INTHEWHALE – Plane Crash
By: Dianca Yssel
Q) How would both describe your sound?
A) This is an easy answer. We love in a time where in about twenty-five seconds you can listen to any band you or I want. So, just go to whatever platform you use to stream music, type in INTHEWHALE, and press play.
Q) Both of members were raised in conservative and religious households, a stark contrast to the hard core, rebellious nature of your music. How has your upbringing influenced the band you are today?
A) We’ve always loved exploring the duality inside all of us. Our upbringing has given both of us a heightened sense of that duality, so it’s easier to draw from. We don’t regret our upbringing, although we are very different from the way we were brought up. It’s given us a unique perspective of the world.
Q) Who are your musical influences and what about these artists resonate with you?
A) We love artists that push the envelope, artists that do their own thing and generally artists that provide any sort of catharsis for whatever we’re going through at the time. Some of our favorites include: Deftones, Helmet, Smashing Pumpkins, Queens of The Stone Age and Quicksand.
Q) Congratulations on the release of your latest single “Plane Crash.” What is the story behind the song?
A) “Plane Crash” is about dealing with addiction, knowing the outcome of what you’re doing and still wanting to do it anyway. Something all of us can relate to in one way or another.
Q) What is your creative process when making new music? Do you need lyrics before adding music?
A) Generally the instrumental comes first, but Nate usually has the skeleton of a song before bringing it to Eric. Then, we finish the song together
Q) What was the story behind the music video for “Plane Crash” and how does it enhance the theme of the song?
A) The video came from an idea of us putting together a model plane and then crashing it. From that concept, we kept evolving and evolving it into this sort of Tim and Eric meets David Lynch sort of a vibe. We really we’re just going for the inside of an addict’s head.
Q) What do you hope your fans will take away or lingers with audiences when listening to “Plane Crash?”
A) Really just a sense of catharsis, feeling the desperation in the music and being able to relate in some way.
Q) Will you be releasing a full album or EP in the near future?
A) Yes. This year.
Q) Your explosive live performances, described as pushing sonic limits and delivering a pounding to the senses, tend to turn heads and have accumulated a mass following of diehard fans. How do you mentally and physically prepare to perform with such intensity?
A) It’s really just about putting on the show we would like to see and doing our best to be completely in the moment on stage.
Q) With such powerful performances, how do you shake off a long night of being on stage?
A) Sleeeeeeeeeeeeeep. As long as possible.
Q) Which song(s) do you continue to especially enjoy playing live and why?
A) The answer to that question is always changing, but for now the song is “Plane Crash.” The new broom sweeps clean, I guess!
Q) You have played at Rockfest, Lollapalooza, Austin City Limits and Afro Punk among others. Is there a live show you have played at that was particularly memorable for you and why?
A) There was a show a few years back that we played supporting The Toadies in San Antonio that was absolutely electric. For some reason, we just tapped into the audience and they were with us and we were on fire and everything was perfect. Sometimes shows are just like that.
Q) Your past performances have included Jane’s Addiction, Descendants, The Offspring and Gogol Bordello among others. Which artist(s) would you love to collaborate with on a song in future?
A) We’d love to have Bryan Garris from Knocked Loose guest on a song of ours. His scream is just so emotional and cool.
Q) What would you like to say to your fans and supporters of the music that you make?
A) Keep supporting and buy the record when it comes out!
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