Felisha Cooper – Fiancé Killer
By: Lisa Steinberg
Q) What are the recent projects that you are working on?
A) We’re gearing back up for the release of Season 2 of “Swedish Dicks” (odd name I know [laughs]). It’s a sitcom on POPtv starring Peter Stormare, Yohan Glans, Vivian Bang and myself with some amazing guest stars like Keanu Reeves, Lori Petty, Tracy Lords and Stephanie Koenig. I love working on the show. I also completed another indie called FiancéKiller and shared the screen with some amazing names like Kari Wuhrer, Adam Huss, Meredith Thomas and Jean-Louise O’Sullivan. All in all, some wonderful projects. I’m super proud of!
Q) Please tell us the premise for Fiancé Killer and about your character Cameron.
A) I play a young girl who goes to Mexico for volunteer work. She’s a tender-hearted person and loves to give back. While there she meets a handsome stranger, also a volunteer, and they fall in love. She’s spontaneous as we all can be when young. [laughs] Cameron is set to gain an inheritance from her grandfather; what a wonderful way to start a life with your new husband, right? But my mom (Kari Wuhrer) is suspicious of this new-found love and then things take a turn…. and well— You’ll just have to watch to find out how it unfolds.
Q) What made you want to be a part of the film?
A) I’ve always wanted to be in a thriller along the lines of Disturbia or The Purge. Participating in something risky and conquering my fears has always been an interest of mine and I felt this film was right up that alley.
Q) Was there anything you added to Cameron that wasn’t originally scripted for you?
A) Yes. As gentle and trusting as she is, she has BITE to her, you know? And I like that. She’s not a victim by any means and as the story unfolds that bite only increases, and I’m a strong believer in female strength.
Q) What did you find challenging about this role?
A) To be honest, it was having an estranged relationship with my mom because in real life I am very close with my mom. And I just ADORE Kari so that was an emotional hurdle for me. As well as genuinely caring about someone as lovely as Adam Huss and then having things go sideways in the script. But I think that’s true for anyone who’s ever had a caring relationship of any kind with someone.
Q) Did you and costar Adam Huss spend much time before shooting to develop on screen chemistry?
A) Yeah! Actually, our first night there we had our own rehearsals and in the process we got to know each as human beings and connect and it made it sooo much easier to pretend that we were married. We were just kindred spirits and I couldn’t ask for a better costar. It was just the perfect match.
Q) What advice did director Fred Olen Ray provide while filming that you took to heart?
A) Go with your heart. Fred is so encouraging to actors to just live truthfully in the moment. It’s not “a movie, treat this as real life and you can’t lose.” I really loved that. It made for such a comfortable environment.
Q) What were some of your most memorable moments from shooting Fiancé Killer?
A) The final scene for sure. It’s gritty and scary and it was sooo cool to live in. I also had my first love scene in this film. I was REALLY nervous at first, but the crew was so respectful, and we had a temporarily closed set. Unless you were a camera guy, the DP, 1st AD or Director, everybody was asked to leave. That made me feel secure and safe, so that’s something I will never forget, because it’s a very vulnerable situation.
Q) What is it about this movie that will make it a Lifetime favorite film?
A) The relationships made with all of the actors. We all bonded on set, trusted each other and just went for the moments. I believe it totally shows in the film. It still amazes me how they picked all of us and we just became a little family from day one. No actor could ask for a better situation.
Q) How do you plan to celebrate the movie’s premiere?
A) Have a bunch of friends over, a little movie night with snacks and popcorn, etc. And just enjoy the movie.
Q) You are a part of social media. Are you excited to see the instant fan feedback you’ll receive?
A) I’m excited and nervous! [laughs] Excited because it’s adventurous and a new genre for me. Nervous because certain parts are a little racier than fans might be used to seeing me in. But just slightly. I can’t wait to see that feedback. Hopefully they love it as much as I do.
Q) What would you like to say to everyone who is a fan and supporter of you and your work?
A) I want to say THANK YOU. Truly from the bottom of my heart. I love entertaining and also being, what I call “a silent friend.” This means: when life happens to you, as it does to everyone, a movie or television show can be just the thing that expresses whatever you’re feeling, and you can just breathe and relax on the couch and still connect. That’s the greatest gift.
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