Hey, King – Be Still
By: Maddie Rae
Q) First of all, I have to say the style and sound of your music is one of the most unique I’ve heard. When writing music, do you normally write the lyrics first before knowing the sound or vise versa?
Natalie: Thank you!! That’s really lovely to hear! I feel like it all kinda comes together sometimes like a puzzle – sometimes you just see the whole picture at once and the melody and lyrics come out as one, sometimes you just get a few puzzle pieces and have to search for the rest. “Don’t Let Me Get Away” was one of those songs that came out in one fell swoop, singing into my phone while walking my dog and the song never changed from there. Others like “Half Alive” started with lyrics and built as I heard the horns, Taylor’s amazing double vocal, etc.
Taylor: For me, I feel like I just hand Natalie a piece of my diary and then poof a song! [laughs] I’m kidding, but she’s one of those songwriters where you could give her a word and a genre and five minutes in her room and she comes out with an entire story and world within her music. It’s truly amazing to witness.
Q) “We Gotta Get Outta This Place” has a special meaning to Natalie, that being said, do any of the songs have a great meaning to you as well, Taylor?
Taylor: On the EP the track “lucky” is the song I find the most important to me. I feel it resembles an anthem that no matter where you are in life, you are not alone and you have the power to influence the future you want to create. I also feel a deep connection to “sing me to sleep.” When Natalie was creating this song, I had journaled a passage saying to her “love me when I can’t see through my darkness” and she was able to turn that phase into a very powerful lyric of “love me when I can’t see, love me in the dark” and I feel it holds so much weight that a lot of people often feel when they are with someone who loves them, but are depressed within their own self. I have recently been on a journey of mental health and working through past trauma the song “sing me to sleep” really takes on what this journey feels like when in a relationship.
Q) Are there any artists that influenced this E.P. or your music in general?
Natalie: Oh man, I’d say everyone from Bright Eyes to Arcade Fire to Two Gallants and one of my all-time favorites Sufjan Stevens. With Sufjan, not so much in these arrangements but in the way that he is always the eye of the hurricane he creates. That’s what I always strive for with our vocals and message.
Taylor: I think when it comes to other artists’ influences on me it really shows in terms of playing live shows (Remember those? [laughs]) I have always looked up to musicians like Lisa Hannigan, Fiona Apple and Matt and Kim because they all have an incredible ability to connect both on their own and especially when they sing or play alongside someone else. And the energy they create is contagious!
Q) Why did you decide to name this EP Be Still in comparison to using a song title?
Taylor: Our band’s name Hey, King! comes from Where the Wild Things Are and because this EP has our more calm sounding tracks, we felt like Be Still would be the perfect title since it’s what Max yells out to the wild things in the Spike Jones film.
London: I also just think it’s hilarious that Max screams “Be Still!” at the top of his lungs when there is so much chaos and noise around him instead of yelling “shut up” or something of the like. “Be still” is such a powerful call and it’s what most of us are striving for in the midst of one of the most devastating and chaotic years in our history.
Q) Do you have any lyrics on the EP that you find are the most meaningful or powerful to you?
Natalie: If I had to pick a favorite it would be in “Lucky” – “Let me go, let me go back and tell me, I’ll survive and say someday you will find me.” Whether that is your significant other, your higher power or yourself, you are never alone.
Taylor: Yes, I think each song has a big take home lyric that stands out to me. Natalie just picked my favorite one from “Lucky!” “Sing me to sleep” has a few, but the one that calls to me is “love me when I can’t see, love me in the dark.” I feel like a lot of people experience depression and for me this line really shows what it feels like to be with someone who loves you but you still feel lost.
Q) Do you plan on working on an album next? If so, do you plan on it having the same vibes as the E.P. or do you want to expand more with your musical style?
Taylor: We have finished our LP and cannot wait to release it! It is much more anthemic and up-beat compared to our EP.
Natalie: Oh man, I cannot WAIT for those tracks to be out – those are some of my favorite songs it’s going to be a blast to finally share them.
Q) How did each of you decide you wanted to work in the musical industry?
Natalie: I have never imagined anything else. I started playing and writing at four years old and haven’t entertained doing anything else as a career since.
Taylor: Music has always played such an important and front-in-center part of my life. There was no escaping it! Being able to combine my love for film making and music, with creating and editing the music videos is a different level of fun I never imagined possible!!
Q) What was it like working with Ben Harper the first time?
Natalie: Ben is an extraordinary artist and performer. I think going out on the road with him was an opportunity that changed our lives. He leaves everything on the stage, which was incredibly inspirational to see every night. We were lucky enough to be his opener on three international tours.
Taylor: He is truly an incredible musician. Being able to see him live and the way he touches people is unbelievable! He’s also a badass skateboarder!
Q) Are there any artists you’d like to work with?
Natalie: The Dream for me would be Natalie Maines of The Chicks, Connor Oberst, Sufjan Stevens, Sigur Ros…Oh man, can’t even imagine.
Taylor: This feels like when people ask what’s your favorite song? There’s too many! I am inspired by a lot of artists from Mumford and Sons to PINK! And so many more!
Q) What artists or albums are you currently listening to?
Natalie: Two Gallants, Radiohead, Sigur Ros, Tori Amos, The Decemberists… I get stuck on the same records for YEARS.
Taylor: Currently? A lot of anime ops and a mixture of everything from 60’s rock to Billie Eilish!
Q) What do you want this EP to say and mean to people when they listen to it?
Natalie: I honestly feel like it’s just an introduction. When I look at it as a whole, I realize it encapsulates a lot about our relationship from insecurities to sex to being there for each other when life gets dark. The EP shares our vulnerability and connection but most of all hope.
Taylor: What Natalie said!
Q) What would you like to say to your fans and supporters?
Natalie: We appreciate you more than you’ll ever know and can’t wait to be back on the road and able to hug you again!
Taylor: We miss playing live for you all and all the random shenanigans that have become some of my favorite memories before and after shows!
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