
Ghosts – Dumb Deaths

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By: Jennifer Vintzileos



We flashback to 1969 where Flower (Sheila Carrasco) and her friend Ira (Adam Bernett) are walking through the woods during a music festival when they come across a bear. High and in a loving mood, Flower goes to hug the bear as her friend Ira looks on in horror and ghosts Alberta (Danielle Pinnock), Thorfinn (Devan Chandler Long) and Sasappis (Román Zaragoza) look on in resignation of Flower’s fate. As the ghosts realize that Flower is here to stay, she saunters over and looks at her own death with sadness for the person who has just been killed by the bear. 


In the present Sam (Rose McIver) tries to gain perspective of the Revolutionary War era through the eyes of Isaac (Brandon Scott Jones) as he shares the truth about Alexander Hamilton and the reason for the war. As Isaac continues to talk, Nigel (John Hartman) begins to make disapproving sounds to Isaac’s view of the Revolutionary War. Fortunately for Isaac and Nigel, Jay (Utkarsh Ambudkar) interrupts Sam and explains that there is a woman named Paula (Rose Abdoo) who wishes to speak to the couple.  


Sam and Jay meet with Paula, who works on a show called “Dumb Deaths” and wants to shoot a story that happened at Woodstone. With Pete (Richie Moriarity), Flower and Alberta listening in, Paula pitches to film the story of Flower’s death and will pay $10,000 for filming. While Flower is not happy with the idea of being known for her dumb death and is initially against the idea, Pete tries to reason with Flower all the positives of giving her blessing to the filming. As Pete finally convinces Flower to help Sam and Jay financially by allowing the shoot to happen, Flower agrees and Sam and Jay accept the offer.  


Isaac tries to talk to Nigel about the Revolutionary War and why he had such a strong reaction to the way Isaac views history. Because Nigel is British, his views of the war differ greatly as he explains that the British levied taxes to have the soldiers protect the colonists from France. Seeking a third party to break the tie, Isaac and Nigel try to drag Thorfinn into the discussion…only for Thorfinn to flee at the first chance possible.  


With the crew setting up for filming, Jay goes to ask Paula about the episode and comes to find out that the show is filming a different dumb death that happened on the property. Namely, Pete’s death is now the focus of the episode. As Pete tries to process that his death is now the focus, a car rolls up and out pops the actor (Mathew Baynton) who will be portraying Pete for the episode. While Flower tries to turn Pete’s words back on him, it is clear that Pete is not happy with the new development, especially as the actor tries to now portray his motivation as Pete being a drunken idiot.  


Elsewhere on set, Hetty (Rebecca Wisocky) takes an interest in Paula as she admires her assertiveness towards the men on set. Trevor (Asher Grodman) explains that Paula is the producer and has one of the most important jobs on set. Hetty decides to start shadowing Paula on set and taking on the role as her co-Producer.  


In order to try and figure out his Nigel situation, Isaac asks Trevor and Alberta for help on how to approach the uncomfortable topic of their differing viewpoints. Trevor explains to Isaac how him and Nigel should try to avoid the issue and stick to topics that are neutral to discuss. Isaac likes this idea and plans to implement it immediately, only for it to backfire as him and Nigel get into a spat over something as simple as their stroll. 


In the kitchen Sam explains to Jay that Pete is displeased with the direction of the episode and how he is being seen as an idiot for the way he died. As Paula enters the room with Hetty in tow, Sam tries to explain to Paula that using Pete’s story might not be a good idea and may cause problems with Pete’s family. Unfortunately, Paula points out that because Sam was not there that her opinion is of no relevance and the shoot will continue as planned….with Hetty bustling right behind. With Jay eager to help Pete out as he doesn’t deserve this spotlight, he suggests tracking down one of the girls from Pete’s troop and bringing them here to convince Paula against the shoot. Pete loves this idea. 


While actor Pete tries to get into character, Sam and Jay are able to track down a former trooper named Jennifer (Dana Gourrierin order to set the record straight. As Jennifer blows holes in actor Pete’s motivation for character, she also informs the group that the day of Pete’s death he was muttering to himself about donut holes when he passed out the bows and arrows to the girls before giving a proper safety talk. Pete realizes that his own blind spot to donut holes caused his own death, making him feel as though he has let down his troop.  


After Sam, Jay, and the ghosts try to console Pete, Sam decides to tell Paula that the production is shut down. Unfortunately, Sam is rebuffed due to the contract she signed and walks off. In the TV room Sam sees a dejected Isaac and listens to his plight over his tiff with Nigel. Sam then explains that America and England later become great allies, which gives Isaac hope. 


On set actor Pete continues to try and push the envelope on his character while the ghosts brainstorm how to stop production. While Thorfinn is eager to put the plan into action, Hetty jumps ship from her producing high and convinces Thorfinn to zap the camera and stop the production. The plan works when Thorfinn zaps the battery on the camera, but the ghosts did not anticipate the technology for allowing for a quick battery change.  


With the ghosts trying to encourage Thorfinn to zap the camera again, a stunt coordinator (Connor McMahon) walks through Flower and while high off her essence he shoots the bow and arrow in his hand. Unfortunately for Jay, who is trying to chat up the catering truck for a sandwich, the arrow lands right in his rear. Pete runs over trying to mitigate the situation, but quickly realizes that his old trooper Jennifer still remembers how to administer proper first aid, thanks to him. Pete’s positive influence as a scout leader lives on. 


Later at Woodstone Sam, Jay, and the ghosts all gather to watch the latest episode of “Dumb Deaths.” Due to Jay’s injury, Sam was able to convince Paula to stop shooting on Pete’s episode to avoid a lawsuit and instead go ahead with Flower’s episode and Sam in the title role. Isaac and Nigel have also settled their differences, for now. The group watches Sam and actor Pete now as Ira re-enact the death scene, with actor Ira taking creative liberties over the storyline and trying to make the moment as authentic as possible.  

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