Gentille Chhun – Marrying Millions
By: Jamie Steinberg
Q) How did you initially get involved with the series “Marrying Millions?”
A) I got involved with “Marrying Millions” because Brian [Bru] came across it somewhere, somehow and submitted us.
Q) We last left you and Brian broken up. Where do things stand when we pick up this season?
A) Picking up on Season 2 …Well, it is slightly confusing and complicated. Brian has tried reaching out.
Q) What are some highs and lows we’ll see of your journey this coming season?
A) There will be many highs and lows having to do with different aspects of my life and relationship. I’m continuing on my journey the best that I can based on blessings from the Universe.
Q) Were there though any certain parts of your life you deemed off limits to the camera?
A) No, there is nothing in my life that I restricted to be off camera. I’m pretty much an open book.
Q) Our hearts went out to you hearing about your family. What made you feel comfortable enough to share your story?
A) Thank you sincerely for your compassion about my family. I feel it’s very important for people to know me, who I am and where I came from. My past experiences and challenges have given me so much wisdom, courage, strength and compassion. Good or bad, I am so grateful that I am here.
Q) There was a lot of controversy about Brian clashing with your besties. Have they warmed up to him yet?
A) My best friends and Brian have been clashing since the first day they all met. I’m really not sure how they feel about him now, but I don’t think it’s changed much.
Q) Brian does seem like he has the best of intentions when it comes to you. Is that something that endears you to him?
A) Brian does seem that he has the best intentions towards me sometimes and, yes, it is a very endearing thing but it could be just in front of the cameras.
Q) Watching the show were you surprised to see all of the remarks he made that went unchecked at the time?
A) As I was watching the show, I was surprised to hear the things he said and did, because at those moments I wasn’t able to hear or see the entire interactions. Sometimes he is a completely different person. Quite annoying really.
Q) Who have you stayed in contact with and become friendly with from the show?
A) I’ve stayed in touch with and seen my girlfriends Rose and Susan often as I have for many years. As far as other couples or people from Season 1, I do follow a couple of them on social media.
Q) What were some of your most memorable moments from filming “Marrying Millions?
A) My most memorable moments from filming “Marrying Millions” were so many that I am not able to highlight just certain moments. Honestly, each day of filming had its own uniqueness of fun, excitement, surprise, sadness and disappointments.
Q) What do you want to be sure fans know about you and your journey through this series?
A) For Season 2, I would like fans to continue to watch the show with an open mind and heart. I am continuing on my journey of life as I am supposed to at this time and place. I do not know what the future holds for me, but I live each day with utter gratitude, happiness and faith that everything happens as it should. I’m quite confident and secure and I do not lose control very often, but once in a while I’m reminded that I am indeed human and it’s okay to do so.
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