House of the Dragon – The Lord of the Tides
By: Kelly Kearney
Six years into the future and Lord Corlys, ruler of Driftmark, has been missing after battle induced black fever left him in a coma. The news of him clinging to life leaves his empty throne in question and the woman who has been warming his seat looking to make it a permanent appointment. Everyone will be vying for the right to be named the Lord of Tides, but bloodlines and paternity questions should lead all the prospective royals back to the Red Keep to petition the Queen for her favor. That’s right, in the aftermath of Rhaenyra and Daemon’s wedding, Westeros has seen quite the change in character under Queen Alicent’s rule as she stands in for her sickly husband who withers away in his King’s chambers. “The Lord of Tides” is a master-class in the airing of dirty laundry with an outcome that’s sure to set the stage for generations of bad blood.
We begin in Driftmark with the news that Lord Corlys (Steve Toussaint) has fallen ill and isn’t likely to recover. His absence has left an empty throne and his wife, Rhaenys (Eve Best) – always the second runner up to every royal decree, thinks she can assume the role she’s been filling in since her husband last graced her with his presence. After all, the Sea Snake spent a lifetime trying to win back the crown she lost to Viserys and one would assume he would be happy to leave her in charge. Corlys’ brother, Ser Vaemond (Wil Johnson), disagrees, and also disagrees with his brother’s other wish–that Rhaenyra’s children,questionable DNA aside, lead the Velaryon bloodline into the future. “What of the Velaryon line? Will it be snuffed out?” He not only insulted the King but his brother’s wife too. The very question is treasonous and Rhaenys says her cousin the King would have his tongue for speaking against her, as well as the legitimacy of his heirs. He fires back, “It’s not the king who presides, it’s the queen.”
At Dragonstone, we see Daemon (Matt Smith) taking an egg from Syrax’s last clutch. Minutes after he emerges from the lair he is greeted by a message from daughter, Baela (Bethany Antonia), who sends her father a note about Corlys and the meetings about to happen at the Red Keep. A meeting that will no doubt lead to questions about his step-son’s legitimacy and his wife’s claim to her own throne. It’s a wasp’s nest waiting to be stirred up into a frenzy and he interrupts Jacaerys (Harry Collette) High Velayryon to fill his mother in. Besides Ser Vaemond’s attempts to take the throne from Luke, who was the promised heir of Driftmark, Lady Rhaenys can’t be trusted to stand by her husband’s wishes now that she assumes Rhaenyra (Emma D’Arcy) had her son, Laenor murdered so she could marry her unlce, Daemon. She isn’t likely to forget it and before the issue at Driftmark can escalate, it’s best if the Prince and Princess Targaryen get ahead of the drama and pay Viserys a long overdue visit.
“I would say it’s nice to be home but I dare say I scarcely recognize it,” says Rhaenyra to Daemon as their family lays eyes on King’s Landing. It’s the first time either have been home in six years and the doom and gloom of Queen’s Kingdom isn’t a welcoming greeting. Inside the Keep, the small council argues about who will take Driftmark, with some backing the more able heir and others sticking to lineage and King Viserys orders. Everyone has their favorites and Alicent (Olivia Cooke) announces they will reconvene after they can hear from all the concerned parties. In the meantime, Queen Alicent is needed elsewhere; there is a “delicate situation” involving one of her sons that needs her special attention. We find out her eldest son, Aegon (Tom Glynn-Carney), isnt getting the sexual satisfaction he woud hope to get from his sister-wife, Helaena (Phia Saban) and instead took it from a servant girl named Dyana (Maddie Evans), against her will. The queen meets with the traumatized and apologetic girl and after showing her sympathy questions how to handle this if rumors got out about her son. Promises arent enough and to ensure the girl doesnt get pregnant, she has her down a piping hot cup of abortion tea, but this time the concoction is extra lethal.
