Georgie & Mandy’s First Marriage – A House Divided
By: Sammi Turano
Mary (Zoe Perry) is playing with CeeCee and arguing with Audrey (Rachel Bay Jones) about who she takes after most. Mandy (Emily Osment) and Georgie (Montana Jordan) say she is a mish mash of the both of them.
Mary offers to take CeeCee for Valentine’s Day, but Audrey says she has it covered. This leads to another argument and tension between the four of them.
Mary takes CeeCee for a nap. Audrey looks through a photo album and is upset to see there is a picture of CeeCee with Mary added. Mandy doesn’t think it is a big deal, but Audrey thinks it was passive aggressive. Mandy also thinks it was passive aggressive that Audrey didn’t add one. Georgie just comments that Sears takes good pictures.
When Mary gets back, Audrey asks about the picture. Mary says that she wants CeeCee to know she has two grandmas, leading to another argument about Mary not being able to see CeeCee as often. Georgie tries to make peace, but they continue to argue, causing Mary to storm out and tell Audrey that she would pray for her, but she doesn’t have high hopes.
Georgie starts to comment on the situation, but thinks better of it.
Audrey complains to Jim (Will Sasso) that night and is mad when he takes Mary’s side. However, she does try and see that Mary had a hard year….but then ruins it by saying that CeeCee loves her more.
Mandy thinks their moms are going crazier, which Georgie blames on menopause. She is surprised that he knows what that means. They end up fighting over whose mom is right and going to bed annoyed at each other.
Audrey goes to talk to Mary and admits she was inconsiderate. She doesn’t want to fight, but Mary wants an apology. Audrey finally says she is sorry, but then says she understands that she knows Mary had a bad year. This only makes things worse with Mary thinking she is being rude and condescending.
At that moment, Pastor Jeff (Matt Hobby) comes in and ends up caught in the middle of the fight. He tells them to pray it out and when they don’t, just yells AMEN!
At dinner, Mandy and Georgie are still tense over the fight. Connor (Dougie Baldwin) complains about the green beans.
Audrey talks about the fight with Mary, with Mandy wondering how she handled it. Georgie takes Audrey’s side on this for saying she is sorry, causing another fight.
Jim wants to invite Mary and Missy over for dinner, but Audrey doesn’t want Mary in her house. This causes even more fighting and Connor saying that this is why he sits at the counter to eat.
Later on, Georgie thanks Audrey for trying to be nice to Mary. They have a heart to heart with Georgie telling her that Mary likes to fight with people, even Jesus. Audrey asks if he faced Mary’s wrath and he reminds her that he is a teen dad.
Mandy and Georgie continue to fight, with her telling him his brain isn’t developed and he accuses her of going through early onset menopause….causing him to sleep on the couch.
Connor comes in to watch Jay Leno, which annoys Georgie even more.
The next day, Georgie brings CeeCee to see Mary, who is delighted to see her….until Georgie tells her to patch things up with Audrey. Mary is upset about this, causing them to fight.
Pastor Jeff comes in to help them, but the two of them keep fighting, with Mary calling him Judas. Georgie gets confused over this and continues to fight with Mary until Pastor Jeff tries to settle things and calm them down. He wants Audrey to come over to talk things out.
Audrey comes in and it causes even more tension. Mandy also joins them and is upset that she is being dragged into this. Pastor Jeff talks to them about a divided house causing problems, but Audrey and Mandy think it is ridiculous. Audrey leaves, with Mary telling her not to let the door hit her where the good Lord split her.
Mandy and Georgie agree to whatever Pastor Jeff says so they can leave.
Georgie and Mandy make the ladies sign a Grandma Agreement.
The episode ends with everyone (minus Missy) taking a family portrait with Connor acting silly.
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