
Hacks – The Deborah Vance Christmas Spectacular

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By: Kelly Kearney



Still reeling from the news that Jack Danby robbed her of her Late Show dreams, Deborah pours all of her energy into making her famous Christmas party a spectacular success. This year is especially huge since Deborah agreed to invite her sister, Kathy to appease a pregnant DJ. after the tw argued about moving on from their past. With the two women being at odds for 30-plus years, Deborah is on edge and the cracks in her steely demeanor are showing. Also in the episode, Jimmy proves his worth as a manager when works on Christmas to secure the Late Show gig for Deborah. It’s a holiday throw-down at Chez Vance, and there is not enough Eggnog to erase her family’s feuds.


Quitting is for Losers


It’s snowing in Las Vegas and sure the white stuff might be made from some sort of toxic chemicals but there is no better way to jump-start the Deborah Vance Christmas Spectacular party than some fake desert snow. Every year Deborah (Jean Smart) plans a Santa-themed blow-out and this year, the spirit of the season has cooled her anger enough to invite her sister Kathy (J. Smith-Cameron). Now that D.J. (Kaitlin Olson) is pregnant and Deborah knows Kathy will be a part of her grandson’s life, she has agreed to bury the hatchet- hopefully not in Kathy’s back, for her hormonal daughter’s sake. Everything seems like it’s falling into place; the party is the perfect opportunity for Deborah to forget about losing out to Jack Danby for the Late Night Show and concentrate on family.

Jimmy (Paul W. Downs) and Kayla (Megan Stalter) stop by Deborah’s Wonderland to discuss job opportunities now that her schedule has opened up. Big Pharma is paying even bigger money to anyone with an illness who wants to be the face of their medication. People with weak pelvic floor muscles and IBS need to find a new spokesperson. Deborah did not release a critically acclaimed comedy special just to turn around and sell herpes medication–even if Kayla thinks herpes makes Deb sound young.  All of this talk just reminds Deborah that she lost out on her dream, and it’s depressing, but not clinically so, or else Jimmy could sell that for a few pharma bucks. What he can’t sell is Deborah as the Late Show host now that the younger and far less funny Jack Danby charmed his way into the gig. Or can he? Jack isn’t a done deal until his first taped monologue, and that means Jimmy has time for a plan–and it could include Kayla digging up Danby’s dirt to cancel him out of a network job. Jack is signed under her father’s company, Latitude, so Kayla has brunch with her father to squeeze the man for Danby juice.

The holidays are meant to be spent with family, and that is why Ava’s mom, Nina (Jane Adams) was invited to Deborah’s Christmas party. From the moment Nina gets off her plane, it’s clear that Ava (Hannah Einbinder) is in for a long and aggravating weekend. Her mother–who has never been known for her mental stability (maybe Jimmy can sign her up for a pharmaceutical commercial) or an appreciation for her successful daughter, now that she has a roommate she won’t shut up about. She calls the woman, “the daughter she never had” to the daughter, she does have like it is a fresh new wound of Ava’s to poke at. This new roommate relationship dominates every conversation Ava has with her Mom– it’s Priya the roommate, and Priya thinks Abercrombie mini skirts are back in fashion, Her extreme interest in Priyah’s Bangladeshi culture dips into appropriation, which is mentioned later in the episode when she loses her bindi and then keeps asking for chutney at dinner. Nina lacks a filter, and most of their interactions over the weekend force Ava to hold her tongue and swallow the disappointment.

Another daughter holding her tongue during family get-togethers is Kayla, whose father, Michael (W. Earl Brown) is still salty over Jimmy “the traitor” leaving Latitude. He seems happy his daughter is working, but he never misses a chance to insult her boss, and that doesn’t sit right with his daughter. Kayla loves working with Jimmy so she does her best to defend him while not ticking off her Dad. She needs him in a sharing mood if she is going to charm him out of Jack Danby’s details. Kayla opens that door by congratulating him on securing the Late Show for his client and she is all ears when her dad adds that the deal almost didn’t happen. Danby has dreams of turning his comedy career into an acting debut; he has always wanted the rights to the Fatty Arbuckle biopic and drove Michael crazy demanding he get them. “The rights are locked down by Arbuckle’s weird family” according to Michael–and he is just happy his client has moved on. All of that sounds promising to Kayla as she smiles and nods through what sounds like a plan to sway Danby away from the Late Show’s desk.