Visiting with her father, Rhaenyra is shocked to see the state Viserys (Paddy Considine) is in. Besides his old age, The King’s body has deteriorated beyond recognition. His slow crawl to the grave is unnerving- even for his brother, who mostly came to beg on his step-son’s behalf. The exiled Prince has a true emotional connection to his brother-regardless of their issues over the years. To brighten the mood and also convince Viserys to back Luke (Elliot Grihault) as the heir of Driftmark, the beaming couple introduces the King to his newest grandsons- Aegon (yes, another) and Viserys. The latter is a name fit for a smiling King and the news of these new additions breathes a bit of life into the man’s decaying body. It’s short-lived as Viserys has some sort of attack and begs for his tea, which Daemon notices right away smells a bit off. Milk of the poppy AKA heroin tea seems to be Queen Alicent’s favorite brew and Daemon is beyond suspicious now about his brother’s health problems. After she tears into Aegon for raping the servant girl and basically disowns him from shaming the family, she stops by to welcome Rhaenyra and Daemon home and the two jump right to accusing her of drugging the King. She claims it’s for the pain and warns their not-so-subtle accusations are treasonous but she will let them slide. Rhaenyra hasn’t seen Viserys in many years and is obviously in shock. It’s clear Alicent runs this Kingdom with an iron fist and a hefty amount of maternal disappointment and impending doom. Everything about her reign is muted in emotion and color. The overall mood being drab and heartless and washed down with a piping hot cup of poisonous tea.
Next meet an older Aemond (Ewan Mitchell), a roguish brute of a young man, full of sword swings and swollen egos that only the world’s largest dragon could carry. He’s training with Ser Criston Cole (Fabien Frankel) when Ser Vaemond and his entorage show up for the meeting about the future of Driftwood. Will it be Luke, Rhaenys, or will it be Ser Vaemond? It’s all up to House Targaryen and the Hightower Queen who’s running the entire show. Needless to say, old scores will be settled in the Queen’s court and Vaemond is hoping to be the victor in this family airing of grievances. In fact, he tries to chirp in QueenHe takes a meeting with Queen Alicent and throws the entire support of Driftmark behind her when it’s time to choose Viserys’ successor. Aegon isn’t capable of leading in his father’s footsteps, and to give it to his brother would be out of the boundaries of tradition. His wife, on the other hand, could rule with the support of the Lord of the Tides. It’s a compelling offer that could end in a Targaryen checkmate: Queen takes it all.
Outside the walls of the castle Rhaenyra tracks down Lady Rhaenys now that she’s realized her father’s cousin is there to rally the court behind herself as ruler of Driftmark and away from Luke. The woman lost one crown and the Princess doubts she will easily give up her second chance to lead. Rhaenyra knows her children’s paternity will be in question in front of the entire royal court but Rhaenys is not eager to help the Princess’ child after what she did to Laenor. Rhaenyra promises her she never ordered Laenor’s death and offers her a deal in good faith. Betrothe Laena’s children to hers and Baela could marry Jace and be Queen of the Seven Kingdoms– her sons will one day sit on the iron throne. Her other granddaughter, Rhaena (Phoebe Campbell) will marry Luke and reign beside him in Driftmark; keeping the Velaryon and Corlys/Targaryen bloodline on their throne. It’s a nice offer but Rhaenys declines because tomorrow “…the Hightowers will force you to your knees” and she would rather not get caught in that crossfire. Her chances look much better the farther away she is from this family’s strife.
Later that night Rhaenyra pays her father a visit to beg him to fight for her. If he believes in Aegon’s dream of the song of ice and fire, then she needs his support at this vote. If Luke is passed over due to questions of his paternity then her claim to the throne is also at stake, as is the Targaryen’s reign. Otto Hightower has planned this game well and all the pieces are falling into place. Viserys is too weak and feeble to speak on his daughter’s behalf and she knows without him it’s nothing but battles for legitimacy for the rest of their possibly early-cut lives. His daughter’s desperation prompts the King to summon Otto (Rhys Ifans) to his chambers during his painful morning ablations to plan a family dinner that all must be in attendance.
As an extension of the King, his hand opens the Driftmark petitions from the iron throne. First up is Ser Vaemond–brother to Lord Corlys and last eldest male heir of the Velaryon bloodline. Rhaenyra interrupts with a reminder that her son also has a rightful claim to the throne as Lord Corlys grandson and closest heir. Queen Alicent quiets Rhaenyra until it’s her turn to speak, showing off the power she holds over everyone in the room. “This is a matter of blood, not ambition” Ser Vaemond says, as he questions the validity of Jace and Luke’s Velaryon blood.
