Emarosa – Sting
By: Maggie Stankiewicz
Q) You’re very inspired by 80s music. Please name some of your biggest 80s inspirations.
A) I think MJ, Phil Collins, George Michael, Janet Jackson and Paula Abdul. The list goes on – the 80s had such an impact on my musical tastes. Growing up with a single mom who loved pop music really did the trick.
Q) Tell us the story behind your upcoming single “Again.”
A) “Again” really captures an absolute breakdown of a time in my life when it was rock bottom. The feeling like everything was lost and on that path to acceptance, you find yourself reaching out for what’s comfortable. It’s hard to put the song into a small blurb because it means so much more than a paragraph, but it’s an extremely vulnerable and honest song.
Q) “Again” has the polished and pop sound that your listeners love. What else about the song do you think fans will connect to?
A) I think the high energy is something that our fans will enjoy. We are a heavy mid-tempo kind of band, and this is a bit more aggressive non the pop side than we’ve really gone after before.
Q) “Again” is a sneak peek at what’s to come on your new album, Sting. How does this single compare to the new album’s other tracks?
A) I feel like it has a perfect spot inside the record. It’s a happy medium between the heavy pop antics and the honest storytelling. I think it’s definitely the fastest and most energetic of the record but it’s a wide spectrum in my opinion.
Q) Your last album, Peach Club, was released in 2019. Will you be exploring new sounds, themes, and stories on your newest album Sting?
A) Always new stories, always new themes and always new sounds. I think there’s a similarity for sure. Much like Versus went into 131 with similarities, we wanted to explore the more mature end of the sound. This really leaves me wondering what the album after is going to sound like because I feel like we’ve kind of got this pattern going.
Q) Aside from “Again,” what songs from Sting are you most excited for your fans to hear?
A) For me, personally, I think “Danger” is one of my favorites by far. I don’t know that the audience will get it, but it’s one of those I don’t care either way because I know how good it is.
Q) What track from your new album did you find most creatively challenging?
A) Definitely “Rush.” I’m not even 100% I hit the nail on the head. I think this is a great question by the way. I think “Rush” was the hardest to come to terms with letting go and just saying, “Okay it’s done” because I never felt like I really tackled it properly. But that’s part of the gig sometimes, letting go.
Q) What is your songwriting process? Do you write lyrics first, or the music and melodies?
A) For me, it’s always a top line melody first. I’ve done this thing for years where I kind of just melody gibberish over and over and let words come out. It’s a very vulnerable and natural way to write. I never had a word for it until I watched an interview with John Mayer, and he does the same thing, calling it “Ouija Boarding.”
Q) Will there be an upcoming tour to promote Sting or are you more focused on dropping singles for the time being?
A) That’s to be determined. It’s still a tricky time to be touring in my opinion, but I’m so very eager to get back out and perform for our fans. They’ve been waiting just as long as we have.
Q) Who would you most like to collaborate with in the future?
A) There are so many great bands and artists out there. Nobody is off the table for us, but I’d be lying if I didn’t say Carly Rae [Jepsen] is up on the top of the list for this band.
Q) What would you like to say to everyone who is a fan and supporter of your work?
A) I want to say thank you. This band has been through hell and back. It’s been written off, it’s been dogged, it’s been an uphill battle since day one, but I know this band means a lot to a lot of people. I love the music we make; I love that other people can enjoy it and I’m so thankful and humbled by their support through thick and thin.
All Questions Answered By Vocalist Bradley Scott
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