“Nobody Does French Edges Like I Do”


Back at the mansion, Deborah is wrapping her Christmas gifts–probably the only laborious job she doesn’t hire out for because “nobody does French edges like I do” she says, as Ava, as the young writer gently checks in with her about Kathy. Deb is keeping her cool about the whole thing since it’s all for DJ, but Ava is nervous; she knows Deborah and her limits and this truce could lead to an all-out war around the dinner table. Luckily the figgy pudding will be boozy– at least according to Damien (Mark Indelicato), who Deborah says is a Jehova’s Witness and always works the holidays. Ava–as always, is a bit outraged, as Deborah goes a bit further and admits she hired him just to get around the labor laws. It’s hard work throwing Las Vegas’ most famous holiday party!

While the mansion is kicking with Christmas cheer–including a pop-in from a very drunk Mayor Jo (Lauren Weedman), who ranked the party above her appearance at the children’s hospital, it seems like everyone is having a good time. Deborah is smiling and mingling with the guests but when Kathy slips in behind Mayor Jo, Deborah’s nerves bubble to the surface. Their reunion is cordial–albeit awkward, as the Vance corgis go on the attack. Kathy–who comes across as a wallflower type– a far cry from the actress’ previous role as girl boss/ MILF on HBO’s Succession, makes a joke about them trained to kill, and Deborah responds with confirmation that they were. It makes sense since Josefina (Rose Abdoo) was ordered to scratch all the eyes out of Kathy’s childhood photos, so everyone in Vace-world knows who the enemy is. It seems like Kathy has lived in the shadows of Deborah’s shining talents–where the older sister is brash and full of jokes to cover up her pain, Kathy is meek, insecure, apologetic, and hard to hate–no matter how much we love Deborah. Kathy makes the initial step towards smoothing things over with her sister and thanks her for the invite, but all that does is send her older sister rushing off to the bathroom to vomit up her pain from their past. Ever the consummate professional, Deborah cleans herself up, straps on a fake smile, and gets back to the party, but the awkward moments just get worse from there. She learns DJ and Aidan (Paul Felder) already have a relationship with Kathy and that pokes at Deborah’s jealousy. It also doesn’t help that her guests keep commenting on how funny her sister is. First, she came for the husband, now the daughter and grandson, but the comedy is off limits! Deborah’s good cheer starts turning into looks that could kill her, but that anger seems one-sided, as Kathy is just happy to be included now that her husband Frank is dead. She tries desperately not to step on Deborah’s toes, even hovering to the side during a group photo as if she is afraid of being mistaken for family. The tension between the two women continues to grow throughout the day and into dinner, when Kathy turns down the cook’s goose because she has been a vegetarian for 30 years. She might’ve woofed down sausage links as a kid–something Deborah can’t help but remind her, but now the horrors of factory farming have turned her off of meat for good. Cue Ava–who loves a good debate on environmental issues, starts to agree with Kathy until she catches the look on Deborah’s face that screams DO NOT ENGAGE. Later, things heat up when Deborah makes a big show out of DJ’s Christmas gift–a crib for the new baby. When Aidan says now they have two—Deborah finds out Kathy already bought them a crib and the gift points to how close the two are and that truth breaks the last frayed thread holding onto Deborah’s resolve. She fumes mad and freaks out on Kathy when she spots her trying to eat a piece of the gingerbread mansion she told her was edible. She never expected anyone to try and eat it, and shames and embarrasses Kathy, then storms out of the party to collect herself.


