Esai Morales – The Brink
By: Lisa Steinberg
Q) What are the recent projects that you are working on?
A) We have “The Brink” out now and the second season of “From Dusk Till Dawn” coming up. I am on the “Good Night Show” on The Sprouts Channel! That is my first foray into very, very early childhood television. There are also reruns of “NYPD Blue” and “Criminal Minds” that are on now. I will probably be working on “Criminal Minds” again in the near future. I’m a recurring character on that. I’m a “hands-off” boss!
Q) You have an incredible diverse body of work. What has been your favorite project or one that has stuck with you the most?
A) That’s a rough one! The character of Bob in La Bamba was epic because of the pathos that he embodied. He was truly a walking contradiction of love, resentment and so much energy. He was a shining star with a lack of success. They just don’t write them like that every day (or even decade). So, I have to say that was one of the most incredible roles that I was blessed to be able to portray. Now, being able to play the President of the United States…Although, it is not a featured role on the show, it is a apogee for an actor to play the President of the United States in a dark comedy where he is not a buffoon is actually quite cool. I appreciate that. I’m the straight man, but there are very funny moments that he is involved in.
Q) Is there a dream role that you wish you could take on?
A) Often I say, “I wish I could play someone who is as contradictory and as volatile as myself. A nice guy with a heart of gold (if I do say so myself) who is not afraid to fight for what is right and what is good.” I’m am violently pacifistic. Ever since I was a kid, I will fight to protect the innocence and the vulnerable from abuse. I don’t look forward to it, but I will. Then, there is the fact that I understand the abuser as well. I’m not just looking to be high and mighty. I see most abuser-abused relationships as the struggle of the wounded. People we can write off as bad guys are often good people that react poorly to the pain in their lives.
Q) You do play the President on “The Brink.” How has the forthcoming election influenced your portrayal?
A) I am portraying him as a conservative who is kind of like a Republican candidate. He’s a Teddy Roosevelt and Kennedy kind of guy who is connected with the people, but is also a politician. I’ve been looking at this election…I didn’t watch the debates, but I have seen a lot written about them and I see it as a circus. American politics is a circus as to who will sell their souls out the most. They are pretending to be individuals. Even people who say that they can’t be bought are beholden to financial interests. The greatest transfer of wealth is done through financial shenanigans and nobody is talking about that. These are people who got away with murder because they were too big to jail. There were many people who have killed themselves, committed suicide, because things seemed so bleak that they did not see a future for themselves. In this nation, if you can’t make money then why bother breathing? Nowadays, everybody is very self centered, self motivated and self driven and it gets to me because not one of us is an island. We are all part of a community, whether we acknowledge it or not. If we divide and conquer then we are able to be controlled. I don’t like living in an illusion of freedom and an illusion of democracy. I want to really see people express themselves based on education and not indoctrination, wisdom and not just self interest. There are many hard workers out there and a lot of talented people and they can’t get ahead because the money supply is being devalued on purpose. So, no matter how much money you have you still can’t make a living! I’m very, very grateful and proud to be representing the next first Latino President of the United States.
Q) What can you tease is in store for the remainder of the season of “The Brink?”
A) It only gets more and more intense, more and more vital. The stakes are crucial and I have to make a decision. There is still someone trying to get to the state of Israel that the Israel will not wait to defend itself against. In the process, we don’t want the actions from Israel to trigger Pakistan, China and Russian into measures that will start a chain reaction that we can’t undo. It gets crazy! The stakes get higher and higher.
Q) Who are some of your costars that you wish you had more scenes with or have yet to film with?
A) All of them! Working with Tim Robbins is incredible enough! He’s a giant! Also, there is Jack Black. I love his sensitivity. He’s not just playing a character. Even though he’s so good with comedy and his eyebrows go all over the place, he really shows a softer side especially with the woman he wants to impress. I really like his sensitivity in the show. I love, love Pablo Schreiber and Eric Ladin. That relationship…Those two are just golden to me! They are just so funny and so empathetic, but so complimentary. One is so tall and one is so short. These guys are just professionals and hysterical. Pablo’s storylines are ridiculous! One of my favorite characters on the show is played by Maribeth Monroe. She just kills it! She is the penultimate right hand man to the man in power. She is kind of like the live version of Smithers from “The Simpsons.” She’ll do anything, including taking a cell phone out of a urinal that is actively being used! She reflects that kind of devotion that people in D.C. have, especially towards people in power. She is dedicated to her country and her employer, her immediate superior. There is nothing she wouldn’t do and she does it so well, so artfully and truthfully. I love her and her character! The two English people that we saw…Rob Bryden and Michelle Gomez – oh my God! For her to be a Gomez was really fascinating! I rarely see Latin last names being so British. She is just so stupendous and so raw! That couple is so kinky and quirky! So British! They are sadistically delicious towards each other. I had never seen anything like that. When I was at the read-through I was in tears because I was laughing so hard at the brilliant writing for those two. I think longer that the show sticks around on the scene, the bigger the crowd appreciates it.
Q) “From Dusk Till Dawn” Season Two premieres soon. Since you are a part of social media, are you looking forward to the instant fan feedback you will be receiving?
A) I guess so! I play the head of a cartel who will take off peoples’ heads or faces for no reason. When you are someone who has done bad things or are shameless it is “descarado.” It means “faceless.” So, I have a nasty habit of taking off peoples’ faces and making them descarado. I use the skin to make a coat that I use as a suit of armor and terrify people because that is what works – fear. Unbridled, knee crippling fear. That is the only way to keep these fangsters in line.
Q) Is there anything else you want to be sure we share with your fans?
A) I spend and dedicate a lot of time on my Facebook page and I expose a lot of things that the average person isn’t privy to because our media is so concentrated. One of my biggest hobbies is sharing what I find are interesting tidbits that my fans can debate amongst themselves or with me. It promotes healthy discussions and exposes things that are terribly buried. I like to nourish my fans with thought provoking and inspirational news articles.
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