Ghosts – Holes Are Bad
By: Gladys Luna
We begin back in 1895 where we get to know a little bit more about Hetty’s (Rebecca Wisocky) life. We learn that the woman finds herself in a middle of a crisis caused by her husband Elias who has suddenly disappeared, leaving her carrying the burden of all of his legal problems.
Back to the present, Sam (Rose McIver) and Jay (Utkarsh Ambudkar) are ready to leave on a romantic escapade away from all of the ghosts and day-to-day issues. The group of ghosts unhappily say goodbye to them as they express their concerns about being left alone. Sam manages to calm them down and also lets them know that Mark (Tristan D. Lalla) will be working around the property while they are gone. Later, Isaac (Brandon Scott Jones), Alberta (Danielle Pinnock), Pete (Richie Moriarty), Trevor (Asher Grodman), Thor (Devan Chandler Long), Sas (Román Zaragoza) and Hetty are gathered in the living room discussing about what to do next now that Sam is gone. Nancy (Betsy Sodaro) suddenly appears and joins them at the same time, encouraging them to do some shenanigans now the couple is gone but none of the others are really up for it. Suddenly, Stephanie (Odessa A’zion) – who the group refer to as “the attic ghost” – shows up unexpectedly complaining and dropping the news that her lover Ralph (Tyler Alvarez) – one of the “cholera ghosts” that used to stay in the basement – was sucked off into the light a while ago. This makes the others think that maybe Flower (Sheila Carrasco) can still be around. This definitely ignites a new spark of joy and hope in Thor who has been mourning her loss ever since her disappearance. This new revelation makes the ghosts question Nancy about it since back in the day she swore that she had made her headcount of the basement ghosts and confirmed that they were complete but now she is not so sure. Soon everyone starts to brainstorm about all of the possible places where Flower might be if she were still on the property. They come to the conclusion that maybe she is at the old well that stands in the middle of the woods and get ready to go in her of search.
Back to 1895, Hetty has been advised by her attorney George (Brian Huskey) that the police are coming for her in order to make her pay for the crimes of her husband. To make matters worse, her son could be dragged. She resolves that maybe she can protect him and their fortune by doing something of magnificent proportions. It is here when she asks George to leave her alone in the library to “think” about a possible solution while the police is now trying to bring her door down.
In the present time the ghosts are already united around the well and screaming for Flowers’ who, luckily, wastes no time in confirming that she is actually there. She explains that while trying to follow a butterfly she accidentally fell into the well and after trying to bring herself to the surface with no possible results she surrendered to an existence in it. Given the ghosts cannot climb or touch the solid surfaces of anything, they know they only have zero to no chance to help her out of there. However, Thor, who is used to fighting big battles, is not one to give up much less on his lover, especially now that he knows they can still be together. While thinking of ways to help her, Thor, Isaac and Sas recall the time when they fell in a hole along with a Puritan named Patience and since they were unable to grip the sides of the well, they remained trapped there for almost a year until they resolved to hold hands as they went through the dirt. Unfortunately, Isaac had to sneeze, making Patience fall back and she stayed there. The trio think that the ghost is still resentful of them and maybe loose out there on the grounds.
The group goes back to the Mansion attempting to reach out to Sam to let her know they have found Flower and to also ask for her assistance to get her out of the well. They entrust Trevor with the task of opening the kitchen table drawer to get a tablet out of there and communicate with Sam and Jay. The man has a difficult time with no luck until they see that Mark – who has decided to take a break and is now raiding the couple’s fridge – has left his phone unattended at the table. They try to use Trevor to FaceTime Sam which he accomplishes but, unfortunately, she cannot see them or hear them. Sam starts yelling the contractor’s name and when he realizes that the woman is on his screen, he denies that he has called but takes the opportunity to inform them that he needs to start working on the well and plans to fill it in with cement. However, he needs their authorization for it. Since apparently this is an unexpected expense, the ghosts believe that Jay won’t approve of it but he agrees to it much to their surprise. Now the group is in a race against the clock to get their friend back. The ghosts go back to the well and before Mark puts himself in action, Hetty does something that none of them saw coming; she offers a solution that leads to a big revelation about her real cause of death. The woman untangles a phone cord that she had wrapped around her neck and offers it to Flower, who strongly holds onto it and with the help of the others she is finally released. As they celebrate in confusion about what just happened, Hetty decides to leave them on their own asking not to be questioned about what they just saw. The ghosts ask Trevor, who has been the closest to her, if he knew anything about Hetty’s actual death but he expresses with concern that he didn’t even paid attention to it.
Back at the mansion Sam and Jay finally return from their trip and the woman is excited to see that Flower is there along with the others. Soon, she is brought up to speed about Hetty’s revelation, so she and Isaac go pay a visit to her. The woman is in her room, looking thoughtful and sad. Finally, she opens up to them saying that she thought that by sacrificing herself she would offer her son a stable and wealthy life, but still he ended up being a murderer and she blames herself for it. Now the woman recognizes that she couldn’t give him the only thing he needed, which was a mother’s love, and she deeply regrets not having enjoyed all of the life she had ahead of her. Sam and Isaac empathize with her while showing their support and say that she was in a hole and sometimes people need help to get out of those.
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