q) There is incredible onscreen chemistry between you and Tyler and you mentioned in another interview that was just there when you initially started filming for the crossover and now you both talk all the time. It must be so wonderful to have an innate chemistry. What kind of fan reaction have you received to that?
A) I think people really love them together. I think it’s very apparent on screen that we have great chemistry and off screen too. We love working together and one thing you probably read, which is true, is that even if we are not shooting together on that day, we usually check in on each other either by phone or Facetime to see how it is going on set. Sometimes we talk business or just check in with each other. It has been a huge blessing to be able to work with someone whom I adore as much as I do. I’ve never laughed that hard with anyone consistently. Someone asked what my main challenge was working now and I said it was probably getting it together when we start giggling. We’ll just start laughing and it’ll be like, “Oh God! Here we go…” And it’s sort of hard sometimes to pull it together. Having a costar that I get along so well with I don’t think that for granted because that doesn’t always happen.
Q) What does it mean to you to be a part of such an iconic series and it already be so well received?
A) It is definitely validating, more than anything. When I first got this role, I felt sort of humbled because I have so much respect for the character myself and such a, hopefully, good and deep understanding about why Lois Lane has been so iconic for as long as she has. It mainly feels really great. Tyler and I really respect the characters that we’re playing and I think the audience really gets that. It’s not even just that we respect them, but we love them. We love playing these characters and I feel like that is translating on screen. At least I hope it is.
Q) Is there anything else you’d like to tease that is coming up on “Superman and Lois?”
A) I’m glad that people are loving it. The episodes are all great. It’s not like sometimes where you’ll see a new series and you have an exceptional pilot and then the quality seems to drop off after that. I feel like of the four that I’ve seen they’re all fabulous and I really feel like the audience is going to enjoy them.
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