Ghosts – Ghost Father of the Bride
By: Jennifer Vintzileos
Never a dull day at Woodstone as during one of Sam’s (Rose McIver) check-ins with her selling the new B&B rewards system, Thorfinn (Devan Chandler Long), Hetty (Rebecca Wisocky), Alberta (Danielle Pinnock), and Isaac (Brandon Scott Jones) come to Sam with a problem. While Sam is more engrossed in speaking with her guest, Thor produces the head of Crash (Alex Boniello). Sam is startled by the new discovery, quickly recovering and continuing the rewards spiel.
As the group tries to figure out what happened with Crash, there is bigger news to celebrate when Sam receives a new Martino Family newsletter: Pete’s daughter Laura (Holly Gauthier-Frankel) is getting married! Bummed that the wedding is taking place on the deck of the original Martino household, Pete (Richie Moriarty) wishes he could attend. Hearing about Pete’s plight from Sam, Jay (Utkarsh Ambudkar) pitches the idea of offering the Martino family Woodstone as their venue for free….in exchange for publicity.
Isaac pulls the group together as Hetty regales them with the discovery of Crash’s head. Deciding that this is a mystery worth solving, Isaac tries to rally everyone together to figure out the culprit that separated Crash from his body while he was watching “The Price Is Right”. Alberta is intrigued by the idea of a new mystery and offers to help Isaac out. Besides Momoa is no longer on “Game Of Thrones” and she needs a distraction.
While Jay’s idea to host the wedding at Woodstone is shot down by Carol (Caroline Aaron), Pete tries to assure Sam that they’re not down and out yet. This gets Pete to admit a deep, dark secret that he has told no one about: the deck at the Martino household was built without the proper permits. If someone were to report this to the Ulster County Zoning Board, this would put a wrinkle in the wedding. Pete’s idea ultimately works and as the deck is ripped up, Carol takes Sam and Jay up on their offer to host the wedding.
Meanwhile, Isaac and Alberta start their investigation. As they run into dead ends after interrogating Trevor (Asher Grodman), the duo use the information that they learn about Crash and Flower’s (Sheila Carrasco) prior dalliance before Crash’s disappearance to their advantage. With Flower now in a relationship with Thorfinn, Isaac and Alberta turn their sights on him.
Carol and Little Pete (Hudson Robert Wurster) arrive to Woodstone to help cement plans for the wedding—well, Carol will cement the plans as Little Pete found Pete’s old field manual and decides to read it. Unfortunately for Pete, he finds that Carol has dominated the wedding and refuses to listen to any of Pete’s suggestions via Sam. Even when Pete mentions that there must be lilies at the wedding, Carol is adamant that there will only be roses.
Thorfinn is the next suspect in Isaac and Alberta’s investigation. While the duo try to pin Thorfinn with jealousy over Crash and Flower being together, he reminds them that they were together before him and Flower became a thing. And especially in the case of Flower, she was starting to feel bored and smothered with Crash’s overly amorous actions towards her.
Realizing that Carol has commandeered the wedding plans, Pete is adamant about the lilies for Laura’s wedding. When Sam wants to know why Pete explains how when Laura was a little girl (Emily Mitchell), she would have pretend weddings to her teddy bear….Mr. Snuggles. At that wedding, Laura used a bouquet of lilies as her wedding bouquet. Because of that, Pete wants that little detail of lilies to make it into the wedding. Jay then suggests writing a note in Pete’s field manual to make Carol believe that Pete left a note about lilies.
With Thorfinn’s information about Flower, Isaac and Alberta now turn their sights to the flighty ghost for the final piece of the puzzle. Their interrogation convinces Flower to confess to tossing Crash’s head in the woods. Later as Isaac and Alberta celebrate solving the mystery, Alberta admits to Isaac that she figured out he was behind the head-napping after he mentioned that Crash was watching “The Price Is Right”….a fact that nobody else but Crash knew about. Isaac admits that he was responsible, but only did it to create something fun to do. As to why it took so long to solve matters, Isaac got distracted in the process by all the new happenings at Woodstone. Alberta admits that she had fun with Isaac trying to solve a mystery and hopes they can do more together as friends, to which Isaac agrees.
Carol reads Pete’s field manual and finds the references to the lilies, but the plan backfires as Little Pete knows that that note was forged into the manual and does not fit the handwriting. Laura, who has come to visit the venue, also does not understand the lilies reference and after learning of Sam and Jay’s little ploy….agrees that the wedding will not be held at Woodstone. This news devastates Pete.
However, all is not lost when as Laura, Little Pete, and Carol are leaving Woodstone….Sam mentions the word “kookalooka” while talking. Laura stops as that is only a word that her father used, and decides that Woodstone would be the perfect place for the wedding as it may be the closest her father gets to being at her wedding. Laura also mentions those pretend weddings to Sam and Jay, but it was orchids instead of lilies. Obviously, Pete’s memory seems to go with age. With this, the Martino wedding is back on at Woodstone! Later when Laura goes to walk down the aisle, Pete decides to walk next to her and to his own discomfort….loop his ghost arm through Laura’s arm as they walk.
After the wedding and all the madness has died down, Flower and Crash are sitting watching television. While Flower is happy to see him, this quickly changes when Crash decides to try and serenade Flower with a song he wrote. Remembering her annoyance with him in the first place, Flower immediately takes Crash’s head and throws it across the room to shut him up.
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