Jimmy Puts in The Work


Meanwhile, Kayla and Jimmy head to that weird Arbuckle relative’s house to convince him to release his grandfather’s story rights. If they can secure that deal, Jack Danby will walk away from the Late Show and Deborah can fill the spot. Unfortunately, Larry Arbuckle (Christopher Lloyd) is only free on Christmas, so the two will have to put their plans on hold if they have any hope of making Deborah’s dreams come true. This is where Kayla becomes ridiculously consumed with Larry’s religion–as she assumes he is Jewish and just can’t seem to drop the inquiries. Throughout the rest of the episode she keeps mentioning it and eventually, it leads her to admit that she once had a fake bat mitzvah just because she didn’t want to be left out. Jimmy was at that Bat Mitzvah AKA Cosplaying for Gentiles, and Kayla reminded him of the good time he had. It’s hard to fault her when her heart is always in the right place, it’s just her brain that checks out from time to time, and Jimmy is learning how to handle that.

After taming the Arbuckle’s pet hawk, Jimmy learns the reason why Larry held on to the rights of Fatty’s story for so long was that he wrote his screenplay, and in his mind, no one can tell it better. This intrigues Jimmy, who convinces the seemingly lonely man to join him and Kayla at his mom’s house for Christmas dinner. Kayla’s parents left her behind to go to Aspen, so she can drive while Jimmy reads the lengthy screenplay. Larry won’t consider listening to any pitches until he gets feedback on that script. Jimmy would do anything to appease him, and Larry appreciates the efforts, but he especially appreciates Jimmy’s mom, the daytime diva Deidre Hall. The actress welcomes Larry with open arms when the threesome arrives for dinner. Kayla points out their chemistry and jokes about Jimmy getting a new stepfather. She is right,  these two have a flirtatious banter that can only help Jimmy and Kayla’s scheme.


Old Grudges Crumble Like a Gingerbread House


“You were always good at wrecking homes” is the response Deborah has for Kathy’s apology when her sister follows her outside sulking over the broken gingerbread mansion. The two, wrapped in their coats and surrounded by fake snow and life-sized nutcrackers, finally hash out their decades-long feud, but like all complicated families, “I’m sorry” just isn’t enough. Kathy apologizes for overstepping with D.J. and the crib and explains how she let her baby’s excitement get the better of her. She is alone, widowed, and on the outs with her sister, and DJ is all she has left. Deborah jumps to point out how Kathy’s loneliness is her fault for destroying their family when she slept with Frank, and that is when the tears flow and the snowball fight starts! Deborah whacks Kathy with a hit to the face and the chemicals in the fake snow sting her eyes. Deborah puts down her rage to help her little sister, who starts to cry over their broken relationship. Kathy didn’t know what to expect from the party invite but she accepted after watching Deborah’s comedy special. She seemed to forgive her and assumed Deborah wanted to leave their history in the past. Now she is confused and hurt and it is obvious these two women have a deep and painful connection that goes beyond Frank’s infidelity with his wife’s 19-year-old sister some 30 years ago. Kathy tries to explain how Deborah’s career left Frank at home with Kathy–who was watching Baby DJ and that’s how the two fell in love. Kathy was a better match for Frank–something Deborah knows is true, but that wasn’t really what caused the rift. Not only did she lose her husband after their affair, but she also lost her sister, and that heartbreak was something she hadn’t gotten over. This reunion was a big step, and maybe it was too soon because Deborah wasn’t ready to move. All hope isn’t lost though, she does agree to another visit in the future, only this time, just the sisters and not the pressure of their friends and family. These two opening up about their feelings is a Christmas miracle, and it puts a relieved smile on Kathy’s face.

This tentative truce isn’t the only miracle of the season, Nina finally gives Ava credit for her work when she admits Priya turned her on to Ava’s show, On the Contrary. It’s about time Ava got some maternal praise from Nina, making her smile. Also smiling is Jimmy because he is impressed with Larry’s script. With a few edits, Jimmy thinks it’s exactly the story someone like Jack Danby would want to star in. He convinces Larry to turn it into a film and he agrees on one condition: Jimmy has to produce it. How can he say no? His hard work and friendly invite to dinner just landed him a new client and Deborah back in the mix because the second Danby hears about Larry’s script, he pulls out of the Late Show! Deborah is getting her third and last shot at making her dreams come true.

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