
Ghosts – St. Hetty’s Day

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By: Gladys Luna



We pick up where we left off after Chris (Deniz Akdeniz), the Australian stripper, had crashed into Jay’s (Utkarsh Ambudkar) restaurant roof and died. The now new ghost seems to be adjusting well while Jay is trying to evaluate the damages that were made beyond the obvious. He even gets a little jealous when he sees that Sam (Rose McIver) blushes at the presence of Chris. On the other hand, Isaac (Brandon Scott Jones) can’t believe that he is so lucky to have the man whom he broke his wedding for is going to be joining them. Chris goes to where him and Flower (Sheila Carrasco) are to introduce himself but Isaac gets frozen on his spot and could barely say his name to him. After he leaves, Flower mocks of Isaac saying that their interaction was hard to watch and she had to witness worse things like when a bear devoured her entire corpse. Later on, Jay is enjoying some breakfast with his cousin Sunil (Asif Ali) who had broken up his girlfriend Courtney and decided to spent some time at the hotel just to find himself some distraction. Sas (Román Zaragoza) and Alberta (Danielle Pinnock) are also there enjoying themselves by listening to their conversation when suddenly, Sam shows up wearing a St. Patrick’s Day t-shirt since she ran a heritage research and found out that she is ten percent Irish. She also tells Jay that Mark (Tristan D. Lalla) is waiting for him at the restaurant trying to estimate how much it will cost to repair the roof. Jay invites his cousin to join him but he declines saying that would better stay and eat his breakfast. Before he leaves, Hetty (Rebecca Wisocky) shows up saying that she is ready to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day and is shocked when she realizes that Jay and Sunil can actually see her when the last one replies to her comment forcing her to make a proper introduction of herself.  

Trevor (Asher Grodman) and Flower are having a conversation when Isaac interrupts them asking for tips on how he should approach Chris. He has prepared a full speech where he intends to tell him how he believes they are soulmates and how they connected back when he gave him a lap dance – although Chris didn’t know it was actually for him since he danced to an empty chair – both, Trevor and Flower recommend him to slow it down a little and avoid scaring the stripper. Pete (Richie Moriarty) finds out about Hetty’s new power and is excited to know everything about it. He explains that there are different levels of ghosts’ powers and wonders if Hetty’s going to last or has been granted just for a day. In that moment, Sunil shows up complimenting Hetty’s gown and her commitment with the Irish celebration, it seems like the guy is getting fond of her. Hetty compliments his outfit as well and he asks her to take a walk around the property with him and she accepts. Sometime later, Pete, Trevor and Flower take some time to teach Chris about the ghosts’ rules; Isaac shows up trying to keep his cool and not to look so desperate to gain Chris’ attention. Meanwhile, Jay finds out that Sunil is really interested in Hetty and he is now intending to invite her for lunch but he refuses since he knows that his cousin is on an fragile emotional state and thinks that dating a ghost won’t be of any help but the ghosts, as well as Sam convince him that is just an innocent gesture and it won’t do any harm and he ends up agreeing to let Sunil move forward with the launch date. 

Chris is still in the middle of his training as a new ghost when Nigel (John Hartman) shows up and introduces himself to the stripper. He notices that Chris has a dinosaur tattoo in his arm and comments on it making Chris to engage quickly in a conversation with him something that makes Isaac very jealous to the point that he ends up confessing that when Chris lap danced to an empty chair it was actually him in there and he feels that they had bonded and became soulmates. As expected, Chris gets surprised at the revelation and decides to leave the room. Sunil and Hetty finally have lunch together while Sas and Alberta watch them; Jay’s cousin is surprised that the woman does not even have a phone which makes him feel like she is really interested and present and all of a sudden, he starts comparing her with his ex-girlfriend. He believes that they seem to have so much in common and mentions that sometimes, he has the feeling of having been born in the wrong century. Nigel pays a visit to Isaac and tells him that he and Chris had kissed and he wants him to hear it from him and no one else. Although it is evident that Isaac is hurt by the confession, he wishes the best to Nigel and Chris and pretends that he is ok with them dating. Back to Sunil and Hetty, he is having so much fun with her that he wants to see her again next weekend and take her to Newport. He makes a move and tries to kiss her but she gets up in a rush saying that she can’t do that and then, he reaches for her hand and is shocked when he can’t hold her making her to escape   through the door in panic confirming that she is a ghost which makes the man scream out of fear. Hetty tells Sam what happened and they all go to the kitchen where she explains that she used to live at the mansion back in 1885 but now she is a ghost and takes the chance to thank him for making her feel seen and wishes him to find someone worthy of his love. 

Isaac is sitting outside the mansion when he sees Chris coming down from the sky in a parachute; the stripper confesses that he has found that with his parachute and new power he can travel anywhere so, he has decided to leave immediately. Isaac asks him about Nigel and he does not remember him at first but when he finally does, he asks Isaac to give him his regards and tell him that they had fun together. It’s just a minute away from midnight so, Sam, Jay, Sas, Flower and Alberta are waiting to see if Hetty’s power would remain or it was just temporary. The clock hits midnight and the woman is still there so she starts to dance and scream out of joy but then suddenly disappears and comes back but this time, Jay cannot see her anymore. Nigel asks Isaac about Chris and he tells her that the ghost was sucked off by a light just when he was telling him about their kiss so, he believes that all he needed was to meet him so he could go to the light and Nigel believes it. Hoping that maybe Sam could bring him back on Halloween. 


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