Ian Chen – Shazam!
By: Jamie Steinberg
Q) How was your character Eugene Choi in Shazam! originally described to you?
A) Eugene Choi is a gamer and part of the Vasquez foster family. He doesn’t play those role play “baby” games, oh no… he plays the most action-packed (and sometimes bloodiest) games of them all. To keep his energy up the whole time, he guzzles down soda and sometimes plays from the break of dawn to the set of the sun.
Q) Was there anything you added to him that wasn’t in his initial breakdown?
A) Yes, actually. Marta Milans, who plays Rosa (our foster mom) in the film, is incredible and went through our entire character. I think she had a list of 100 questions that we asked our characters: Ranging from what is your favorite color to really deep questions like what happened to your parents, etc.
Q) Talk about getting to work with your movie costars, including Zachary Levi.
A) It was really fun to be able to work with them. Zachary Levi, Mark Strong, etc, they’re all amazing actors. It’s great to learn from them and to grow as an actor myself. Everyone is also very close on the set, so we would hang out off set, watch movies, etc.
Q) Did director David F. Sandberg offer any advice while filming that you took to heart?
A) You know what, Mr. Sandberg is a really interesting person. He’s a really quiet person and only gives notes when he wants to change things. I see this as something that really helps my performance as it gives creative freedom to us and it eliminates “fake encouragement.”
Q) What were some of your most memorable moments from shooting the movie?
A) It was really fun to hang out with the rest of the cast off-camera. We got to see Ready Player One and picked up breakfast, lunch and dinner together. We were just like any regular family.
Q) What do you think it is about Shazam! that will make it a fast fan favorite superhero film?
A) I think Shazam! is a really great film and it’s definitely one of the different films that DC has made. It’s really funny, even in script form. I’m sure it’ll be even funnier on screen.
Q) You have great comedic timing. Is it something that has come naturally to you or has you had to work at it?
A) Yeah, I think it’s natural to me. I’ve never really thought proactively about “wait for a beat, it’ll be funnier,” or anything like that. It just comes out of my mouth when it feels like it. [laughs]
Q) What have loved seeing you as Evan on “Fresh Off The Boat.” What continues to challenge you about portraying him?
A) I feel like Evan and I have a lot of similarities and differences and a whole lot more on the differences than the similarities. He’s more attached to his mom and really uptight. It’ll be really interesting to see him go into his teenage years.
Q) Since you play a family on screen, is the cast super connected off-screen as well?
A) Yes, definitely! We spend a lot of time with each other off screen. In fact, Forrest [Wheeler] lives just five minutes away from me!
Q) You are a part of social media. Do you enjoy the feedback and responses you receive from fans?
A) I really enjoy hearing tips and feedback from my fans. It’s nice to hear that they have to say about my performances which really motivates me.
Q) What has it meant to you have Asian actors as leads of these shows?
A) It’s a really great deal that “Fresh Off the Boat” is on the air, as it’s the first network show featuring an all Asian-American cast in 20 years. This is really amazing as due to “FOTB” we began to see more diversity on the screens. It’s like “Fresh Off the Boat” was a trailblazer and that is always cool to be a part of.
Q) What advice would you give to up and coming actors and actresses?
A) I don’t want to be too cliché or anything, but just be confident in your auditions, make sure to familiarize with the script and always have fun.
Q) What would you like to say to everyone who is a fan and supporter of you and your work?
A) Thanks for supporting me along the way, it’s been a fun ride, and I hope to share more amazing stories with you guys in later times.
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