Jackie Castro – Romanticize
By: Matthew Pepe
Q) You obviously grew up in a talented family. How did growing up with other musicians in the family influence you?
A) They taught me everything I know! I’m the youngest in my family and it was incredible growing up around a family of musicians because they taught me how to play guitar, piano, gave me tips for singing and helped me write some early songs. Music always came naturally to me and I think it’s because I was surrounded by it my whole life.
Q) Who are your other musical influences?
A) My earliest influences especially for my songwriting were Ray Lamontagne, David Ramirez, Damien Rice, Adele, Taylor Swift…and currently my biggest influences for my pop project are Julia Michaels, Jon Bellion, Chelsea Cutler and Quinn XCII.
Q) After much success with your band Castro, and a solid record deal, you decided to step out on your own. What led you to that decision?
A) The band was becoming an unhealthy place for me in a lot of areas. Our family wasn’t thriving because of it and, honestly, we were at very different life stages and the project just didn’t make sense anymore for us to do together. I knew deep down it was what was best for us but it wasn’t easy to walk away from.
Q) How hard was it to do that considering your bandmates were family?
A) Incredibly hard. I cried a lot. I went to therapy. I did not make the decision lightly, but in my heart, I felt the peace I needed to know it was the right decision. It was a scary thing to leave behind, but the reward of starting my own path has been so incredible. Everything has worked out for all of us exactly the way it was meant to and we couldn’t be happier.
Q) How would you describe your sound? How would you say that sound differs from your band Castro?
A) I’d say my sound is lush pop with some acoustic elements and honest songwriting. The sound is completely different from Castro because since that was a trio the focus of our group was on our 3-part harmonies. It was also more of a folky/Americana sound. Now, I’m doing straight indie pop.
Q) Talk about your writing process. How does that differ than collaborating as part of a band writing together?
A) It’s much more personal and about my own life experience than it was before. I have complete artistic freedom now whereas before I was a third of the voice. It’s really cool because these songs feel like the insides of my brain put to music. I like to start my songs alone in my room, humming a melody and finding some lyrics that fit with it, and then I take it to my writing sessions with my producers and we build it more from there!
Q) The subject matter in your song “Romanticize” is unique. It is not a typical love song or “break-up” song. What inspired you to write that song?
A) My tendency to romanticize guys that aren’t great for me is the inspiration. For some reason I’ve always gotten hung up on people because I completely block out the bad in them and only see the good in them. I find myself picturing the past like a movie instead of the reality that it really was. This song is that moment when I snap back to reality and say to myself, “No, Jackie. You’re just romanticizing!”
Q) I love the retro feel in the video for “Romanticize.” While its clear the lyrics of your song elucidate thoughts of a movie scene, why make that a retro movie scene?
A) Thank you! Honestly, it’s just the time period I always pictured in my head when writing it. But I also think that Old Hollywood era fits the song perfectly because it was a bit over dramatic and over the top and that’s the kind of movie scene I describe in the song.
Q) With two excellent singles out now, when can your fans expect to see more and/or a full album? Is a tour in support of your releases upcoming?
A) My next single is actually coming out in November and I’m incredibly excited for this one. Keep an eye out and get your tissues ready! I’m always writing so an album is definitely on my mind. I’m also currently looking at booking shows in LA, NYC and Dallas, so I hope to have something to announce soon!
Q) What do you hope fans take away from your music?
A) I just hope it helps them feel connected – like someone understands what they’re going through. That’s what music does for me and it reminds me how we really are all more similar than different!
Q) What can fans expect from one of your live performances?
A) Lots of brand-new songs! And probably me dancing around wearing sparkly things.
Q) If I took a peek at your music collection, who would I be surprised to see in it?
A) Hmm, maybe Mac Miller? His last album Swimming was on repeat for like that whole year and has such a special place in my heart! I think it’s such a musical masterpiece. I adore him and was so heartbroken when he passed last year.
Q) What would you like to say to everyone who is a fan and supporter of your music?
A) Thank you so much for listening and being the reason that I get to do what I love! I can’t wait to bring these songs to you so we can sing and dance together!
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