Hanna – Eyeliner
By: Kelly Kearney
In “Eyeliner” Hannah and Marissa barely survived their fight against Pioneer. Both were injured in the fight; emotional scars and some with actual bullet holes, and now Hanna has been captured and all the evidence Marissa stole to bring down the program turned out to be encrypted and probably worthless. When Hanna attempts an escape Pioneer’s clutches, she uncovers some evidence that could bring down the program but after the cruel interrogations she is forced to endure her spirit for the fight is waning. Can Gordon break her before Marissa outs this deadly secrets. Let’s jump right into this action-packed penultimate episode to the series finale.
We begin with Marissa (Mireille Enos) heading back to the safe house where she finds Ethan (Sam Swainsbury) tied up and beaten courtesy of Sandy (Áine Rose Daly) who is nowhere to be found. When they hear some commotion outside Marissa knows they do not have much time. Armed with a few DIY Molotov cocktails, she distracts the guards with the incoming fire bombs and manages to get out just in time to blow the whole floor of apartments she rigged explosives. Next, we catch up with Abbas Naziri (Adam Bessa) and his
daughter sleeping at their rural farm house in France. Nadiya (Léann Hamon) wakes before her father to the sounds of their farm dog, Bruno, barking. The curious child heads outside to see what’s up and that’s when Bruno dog takes off beyond the marked border Abbas told Nadiya to stay inside of. Anything beyond isn’t safe from Pioneer’s ever-watchful eyes. When Nadiya wanders past the barrier her father notices she’s missing and rushes out of the house and into the surrounding woods to find her. When he does, he reprimands her for leaving the safe zone, and while she knows she isn’t supposed to do that, she is young and cannot comprehend the deadly reasons why.
Back at Pioneer’s headquarters, where Hanna (Esmé Creed-Miles) sits in an office under guard with a nurse tending to her gunshot wound. It seems the bullet did it go all the way through and thanks to Pioneer’s doctors, everything is healing properly. Speaking of The Chairman, Gordon (Ray Liotta) enters and for the first time he comes face-to-face with Hanna; the girl who putting his life’s work at risk. He makes a comment about the room and how when the embassy was open, they used it for important guests so Hanna should feel privileged. He goes on to complain about the destroyed servers setting his project back six-months at least. Then he shows her a picture of herself when she was born, a souvenir he says his daughter kept from all the Utrax babies. Whether or not he is trying to manipulate Hanna’s past with Marissa to get the girl to turn on her doesn’t seem to matter because she is too smart to fall for his tricks. After all, she is the girl playing multi-dimensional chess with his career while also inspiring his daughter to revolt against him; she cannot be swayed. After making some threat about ensuring both women pay for what they’ve done, Hanna laughs in his face knowing it’s only a matter of time before Marissa uses the algorithm to shut him down for good. There is just one problem: Gordon planned for this. He tells Hanna that Max Kaplan (Gabriel Akuwudike), the programmer, encrypted the files so nobody outside of headquarters can open it and a look of worry crosses Hanna’s face. That was their best plan to end this nightmare and Marissa has no idea she’s armed with a dud. When she does learn of it, she is with Ethan at the safehouse trying to break through the encryption wall. Ethan tells her his coworker built in roadblocks that are going to be almost impossible to go around. If a non-host computer attempts to open the file, like a nifty little secret bomb, the whole thing encrypts and locks down. She would need Max’s private key, which she does not have, to open it and the last time she saw him he was lying in the flooded server room floor with a Hanna sized bullet in him. Gordon is hoping that when Marissa figures this out she will come crawling back to him, if only to save Hanna’s doomed life. His idea of a big happy family reunion needs some work. He circles the conversation back to the target’s deaths she faked. They’ve caught up with all of them but Abbas and just hearing his name makes Hanna lose her cool. She flies out of her chair and attacks Gordon but his guards tase her before she can kill him. After the commotion settles, he says he was prepared to offer Hanna a deal but now she has to pay because she disrespected the rules of his house. Like Mary before her, he lights a cigar and burns her severely on the arm. Meanwhile, upstairs Stapleton orders Terri and the team to monitor all online chats and CCTV cameras around the mountains outside of Vienna. They have a tip that Abbas Naziri is hiding out there with his daughter and they need tie up all the loose ends Hannah and Marissa left frayed and untethered. When she gets a tip about fellow Wiegler traitor, John Carmichael on a train station internet café, she orders a team to take him out. Terri hears the whole interaction and as John gets online, she’s there to direct him.
