Movie Reviews

Introducing, Selma Blair

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By: Maggie Stankiewicz



Rachel Fleit’s Introducing, Selma Blair is not only a vehicle for its titular star’s raw introspection, but a harrowing account of living with chronic illness. This documentary abandons the illusion of documentarian objectivity, resulting in an intimate and empathetic video diary of a woman suffering, then surviving in pursuit of thriving. The film lives up to its promise, granting viewers a never-before-seen glimpse into the life and psyche of Selma Blair, a great talent whom many thought they’d seen the last of. But this movie doesn’t fall prey to the voyeuristic clichés of those before it. Instead, it offers a platform and a microphone on which Selma Blair can learn, grow, explore and be herself – on her terms.


In late 2018 Selma Blair revealed to the world that she had been diagnosed with multiple sclerosis (MS) after experiencing unprecedented mobility issues. This diagnosis and Selma’s continued experiences living with the autoimmune disease are the central focus of the film. By blending personal recording captured by Selma Blair and friends with standard documentary-style footage and interviews, Rachel Fleit carefully paints a portrait of Selma’s physical and emotional health as her disease progresses. It is, at times, humorous and heartbreaking.


A relatively novice documentarian, Fleit impressively navigates her subject’s world without ever feeling exploitive or pitying. The result is an honest, heart-wrenching memento of Selma’s journey, from diagnosis to experimental treatments and beyond. Likewise, Selma’s vulnerability and trust in Fleit’s handling of her story is palpable throughout the film. Without this mutual trust and respect, Introducing, Selma Blair would not be as successful as it is. This documentary isn’t just well-crafted from a technical perspective, it hits every emotional cue and more as it catalogs the emotional journey of one of pop culture’s most beloved icons.


The documentary orbits around Selma’s diagnosis and the lengths she went through for relief, but it contextualizes her journey by accounting for Selma’s family life, her career and her self-recognition. Selma is not her disease and her life isn’t solely defined by her circumstances. The film understands this and is careful not to undercut her accomplishments and missteps as an artist, a daughter, a mother and a patient. Each of these elements is equally important for viewers to finally meet Selma Blair as she is today. It feels like a gift to be granted insight into these moments of Selma’s life, in the same way that it feels like a blessing to build an emotionally intimate relationship with friends and family.


Viewers are taken into exam rooms, hospital beds and quarantine chambers as Selma Blair undergoes experimental chemotherapy and stem cell treatment for her MS and we watch as she recollects the darker moments of her life. Selma doesn’t just bravely put herself on display in this way, she nobly uses her story – the good and bad – with the hopes of making a difference. In this way, Introducing, Selma Blair allows viewers to witness Selma fully realize herself once again and this is the purest form of art.


This labor of love between director Rachel Fleit and Selma Blair is a first-hand account of life with chronic illness and disability. And we could all take a few moments to sit down and listen to a life that’s been lived, and is still living, under unimaginable but very real circumstances.

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