How We Roll – The PTQ
By: Sammi Turano
he episode opens with Tom (Pete Holmes) and Archie (Chi McBride) preparing to leave for a tournament. Helen (Julie White) says for them not get to emotional, but Jen (Katie Lowes) thinks that she doesn’t. Helen says she didn’t mean her and Archie admits he doesn’t get emotional, but his allergies act up.
Sam (Mason Wells) says he wants to go, but he is not able to now. Both women want to go as well, but Tom says if he invites one, he has to invite the other. Sam goes back to bed, while Archie and Helen say goodbye by the car and Jen says goodbye to Tom in the kitchen.
Tom and Archie are driving in the car, only to discover Sam snuck in to go to the tournament. Tom calls Jen to let her know he is okay, but then admonishes Sam for disobeying him and running away. Sam says he just wanted to watch him bowl.
At the salon Tia (Amanda Perez) and Jen talk about Sam and how she did similar stuff as a kid. She adds that they are booked through prom season and organized a bunch of stuff. Jen says she is more productive thanks to her sex clense and Tia agrees, saying that she may never have sex again. The two laugh at this when Helen walks in, talking about how she misses Tom. Jen says they agreed to let him go and not get in the way.
Lew (Tahj Mowry) and Carl (Matt McCarthy) are at the alley, where Lew is in charge. He realizes he lost the keys he needs and freaks out. Carl teases him about getting murdered over the phone if he calls Archie, but Lew realizes he can fix it by calling Jen to get the extra key.
Tom is working with Archie while Sam watches. He gets on his case for meditating and reminds him they have a short amount of time and need to get to work. At that moment, Jen walks in to pick up Sam. Tom is frustrated and it causes him to have trouble bowling.
Later on, they go back to Tom’s room, only to find Helen there preparing dinner. This causes a fight between everyone, especially since they have to share the room due to everything being booked solid.
Everyone agrees to give Tom space, but only make it worse by spilling food on his laptop and setting off the smoke alarm.
Tia goes to give Lew the key and he realizes they went to high school together. He acts awkward with her and ends up breaking the key in the door.
Back at the hotel, everyone goes back into the room after being evacuated, all grumpy over the whole incident. They try to go to bed, but Tom freaks out on them for being annoying. He storms off to sleep in the tub.
The next morning, Tom is still angry over everything. Archie tells him the family went home and are sorry for bothering him. They go off to the tournament–but not before they get free food.
Tia and Lew end up bonding over drinks and food, causing them to get drunk and wild. They wake up the next morning covered in markers and all disheveled. However, Tia assures him nothing happened between them sexually. They are about to kiss when Carl walks in, all confused about what is going on.
At the tournament, Tom is nervous and even more frustrated. He admits he is also upset for yelling at his family and regrets sending them away. He calls Jen, only to find out they are there after all. They cheer him on, even though his competitor tells him to tell them to be quiet. Tom says no.
The episode ends with everyone celebrating Tom’s first place win and track to the World Series of Bowling.
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