
Ghosts – A Very Arondekar Christmas Part 2

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By: Gladys Luna



Jay (Utkarsh Ambudkar) has now joined to the other ghosts and is finally able to meet some of them; Bela (Punam Patel) arrives and misinterprets the situation so Sam (Rose McIver) explains her that her and Jay have been possessed by other ghosts and although hers has been ejected they still have to work on Jay’s and asks her to help them by taking her parents out for lunch while they fix the whole situation. The first thing on the plan is to electrocute Jay’s body and try to get his spirit back and then they will find a way to eject Pete (Richie Moriarty) out of him. Bela agrees to help them and then Sam unties Jay (Pete) so he can go to the bathroom. On his way out, Jay (Pete) runs into Champa (Sakina Jaffrey) who asks him to spend some time with her and invites him to go shopping and he agrees so, that’s how Bela, Champa, Mahesh (Bernard White) and Jay (Pete) end up at the supermarket when he was supposed to be at the mansion.

Sam and most of the ghosts are gathered at the living room waiting for Jay (Pete) to return so they can go according to the plan then, Sas (Román Zaragoza) passes by and Thor (Devan Chandler Long) calls for him and invites him to join them but he is still mad. Sas is surprised to see Jay (Pete) there when he just saw him leaving the mansion and that is how they find out about the body’s whereabouts. At the market, Mahesh has been trying to get some sense into his son since he believes that he must be focusing on having a more stable job instead of opening a restaurant but since the body is possessed by Pete, he does not seem to have a care for any of the other man says. Sam calls him and asks him to go back to the mansion immediately but since he has her on speaker and Champa and Mahesh have no context on their current situation, it seems that Sam is all bossy and mean towards her husband. Bela tries to save the situation and takes Jay (Pete) with her to another aisle and tries to convince him to go back to the mansion. While in there, Jay (Pete) sees a picture that his daughter Laura (Holly Gauthier-Frankel) has posted and where it announces that they’re moving to Australia the next day something that makes Pete’s spirit to react and go in search of her since it might be his last chance to be with her. Sam is informed about what Jay (Pete) has done so she decides to go after him and get him back as soon as possible.

At the mansion, Trevor (Asher Grodman) tells Jay that he was just spying on his parents and they were talking about him and although at first Jay finds it to be rude to spy on people, he ends up doing the same and listening to their conversation. Mahesh discusses with Champa about their son’s professional choices and eventhoug he recognizes that he has never seen a cook as talented as him, he is afraid that he will struggle if he doesn’t succeed with his business. This, makes Jay desperate to talk to his father and tell him the reasons why he is so interested in opening the restaurant and wishes for Pete to return his body but then Isaac (Brandon Scott Jones) helps him see that this might be his last chance to see his daughter and that is why he made such a rushed decision. Jay takes compassion for Pete and asks Trevor to text Sam and ask her to allow Pete to go visit his daughter to say goodbye. In the meantime, Jay (Pete) returns to the car after making a quick stop to the bathroom and sees Sam there. She tells him that is time to go back to the mansion but then gets the text that Trevor has sent and drives Jay (Pete) to Laura’s house.

Flower (Sheila Carrasco) goes to see Sas and apologizes to him; she explains that she forced Thor into telling her his secret and she regrets it. Sas tells her that as uncomfortable as his secret is, he was hurt by the feeling that his best friend for 500 years had chosen her over him and remembers how when he had recently died, Thor learned Lenape just so he could talk to him and gain his confidence. Jay (Pete) and Sam show up at Laura’s door surprising her with their visit and she invites them in; they lie saying they were on the area and wanted to give her a Christmas gift. Little Pete (Hudson Wurster) – Pete’s grandson – shows up right before Jay (Pete) gives her the bag that contains a snow globe of the city and she cannot help but to remember her father used to give her snow globes too. Laura is so moved by the gesture that she hugs Jay (Pete) and all of a sudden, Pete’s spirit is ejected and remains hugging Laura while Jay’s body enters in zombie mode something that forces Sam to take him back to the mansion immediately. As soon as she gets home, Sam informs everyone about what happened and now they are ready to get her husband’s ghost back to his body so, in order to convince Jay’s body into getting electrocuted, she lures him using some French fries she got from Sonic as bait and they succeed.

Later on, Thor looks for Sas and apologizes to him again; he promises that he will make space for them to spend time together and invites him to go outside speaking to him in Lenape. That night, the family gathers at the living room to exchange gifts and when they think that they are finished, Jay says that he has one more for his father so, he takes them to the barn where his restaurant has been built and in the presence of his family, Isaac, Alberta (Danielle Pinnock) and Hetty (Rebecca Wisocky), he confesses that he has named the place “Mahesh,” after him as a way to honor his journey and everything he did to give them a better life and they seal the moment with a hug. Bela tells her mom that it was Sam’s idea to put the restaurant on the barn and she compliments her for that then, sends a message to the family text thread talking about her daughter-in-law and everyone receives the message, including Sam who now is part of it. And at last, but not least, Pete has finally managed to say goodbye to his daughter and grandson and goes back to the mansion when he realizes that he has started to disappear.


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