Next up, Rhaenyra takes the stage but her defense of her son and petition for his succession is cut short by the announcement that the King has arrived and will have his say in this matter. Viserys is in bad shape but his crown fits and now it’s attached to a fun phantom of the opera style golden mask to hide his condition. He can barely make it to his throne but when his crown topples off his on the first step up to his seat, Daemon picks it up and helps his brother sit down and then places the crown on Viserys head as the King readies himself to speak. And what he says shocks many in the room. He has no idea why this meeting is taking place, and not because he’s feeble minded but because his orders for succession were already settled. Rhaenyra is his heir and her children with Laenor the (not-so) dead King’a consort, combining the Targaryen and Velaryon bloodlines in Princes Jace and Luke. In honor of Lord Corlys, King Viserys calls on his cousin, Lady Rhaenys, to ask her what she thinks her husband would want. She agrees with the King, Corlys chose Luke. She also announces her acceptance of Rhaenyra’s offer to betrothed her granddaughters to Luke and Jace. Rhaenyra looks surprised but not as stunned as Vaemond and Alicent who thought they had this whole thing in the bag. If he’s not the Lord of the Tides and ruler of Driftmark then she loses that support in her quest to take Viserys throne. Lady Rhaenys is excellent at this game and proof of how these antiquated patriarchal rules about male heirs forces the realm to miss out on true leaders worthy of the people’s praise. Her strategic move to push Vaemond out causes the man to lose it and erupt in anger; insulting the King and his grandsons who he calls bastards and the Princess he calls a whore. Viserys pulls his dagger out and staggers to his feet but practically falls over, He is in no shape to cut the tongue out of the man who shamed his family. Luckily, he doesn’t have to because in one swipe of his sword, Daemon lobs Ser Vaemond’s head in two and says, “He can keep his tongue,” which is gruesomely protruding out of the decapitated head. So, that answers that. Luke it is, and with Baela at his side the meeting is adjourned.
Down in the Grand Maester’s basement morgue, Rhaenys watches as a team prepares Vaemond’s body parts for travel back to Driftmark. He advises her not to look death in the eye but she shrugs off his warnings because she’s been in the presence of death more times than she can count. It doesn’t care if her eyes are open or closed.
At the family dinner, everyone shows up, even Viserys, who seems to be the only one who isn’t feeling the tension in the room. Must be that poppy tea because he starts the mea off with a toast for the newly betrothed Princes and Luke’s new appointment to Driftmark. After that he chastises his family for their squabbles and removes his mask to reveal a missing eye and a melting face, “tonight I wish you to see me as I am. Not of a King but as a father.” HIs passionate plea lands differently for everyone but if any of them were hungry, the zombie looking grandpa ranting about family feuds probably killed those appetites. His toast is all about setting aside their feuds to unite the family and keep House Targaryen and their realm strong. Infighting could lead to challenges for their throne and he will not let that happen. Rhaenyra follows her father’s lead and toasts the Queen– who she recognizes as a loyal wife to her father. She thanks her and offers her an apology that hits on many levels. Is it a sorry for having to remain loyal to this decrepit man, or a sorry the Princess found a kind of happiness she never could? So many sorrys hidden beneath that apology and it surprisingly touches Alicent, who always seemed stuck between her love and hate for her former friend. She tears up and then
Everyone tries to please the king with toasts of forgiveness until he tires and the real fun kicks off. Almost immediately, Aemond starts in on his nephews, Jace, Luke, and their brother Joffrey, until a fight breaks out and Daemon’s immediate presence stops it. Decapitation tends to command a room and Aemond is smart enough to bail before his head is the next to land on the floor. Later that night we see one of the castle maids return to Daemon’s ex–Mysaria (Sonoya Mizuna) who apparently has spies in the castle. The episode ends when we see Alicent caring for Viserys in bed as he tells her about Aegon’s dream. At first she thinks he is talking about their son but when he mentions the song of ice and fire and the Prince that was Promised who would unite the realm against the dark and cold she is stunned when ends his feverish rants with “It is you. You are the one. You must do it.” “I understand, my King” Alicent says, and what she understands is he thinks he’s talking to Rhaenyra. With that she leaves him to fade away– slipping from this mortal coil as he reaches out into the darkness with a dying whisper on his lips, “my love.” King Viserys has reunited with his beloved Aemma in the after-life. Let the game of thrones begin!
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