
Georgie & Mandy’s First Marriage – A Tire Convention and the Moral High Ground

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By: Sammi Turano


Ruben (Jessie Prez) taking the last cup of coffee and Georgie (Montana Jordan) reminding him that he has to make a new pot. The two argue and Ruben walks away.

Jim (Will Sasso) asks Georgie to come in the office and tells him he needs to watch the shop while he is away at a conference. Georgie wants to go, but Jim says he needs him to stay there. Georgie argues that Ruben can watch the shop, but Jim stands his ground, telling Georgie that he is watching the shop and can tell Ruben the news.

Ruben is not happy with this turn of events and tells Georgie to go make coffee.

That night, Jim tells Mandy (Emily Osment) and Audrey (Rachel Bay Jones) about the trip. Mandy wants to know why Georgie isn’t going because he is good with people. Connor agrees from his corner and says he is a fan. Georgie says the feeling is mutual.

Jim agrees to let Georgie go on the trip and will tell Ruben he is in charge after all….since it is good news. Georgie asks if Mandy is okay alone with CeeCee and she says she will be fine. Audrey and Connor (Dougie Baldwin) offer to help out. Jim asks if Connor has even held a baby. Connor compares it to holding an accordion, which worries Jim.

Georgie reads a tire catalog to CeeCee and tells Mandy it will be hard to be away from her. Mandy asks if it will be hard to be away from her and he covers by saying she can walk and has her own teeth. They talk about his future in the business and how he wants to be the tire king of Texas.

As they drive to the convention, Georgie admits that he learned Korean phrases to talk to people at the convention. Jim asks where he learned it and he says he talked to Sheldon. Jim wonders why Sheldon knows Korean and Georgie wonders why he knows Klingon.

Jim then admits that they are actually going to the casino and there is no convention. Georgie is shocked about the lie, causing them to argue.

Mandy is cleaning up after CeeCee’s lunch mess when Audrey asks her to go shopping. Mandy wonders why and she says that the boys are having a fun weekend, so they should as well. Audrey tells her about the casino and how she knows there is no convention. She just plays dumb so she can use it against him later. Mandy wonders if Georgie knows and says that he would never lie, causing Audrey to say he lied about his age when they met.

Georgie and Jim argue about their cover story and Jim admits he is glad he wants to be honest with Mandy. They go back and forth about the lie and what to do if they win money. Jim says to buy Mandy something nice and not say where he got the money. Georgie wants to know what to say if they ask where they went for dinner and Jim says to say they went to a steakhouse for steaks.

Mandy and Audrey talk about knowing about the lie and how to handle it. Audrey thinks Mandy should keep quiet, but Mandy wants to tell Georgie she knows. They argue about it.

The guys arrive at the hotel. Georgie wants to talk to Mandy, but Jim tells him to keep it short and sweet. At the same time, Audrey and Mandy get home from shopping, arguing over a blouse when the phone rings. Audrey tells her to play dumb about knowing as she answers the phone. The conversation is short and sweet, but Mandy is mad Georgie lied.

Audrey convinces Mandy to go out for drinks and convinces Connor to watch the baby. Georgie calls again and is surprised when Mandy isn’t home. He reminds Connor CeeCee is the only baby he has and says he will call back.

Connor makes up a song for CeeCee and she claps in delight.

Audrey and Mandy bond over beers and talk about Audrey’s relationship with Jim. Audrey says they are fine and wonders if things are okay with Mandy and Georgie. She even admits that she thinks Georgie is a good husband. Mandy likes half beer Audrey, who says that full beer Audrey might dance on the bar.  Mandy orders another round.

Jim and Georgie argue over the lying some more, with Georgie wondering if Audrey lies to Jim, giving possible examples.

Audrey and Mandy come home, with Audrey drunk and telling Connor and Mandy that they need babies. She also wonders where her shoes are and Mandy says that is a wonderful question as she takes her to bed.

Georgie and Jim come back from gambling with Jim wondering how Georgie got so good at blackjack. He says MeMaw taught him. Jim also wants to know how much he won and Georgie says he was taught never to answer questions like that.

Audrey drunk dials Jim and tells him about the drinking adventure and losing her shoes. She also tells him to tell Georgie hi and that he (Jim) is sexy.

The guys get ready for bed, even though Jim thinks Georgie is being a killjoy. Georgie tells him that he is questioning him as a role model, which Jim understands.

The guys come home and agree to stay cool, while the ladies agree to play dumb. They share what happened that weekend, with Audrey saying that she doesn’t remember the drunk call…until he mentions her shoes.

Georgie gives Mandy a pair of diamond earrings, saying Jim gave him a raise. Audrey wonders where her gift is and Jim says she was firm about not wanting a gift on the phone. As the guys go to unpack and shower, Mandy gloats that she got a gift.

The episode ends with Audrey going back to get her shoes, only to discover she also left her bra behind.



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