
Emily in Paris – Love on the Run

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By: Mariah Thomas



Cami (Camille Razat) is assumed to be shacked up in Greece with her secret girlfriend. Emily (Lily Collins) had known about this love affair and had a few run-ins with the pair last season. She finds Gabriel (Lucas Bravo) in distress, pacing in front of his restaurant worried about Cami. She decides to fill him in on what she knows and this leads to a blow up between the two. On one hand, Gabriel is hurt; she knew and said nothing. On the other, Emily didn’t think it was her place to tell him. Later, Emily contacts Sofia (Melia Kreiling) and learns Cami is actually not with her. She immediately runs to update Gabriel. We also learn from Cami’s other friends that they have not been filled in on her whereabouts. She is truly MIA. Thankfully, Luc (Bruno Gouery) says something that reminds Emily; Cami shared her location with her on a previous trip. She is able to track where she is and goes to see her.

Sylvie (Philippine Leroy-Beaulieu) is presented with an opportunity to work with JVMA again. Julien (Samuel Arnold), now working for the company, is given a huge upgrade in treatment compared to working for Sylvie. Nico (Paul Forman) is in full gravel mode apologizing to Mindy (Ashley Park), who is not planning on making things easy for him. She makes it clear his silence when being insulted was hurtful and it may become a bigger problem as their relationship continues. Nico expresses his fears of standing up to his father. This feels like a set-up for another moment to occur later in the season. If his father makes more comments, will he defend her or remain silent once more? To make it up to Mindy, he surprises her by letting her into “the brand closet” and letting her take whatever she would like. For now, she accepts his apology. Later in the episode, while “shopping,” two female employees walk in to check in on her. They relay the scummy ways of Nico’s father, Louis (Pierre Deny). The closet is of his own doing and he often picks out clothes for the women and insists they try them on in his presence. In the previous episode Sylvie got a call from a journalist running a story on Louis’s behavior and asks for her to comment. Once Emily becomes aware that Sylvie is in talks to work with his company, she tells her what she learned from Mindy. Sylvie has her own experiences with Louis and learns his behavior is still the same.

Back at the office, Luc struggles with now having a bigger role with Julien’s departure. Julien helps Luc through the meeting via an earpiece as he goes over the details of the client he took over for. Although done with good intentions, Luc’s nerves take over and he repeats everything Julien says. Everything. One of Julien’s new colleagues enters the room to take his lunch order, which Luc states off in the meeting. Sylvie is quick to step in and divert the situation. At the luncheon for the brand, things begin to spin out of control and the brand isn’t too happy. Thinking on his feet in a way we typically see from Emily, Luc presents a new idea in the moment that rectifies the situation.

Cami is found at the House of Claude Monet – a beautiful setting to cure her troubles. She has been volunteering and helping out around the establishment. In the heat of Emily and Cami having a squabble on row boats, the pair fall in the water. At that moment they can do nothing but laugh at themselves and proceed to have a real conversation. Cami admits to using Emily as an excuse to not marry Gabriel saying, “I didn’t want to hurt anyone, I just wanted to think.” Cami explains her reason for disappearing and agrees to go home and explain to everyone worried.  Before they can return, Sofia and Gabriel see each other face to face. Although they have met, this is the first time seeing her that Gabriel is aware of the affair. When Cami returns, she and Gabriel embrace in a deep hug. However, the moment Sofia steps out Cami lights up and is visibly happier. They proclaim their love and step into the restaurant to catch up. Emily asks if Gabriel is okay after witnessing that and he simply says, “Yeah, because I know what it’s like to fall in love with someone else.” The two part ways and Gabriel lovingly watches Emily walk back to her apartment. Officially, the love cycle of “will they, won’t they” of Gabriel and Emily takes off again.

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