Emily in Paris – Roman Holiday
By: Mariah Thomas
Emily (Lily Collins) and Marcelo (Eugenio Franceschini) are texting each other selfies and sending sweet messages. There is clear flirtation between the two. As Emily returns from her run she spots Gen (Thalia Besson) outside of her building with her luggage. She informs Emily that Gabriel (Lucas Bravo) told her about the vacant apartment and that she would be moving in. When Emily offers to help bring her stuff up, Gen claims to already have help on the way. We soon find out that help is Gabriel. To thank him, Gen offers to take him to breakfast, and he declines. She remains persistent and tells him she is having a housewarming party and that he should show up. She doesn’t take no for an answer, so he eventually agrees. As he leaves her apartment to go back to his, Emily spots him walking out and makes an assumption.
We learn from Mindy (Ashley Park) that Emily has been learning Italian on duo lingo, which is a big step considering the language barrier was a big reason for her breakup with Gabriel. Mindy attempts to convince Emily to take up Marcelo’s offer to visit Rome.
When she arrives at the office, Emily runs into Cami (Camille Razat). Their relationship has been rocky, but the pair still clearly have such a fondness for their friendship. Cami apologizes for the hand she had in her breakup with Gabriel and Emily tells her they all contributed. Emily brings up that Cami moved out and she said she needed a fresh start. In a big twist she tells Emily she found a new apartment with an artist studio and a nursery. She intends to adopt a child. In the wake of her false positive pregnancy, Cami realized how deeply she desired to be a mother. Earlier in the season, she and her girlfriend fought about not having space for both an art studio and nursery – finding a place with both signifies her intention of getting back together.
Seeing Cami is moving on with her life and assuming Gabriel is too, Emily decides she will go visit Marcelo in Rome. She asks for a vacation day and denies she is going to Rome despite Sylvie knowing the truth. Sylvie (Philippine Leroy-Beaulieu) encourages her to take a few days instead. When Emily arrives in Rome she is immediately greeted by Marcelo. He takes her out to see the sights of the city. Emily as we know her is always posting on social media. Marcelo encourages her to “Look with your eyes, not your phone.” She focuses on being in the moment and enjoying the day social medialess. In Paris, Emily was constantly made fun of for being an American tourist. Marcelo genuinely finds it enduring. She makes reference to being reminded of The Lizzie McGuire movie spotting the Trevi fountain. What flaws Gabriel saw, like lack of culture and knowledge, Marcelo enjoys and finds cute. He takes her to eat at a family friend’s restaurant. She finds out so many tidbits about his life in this small interaction. As the two sit down, there is a fun Italian food montage. Emily is absolutely head over heels for Marcelo. She talks about how their day was nice to focus on being in the moment and not worry about taking photos.
Back at the office, Gen is in Emily’s seat while she is gone. Julien (Samuel Arnold) immediately calls it out and Gen claims to just be keeping the seat warm until she returns. The coffee brand they represent posted a photo of Emily in Rome as one of the founders ran into her. Gen sees it and announces it to the office, and everyone is slightly shocked she lied. As Gen goes to sit back down, Julien doesn’t let her sit at Emily’s desk. Sylvie calls Emily and she confesses.
Sylvie wants to use this to her advantage and have Emily convince Marcelo to have his family meet with their company to represent them. Sylvie says she has heard rumors they are selling to JVMA. Emily refuses and tells her this is not a work trip. Sylvie points out that has never stopped Emily before. This allows viewers to fully realize the change in Emily. Usually, Sylvie encourages her to take time away from work and relax. Now that there is something to gain, she is doing the opposite.
Nico (Paul Forman) is upset with Mindy. He was told he wasn’t equipped to be CEO because of Mindy and how if he doesn’t have a handle on her, there’s no way he could run the company. Nico asks her to drop out of Eurovision because all that comes with it is ruining and embarrassing to his image. At this moment Mindy is reminded of her father. She is strong in her self-worth and leaves the restaurant after breaking up with him over this.
In an incredible scene that jumps back and forth between Paris and Rome; Marcelo takes Emily to a party and Gabriel goes to Gen’s housewarming party. Gabriel is out of place while Emily fits right in. Marcelo takes Emily to dance as Gabriel is dragged to beer pong. He appears to start to get comfortable. Gen leans in and kisses Gabriel as we then see Emily making out with Marcelo. When Emily and Marcelo part ways for the night she says she never wants this perfect day to end. Marcelo once again lets his charm out and says that tomorrow will be even better. Before heading to bed, she overlooks the city with a big smile. The next morning, she waits for Marcelo to pick her up. He planned to take her to the village he grew up in. Before he arrives, Sylvie does. Emily is upset and shocked she would come out and turn this into a work trip. As Marcelo approaches, Sylvie reintroduces herself and states her desire to set up a meeting. Sylvie arrives in Rome. Marcelo is hurt thinking Emily only came on this trip to get a meeting. He leaves without her.
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