Over at the safe house, Marissa gets a message from John Carmichael (Dermot Mulroney) saying he escaped Gordon’s men and he wants to talk. He video calls her from a public network and tells her he has the code they send the trainees when they want them to” stand down” on a target kill. He can also get her a pass card to get into the building and rescue Hanna and all he asks for in return are new documents and $50,000 to get out of the country and disappear. Marissa agrees to meet him knowing he cannot be trusted but she is running out of ideas and Hanna needs her. Need might not be the right word because while Marissa is worried about rescuing Hanna, the smart young woman is planning her own escape. When lunch is delivered, she listens and counts the sounds of the server’s footsteps as they leave the room and enter into another. Meanwhile, John tries to make it to the meeting with Marissa, but Sandy catches up with him and a chase ensues. She manages to get the upper hand and call Stapleton to let them know she’s secured the target and they’re ready for pickup. At the same time, Marissa is hotwiring a car like a pro. With the fake documents in hand, she, and Ethan head to the meeting with John. When he questions why he couldn’t mention any of this to his friends in the actual U.S. embassy, Marissa reminds him that Gordon managed to move an entire rogue operation into the abandoned embassy undetected. He had some so the people Ethan thinks he can trust, like his old pal Kaplan could be working for her father. Trust no one and you might survive.
Marissa should listen to her own advice because when she arrives at the meeting point with John, she has no idea it’s a setup and her father is watching her. She hands John the passport and the money, but something feels off about the whole thing. When she asks him if he’s telling her the truth, he hands her the stand down and encryption code on a Pioneer issued laptop. Suspicious of the entire interaction, Marissa opens the laptop which immediately triggers the assassinations of ten targets across the world. That’s when she hears Gordon on the screen along
with Hanna, telling her it’s over and he has the building surrounded. Little Mary only has one option left and that’s to join him. Marissa looks a John and tells him her father won’t have her killed but he doesn’t have that same protection. He tries to get her to stop and think about the offer, but Marissa pulls her gun and starts to run. When the agents Pioneer goons stationed around the building see her bolt the bullets start to fly with one killing John dead thanks to Sandy. Marissa catches one in the arm but manages to escape with Ethan who is waiting for her in the getaway car. Hanna tells a frustrated Gordon that his daughter won’t ever join him, and, in his anger, he doesn’t notice Hanna palm a fork from her lunch tray.
The last time we saw trainee Jules (Gianna Kiehl), she was talking to Hanna about the trauma she endured from their last mission. We catch up with Jules again just as she gets the text ordering her to take out the next target: a friendly nuclear physicist she may or may not be crushing on. Her orders are clear, but this woman doesn’t seem like a threat to world security. In fact, all she wants to do it change the world for the better. Jules wrestles with her orders and just as she pulls a gun on the woman, she puts it down and tells her to run, change her name and hide or she won’t survive.
She nods like she understands her life depends on this decision and for now, Jules is off the hook, but it won’t be long before Pioneer knows she disobeyed orders and they will be coming for her.
Back at the old embassy with Hanna, who is still listening to the footsteps of the orderly (Claudia Graf) in the hallway. She has a good read on the distance between her room and the others which comes in handy when a nurse arrives with her lethal injection. Using the fork hidden up her sleeve, she attacks, killing the guard (Taylor Napier) and cutting herself free. She grabs his gun and shoots out the security cameras as she makes her way up down the hall and up through a vent grate in the ceiling. Once above commotion she counts her steps until she is hovering above Max Kaplan’s room! He is still alive, barely, but for how long? With the knowledge they could still have a way out of this mess if they get to Kaplan and his encryption code, she attempts to flee the embassy by leaping out a window only to land on a lower rooftop and directly at the feet of Stapleton’s men. She’s surrounded and if Gordon was dangerous before he is bound to be homicidal now.
In the mountains of Vienna, Abbas and his daughter have no idea they’ve been tagged for death. Little Nadiya was picked up on a drone cam and now the area is being searched with a fine-toothed comb. He isn’t the only one in danger, as punishment for her escape attempt, Gordon has Hanna locked in a cage and tortured with the memories from her past. She sees her father, her birth, the murder of her mother, and the many fights she had with Marissa throughout her life in the woods, but it is the threat of killing her lover, Abbas, and his daughter that really lights a fire under Hanna and it eventually gets her to agree to Gordon’s next plan. If she doesn’t, he will kill all of them; the choice is up to her. She agrees and gives him the address of the hotel Marissa is hiding in and then begs him not to kill her boyfriend and the child. Gordon knew this boy was the key to getting control of this teen girl who has craved human connections since her isolated upbringing in the woods.
After Ethan patches up Marissa’s bicep bullet graze, Hanna calls with a request to meet her and Gordon because they know where Abbas is and if she refuses, they will kill him. Stapleton (Chloe Pirrie) puts a wire on Hanna, and with one clipped wing and no plans on how to escape, Marissa heads to the local church’s graveyard to meet Hanna. The Dozens of guards surround the grounds as the two come face to face; concern etched in every line on Marissa’s face. Hanna asks, no begs, her to come along and nobody will get hurt. It is over and Hanna is tired of fighting when people, innocents, still die. She doesn’t want to be responsible for a six-year old’s death and gives Marissa a dash of hope that maybe one day Gordon would change and maybe Marissa would Inspire the change in him. Mary says her father will never change and as he listens in on their conversation he laughs because he knows it’s true. With her hands reaching out for Marissa she asks her one more time to come with her and that’s when she sees it. A message written on Hanna’s hands hidden from everyone but Marissa that says, “Max is still alive!” Hanna asks for trust and Wiegler subtly nods, she is all in.
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