
Ghosts – It’s the End of the World as We Know It and What Were We Talking About?

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By: Gladys Luna



We begin in 1967 at a meeting in which Flower (Sheila Carrasco) was advised by her cult leader Bruce (Will Greenberg) that based on the prophecies he got from a moon rock, that the end of the world was going to be on February 13, 2025. Back to the present day, Jay (Utkarsh Ambudkar) welcomes his new employees Gabe (Dustin Ibarra), Amanda (Sinem Gulturk), Cobra (Josh Peace) and Neel (Al Mukadam) prior to their big opening in order to put them up to date about how things are supposed to work at the restaurant and it is there where he lets them know that the opening will be on February 13, 2025 something that makes Flower to remember about the prophecy that Bruce had made decades ago. In another side of the house Trevor (Asher Grodman) calls for a meeting with Hetty (Rebecca Wisocky), Alberta (Danielle Pinnock), Sas (Román Zaragoza), Thor (Devan Chandler Long), Flower and Pete (Richie Moriarty) to inform them that there will be two empty seats ready to be filled at the “ghosts’ table” that Isaac (Brandon Scott Jones) has requested from Jay to put at the restaurant for his friends so, he encourages them to deliver a pitch about why they should be invited to the opening since he had put himself in charge of managing who occupies those seats. Unfortunately, not everyone shows much interest about it except for Alberta and Sas who turn out to be the selected winners. Back at the restaurant, Jay has decided to run a rehearsal of the opening night with his employees to make sure everything will work as it supposes but things aren’t exactly going as he would want to. Him, along with Sam (Rose McIver) and his sister Bela (Punam Patel) are playing the role of the customers but so far, he is not content with the results. Right that moment, Flower takes the chance to tell Sam what she remembered about Bruce’s prophecy but Sam is so invested with helping her husband that she decides to ignore her and asks her that once the opening is done, she will have her full attention. Knowing that they might be in danger, Flower is determined to find the way to stop the opening form happening and save Jay and Sam from the catastrophe. 

Hetty tries to convince Isaac that it will be better if he gives his place at the ghosts’ table to her and avoid the risk of being walked through by the living since when that happens, he releases a very humongous smell. She does her job so well that he agrees without hesitation. Flower interrupts their conversation and asks for their help but just as Sam did, they don’t pay attention to what she has to say forcing her to go search for the assistance of the basement ghosts. Once there, she talks to Nancy (Betsy Sodaro) and tells her everything about the prophecy and she agrees to use their power and help her. Hetty meets with Trevor to let him know that after all, she will have a seat at the ghosts’ table but he confesses that he had made some arrangements and managed to replace her with another ghost. The woman is extremely offended by his attempts to keep her away from him and believes that he is acting like that because of her Irish origins but he comes clean to her and says that he is doing it only because of the way things had ended between the two of them and how back when they were dating, she had almost betrayed him by wanting to sleep with Thor. 

Opening night is only a few hours away; Sas, Alberta, Pete and Thor have gathered at the kitchen to watch everyone prepare in order to be ready for the big event. Right that moment, Flower walks in followed by all of the basement ghosts and they become witnesses of how all of the employees are infected with cholera per Flower’s request. Later on, she confesses everything to Sam, who at the same time, passes the information to Jay and Bela. Flower was well intentioned but her heart gets broken when she realizes that the prophecy was just a lie from a con man that pretended to be her cult leader and now, she has ruined Jay’s big night for nothing. Hetty looks for Trevor and apologizes to him for how she had treated him in the past and suggests that instead of being the power couple they used to be, they should make an alliance and become power friends that would eventually rule the house and he agrees. Sam, followed by Alberta, Pete and Sas go to check on Flower to tell her that they know she meant well so they are not mad at her. Flower feels that she has finally turned into the joke they always thought she was and Sas makes her understand that she’s far from that and to the contrary it is because she has the ability to only see the good in people that sometimes make others to take advantage of her. When it seems that the opening night will be canceled, is actually Flower who comes with the best idea which is to make a group effort to help Jay; she suggests that since Alberta, Sas and Pete have been glued to the restaurant staff they have learned all of the recipes by now and since they cannot have any contact with the living, Sam, Bela and Mark (Tristan D. Lalla) can cover that part. 

All hands are on deck and before they know it, Jay is giving a speech in front of all of his customers about how much it means for him to finally have opened his restaurant and how he could not have done it without the help of his friends. Later on, he meets with his staff and they tell him that based on their symptoms, it seems they had cholera but he makes sure to let them know that it was a bad lettuce that got them sick and he is so convincing that they end up believing in him. 


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