
Five Reasons You Must Watch Fresh Kills

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By: Dana Jacoviello



Audiences all over the world are always cheering on new and exciting films to watch. We need fresh and authentic movies to watch – ones that will not only entertain us, but create a positive change in the film industry that it desperately needs as there are many that are complaining about the same issues. Frequently complaints include boring recreations, the same people featured over and over, no new ideas, too many spinoffs, not enough or any diversity and all the other issues within the film industry. A good film is a good film, no matter who makes it or who is in it. You can beat exceptional artistry. The being said, here are five reasons that I would recommend the crime drama film Fresh Kills directed, written, produced and starring Jennifer Esposito – a woman who is empowering other woman that they can do it on their own without all the frazzle. 

The Writing

The writing was so well done. I thought every moment fit just right for each moment. It was all on point. It flowed and kept your attention. It also keeps you wondering and wanting to see more to see if you are surprised or not. Writers do not get enough credit for telling the stories. The actors are delivering and praying their words and the character, but and entire movie comes from the communication with those script lines. Jennifer nailed it. It all flowed beautifully in my opinion. People always assume that to tell a good story you need some massive deep explosive arc, violence, or sex. If it does not have those things, it is not deep enough or whatever people have become accustomed to that does not guarantee good writing, which you need for a good movie. Hello, Jennifer Esposito has exploded on the scene and did just that. 

The Cast

Big names? Who cares. Casting needs to be based more on talent, the right look, who is right for the role, how does it need to be represented and who do you see as the most believable that will provide what the audience needs. It is not just about a follower count. It is not always big names that make good films. Who you put in a film should not matter – the story should. The actors portraying the characters should and if they are pulling it off. Many times we underestimate someone less known and the power and art behind their craft as audiences have become so obsessed with only watching films with A-listers. I have a ridiculous amount of respect with what Jennifer did here. And not for nothing folks, did you see the entire cast? Unless you live under a rock, you should know who some of this cast -Jennifer Esposito, Annabella Sciorra, Domenick Lombardozzi and Callie Thorne…They have been around for years. Either way, Jennifer’s casting was perfectly on point for each role and so well done. The entire cast played their role in stunning performances. 

A New Perspective

Fresh Kills provides a very different perspective on the “mob” movies we are used to seeing over the years, which is not a bad thing. It is very unique with way Jennifer tells this story. My issue is do not be afraid or fear that it is women centered and focused. It is interesting to see the other side of what women go through in these situations with the mafia or even them being involved or just the spouse or relative of one. Here we see hat the family goes through and how it impacts them. Jennifer does this exceptionally well. I truly enjoyed it. There was some violence and killing; however, a movie does not have to be horrifically disgusting, bloody or kill everybody to be an amazing watch. Jennifer took what we are used to and she changed the game with what she did. She did it successfully and that is not an easy feat. When you can take a genre and shake it up the way she does with Fresh Kills that is talent. Be unique, be weird and stand out. Be different than the norm. Aren’t we tired of that yet? Independent film is highly underrated.

The Directing

The directing is also highly important in a film with how it needs to grab the audience. Every little detail has to be paid attention to while making sure each actor is playing their part to the best of their ability. If you have a bad director, the end product will be a disaster in a few different ways. What I was able to get in watching Fresh Kills is that Esposito directed in a way that allowed the actors to fully embrace their roles in a very natural and calm way. This provided the different perspective in the genre of film she created. Mafia based film is often times known to be very violent. Not with Jennifer Esposito at the helm. She took a mob centered film and focused on the women and empowered the women with whatever they go through when involved with this life of crime. It also gives you a perspective of how strong women can be brutal themselves in that world. Do not for one second underestimate that a woman can’t get as angry as a man. Jennifer did this with ease and I loved it.  


Lastly, the movie Fresh Kills is raw, real and authentic. It is just a damn good story. It is unique in the fact that it was a good story so well done and you rarely see that these days. You do not see the passion that Jennifer has anymore. And with many other filmmakers, too, especially women. They have these great stories to tell and, unless there are big names and big people involved, audiences are often like, “So what?” We miss out so that we can see the same movies with the same people over and over. No new ideas. No new talent. It is as if we fear the movies being how it used to be. Remember the original Annie movie? How excited she was to go to the movies? How amazing it was? How special and fun? We need that again. These days it is more about making money, rather than diversity in stories and the actors and actresses starring in them. We need REAL stories with ifferent view points from talented artists. 

I caught up with Jennifer Esposito, who shared that she received no help from those that want to pay her millions to take her movie. She said no, as she should. And I would say that is one brilliant feat. Since the film’s premiere in select theaters all around different states, it is now also on streaming on Apple TV, Vudu and Amazon Prime. Look for it all over and watch it. Do not miss out on this special film. Fresh Kills is beautifully done and a great independent film, are highly underrated in my opinion, as well as new ideas that are done as well as Jennifer did here. 

“This film goes way deeper than just a project I worked on for what seems like a lifetime. This film is a lesson to myself and anyone out there that your life is YOUR life.  No one, not family, not society, not an industry, can push you into staying neatly packed away into what works for them. Not if you believe in yourself enough to make changes and fight for who you believe you are and the life you long to live. My journey with this film directly relates to Rose’s journey in Fresh Kills. As I’ve said a million times before, this film is set within a mafia family but what it’s really about is finding a voice of one’s own in a world that tells you not to have one. That’s something everyone can relate to. Especially these days. 

I hope this shows the industry that I can do more than what they believed of me and maybe my second film will be a lot easier. I will not hold my breath though. I’ve learned you cannot expect anyone to believe in you, give you anything or understand YOUR dreams. I’m writing a few different things at the moment, but still pushing Fresh Kills out there myself. We have zero budget for marketing and it’s all me and a massive amazing following of this film that are keeping this film alive. Indie films DESERVE a place, but we do not get ANY air when the big guys are taking up all the space. As I said, this movie is more than a movie for me. Seeing how audiences are responding proves to me that I was NOT wrong – there is a place for art and human stories that move us and make us think. By this film winning, maybe another film coming after me can win to. Then we all win!” – Jennifer Esposito



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