Ghosts – A Very Arondekar Christmas Part 1
By: Gladys Luna
Sam (Rose McIver) is decorating the Christmas tree as she tells the ghosts about her excitement for having Jay’s (Utkarsh Ambudkar) family over for the holidays. As on cue, the man enters the living room while talking on the phone with his mother who informs them that they’ll be there soon. He offers her to talk to Sam but the woman gives him a lame excuse to avoid it something that does not go unnoticed by Sam who is certain that her mother-in-law is not really a fan of her. After wrapping his call, Jay tries to comfort her but only to no avail since Sam knows that even Jay’s sister new boyfriend has been added to the family text thread and she is still not part of it.
Nancy (Betsy Sodaro) enters the kitchen led by the smell of Jay’s cooking; Alberta (Danielle Pinnock), Isaac (Brandon Scott Jones) and Pete (Richie Moriarty) put her up to date about their current situation and Pete regrets not being able to be there to smell the finished meal since he’ll be out visiting his daughter. Sam joins them saying that everything is settled and ready to welcome her in-laws and there’s nothing left for Jay’s mother to criticize but then, Creepy Dirk (Arthur Holden) shows up screaming that the water heater is broken something that threatens with ruining Sam’s plans. Based on the time that Nancy and the basement ghosts have spent watching how the water heater works she believes they can help them fix it. Once in the basement, Nancy guides Jay through the reparation process but he suffers and electric shock that ends with him and Sam being possessed by Nancy and Pete’s spirits.
On the other side of the house, Thor (Devan Chandler Long) and Flower (Sheila Carrasco) are trying to convince Trevor (Asher Grodman) to celebrate Christmas but he refuses. Once the couple is left on their own, they start talking about Sas (Román Zaragoza) and the Viking ends up confessing that while his friend was alive, he never had sex so, he is a 500 years old virgin. Back to the basement, everyone is concerned about the double possession and trying to figure out a way to let Pete and Nancy spirits out of Sam and Jay’s bodies before the in-laws arrive meanwhile Nancy appears to be quite comfortable with the situation. They are also afraid that the basement ghosts would learn how to suppress the host until make she makes her disappear. Right then, the visitors arrive so Jay bribes Nancy with giving her some guacamole if she promises to behave well and she agrees. The couple (Pete and Nancy) welcomes Jay’s parents Champa (Sakina Jaffrey) and Mahesh (Bernard White) to the mansion and despite of how hard Sam tries Nancy seems to take over her making her to be out of character until she is forced to excuse herself to prevent from making something she will regret later meanwhile Jay offers to take his parents to their room.
Trevor, Thor, Flower and Sas watch When Harry Met Sally and things get a little bit awkward for Sas when suddenly the conversation turns all about sex and friendship. When Thor and Flower are left alone again, she suggests him to find someone for their friend to have sex with and she knows the perfect candidate for it. Soon, we see the couple trying to convince Carol (Caroline Aaron) – Pete’s ex – to help them with it.
Sam – who is still possessed by Nancy – is now in the kitchen eating guacamole so intently while Alberta and Isaac are still looking for a way to solve the problem. Jay – still possessed by Pete – walks in and informs them that his parents are settled now but then, Champa shows up asking her son to help his father set up the Wi-Fi connection on his phone. As it is expected, the man is uncertain to leave her with Sam given her condition but he has no choice. Champa does her best to connect with her daughter-in-law and offers her some chai tea something that the other woman agrees happily to. Nancy takes over on Sam’s body so with her candor and carefree new personality, she manages to fall on her mother-in law-grace who invites to have lunch with her just the two of them and even allows her to drive her brand-new car. By this point, the ghosts have managed to figure out that maybe if Sam leaves the property that would expelled Nancy’s spirit since she is not allowed beyond the boundaries of the mansion so, without expecting Champa to join her Sam gets on the woman’s car and drives all to the way to the exit until Nancy spirit leaves the body but then, she ends up crashing the car on a tree.
Sas is at his room enjoying the rays of the sun that filter through the window when Carol shows up and tells him that his friends have informed her about his situation and she is willing to help something that makes Sas so mad that he goes in search of Thor and yell at him for telling his secret. Later on, Sam takes Jay to their room and tie him up trying to practice an exorcism on him while Hetty, Trevor, Isaac and Alberta watch them. She has found a video that enlists step by step how to do it and although she carefully follows the instructions, she manages to expel Jay’s spirit instead of Pete’s – turning her husband into a ghost.
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