Good Omens – Chapter 6: Every Day
By: Kelly Kearney
In the season 2 finale titled “Every Day,” we get to the root of Gabriel’s memory issues Heajust in time for Heaven to gear up for an Armageddon-style war with Hell. With the threats coming from both above and below, Crowley and Aziraphale find a moment to explore their feelings for one another. That’s right, shippers, our time has come, but don’t get your rainbow hopes too high, Heaven has something heartbreaking in store for our favorite couple.
Let’s Get This Holy War Started!
The finale opens on a showdown between Shax’s (Miranda Richardson) army and Aziraphale’s (Michael Sheen) friends. Both sides are preparing for war, so the angel uses his miraculous powers to summon a protective shield to keep everyone in the bookshop safe. From outside Shax is taunting friends, Maggie (Maggie Service) and Nina (Nina Sosanya), who stayed behind to help their friends out. The verbal attacks from the demon pushes Maggie to accidentally invite them Inside the shop and now it’s game on for the war between good and evil. Shax’s demons pour in through the door but Aziraphale’s shield makes quick work of them. It vaporizes any enemy who gets close to it, giving Maggie and Nina the opportunity to show off their warrior skills with a fire extinguisher. Whichever demon manages to escape the wrath of that shield, the two women take care of it with a foamy blast to the face.
Up in heaven Muriel (Quelin Sepulveda) shows Crowley (David Tennant) around her workspace. Bad idea because he has a plan to find out whatever he can about Gabriel’s (Jon Hamm) memories. He wants to see what really happened to the amnesiac angel so he ditches the leather and miracles up a heavenly outfit so he can slip right into Gabriel’s files and no one will notice. .
A Stroll Down Memory Lane
This file that Crowley finds contains a plan for an Armageddon between Heaven and Hell and strangely enough, the angels were behind it. Apparently Gabriel disagreed with their proposal and was punished by having his memories wiped clean for not following orders. That’s not all, he was also demoted to, “Junior Recording Angel,” position 38th in his class, knocking him off that ironclad pedestal. Strangely, he took the punishment with ease and started clearing off his desk and getting ready for the big move down in his career. The next time we see him, he’s naked carrying a box that’s precariously covering his private bits. Crowley looks through the file and heads back to Earth to let Aziraphale know what’s going on.
Back at the bookstore, Aziraphale and the women are running out of ideas, and working fire extinguishers. This forces the angel to pull out his Heavenly halo which we learn can be used to destroy any demon nearby. Before he lets the halo do all the deadly work, he has a moment where he worries that his next move might start a war with Hell. He has no idea that that war has been planned for a while by his angelic friends. With the halo in play, Beelzebub and their demons show up because Aziraphale was right and that did set off a declaration of war. Beelzebub is there to take that first shot, but Crowley arrives with news that there will be no war today. He then explains what happened to Gabriel and reveals the secrets inside that empty box. The Archangel had written himself a message on the bottom of it explaining that his memories are hiding inside of a fly–the same creature he recently learned can defy gravity. Beelzebub is the one who hands the fly over to Gabriel who then reclaims his lost memories as his entire existence comes flooding back to him. One of the memories that stands out the most is a meeting he had with Beelzebub (Shelley Conn) to negotiate the terms of this planned Armageddon. Somehow the Archangel managed to convince Hell’s biggest beast to put off the apocalypse and end the war between the above and below. Shockingly this meeting wound up turning into some sort of star-crossed lovers situation because Beelzebub and Gabriel become romantically involved! The two meet up in Scotland at The Resurrectionist Pub where they listen to Buddy Holly and that one song that imprinted on Gabriel’s mind. As an homage to their relationship he performs a small miracle on the jukebox, making sure every song in it is that Buddy Holly hit, “Every day.” In return, their lover gives Gabriel that special fly, and then places his memories inside the matchbox.
Opposites Attract
Back to the present and Gabriel thanks his devilish lover for everything. The two are very obviously in love with one another, so much so, they can barely hear their angel and demon cohorts arguing over these two traitors. Both Heaven and Hell want to punish them for their romantic treason so to calm their rages, Beelzebub offers Shax–the leader of this little rag-tag army, her old job as the Grand Duke of Hell. This seems to please Shax, who then allows Beelzebub and Gabriel to leave together, free from both Heaven and Hell’s expectations. That’s when Heaven chimes in and also agrees to let the couple go free from their punishments and we watch as the two walk off hand in hand and out into the universe and into the great unknown.
Meanwhile, the angels are arguing with Aziraphale whenThe Metatron–the spokesperson of God (Derek Jacobi), walks into the shop and orders all of the angels to return to heaven. He then turns to Aziraphale and asks for a moment of privacy to chat. That’s a cue for Maggie and Nina to slip away and have a little alone time with Crowley–who seems upset by The Metatron’s arrival. They can tell that he’s hiding his real feelings for the angel and try to persuade him to let Aziraphale in on how he feels. Get ready, Ineffable Husband shippers because this is your moment! It is the culmination of two seasons of subtext, flirtations, and homoerotic banter, between our favorite angel and demon.
‘Tis Better to Have Loved and Lost Than Never to Have Loved at All
Surprisingly Crowley listens to the two women and finally has his big talk with Aziraphale. They’re alone, so it’s the perfect time for him to admit how he feels. He barely gets it out when everything comes to a screeching halt. Aziraphale tells him he has great news; he’s been offered Gabriel’s old job! Not only is he coming out of retirement, he’s got a promotion. Say hello to the new Supreme Archangel of Heaven! The Metatron also has an offer for Crowley to return to Heaven as an angel for all the work he did to keep the angel safe and end that ensuing war. Who knew fallen angels could fall upwards and into salvation? this infuriates Crowley because not only did Aziraphale choose this life without talking with him first but now the two men can’t be together on earth. he has no interest in returning to heaven and for that matter hell isn’t that exciting anymore. he tells Aziraphale why he’s so upset And professes his love for the angel but all zero fell can think about is the difference he’ll make in heaven. with that Crowley kisses a zero fell on the mouth; it’s a goodbye, it’s an I love you,and it’s also a loving– I can’t believe you did this to us, moment. When they pull apart nothing has changed other than this goodbye is far more heartbreaking than either of them could have predicted. Muriel will now run Mr. Fell’s Bookshop, while the new Supreme Archangel starts working on his first project: the second coming. Down on Earth, a heartbroken and salty Crowley drives off in his Hell- on-Wheels Bentley as his equally gutted lover ascends to the Heavens. As tightly as these two are bound together they are also bound by their beliefs. Crowley lives in a world of grey just beyond the edges of Good and Evil, whereas the angel Aziraphale has always been willing to sacrifice his heart for the betterment of mankind. If the poet Tennyson was right about it being “better to have loved and lost than to never to be loved at all,” then at least these two can look back on Scotland and hum a little tune in honor of what they had–because it was truly out of this world.
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