Jackson Hurst – Vampire Dad
By: Jamie Steinberg
Q) What are the recent projects that you have been working on?
A) We had a baby about a month ago, so that’s kind of been my focus. We also moved to the east coast. Before that I was doing “SWAT,” which was tons of fun.
Q) What drew you to want to be a part of the movie Vampire Dad?
A) It was really just meeting the people and the script just cracked me up. It was good timing. When I shot it, I had just done “Sharp Objects” and “Truth Be Told.” They were super dark projects so this was good timing because it was fun. When it came across my desk, I said, “Ah man! This is perfect.”
Q) What are some struggles that Raymond faces when he does become a vampire?
A) It’s wild. It’s in the late 50’s and 60’s era so appearances are everything. So, his wife is struggling with keeping up appearances with the neighborhood and everybody else. The big one is that they want to keep their daughter safe. So, they’re trying for her not to figure it out all the while a man’s gotta eat. So, without spoiling too much a man who feeds. They try to conceal that from their daughter also. SO, it makes for some interesting and pretty fun scenes in the movie.
Q) Talk about the process for putting on your prosthetics.
A) Oh yeah. The fitting…They put me in those awesome tasting fitting gum that you used to have at the dentist. I think mine was strawberry. So, I thought, “This can’t be too bad.” So, they made me a couple of those prosthetics – one each different length depending on which phase he is in. They actually fit amazing. I’ve worn them before for Halloweens in the past and they are always pretty bad. These fit like a glove. I was wearing them pretty much every day so I went through a few of them. It was pretty cool.
Q) What advice did director Frankie Ingrassia give that you took to heart while filming?
A) She wanted us to be familiar with the genre – classic monster movies. Even though this isn’t a “classic,” so to speak as it was just shot, she really wanted to have a bunch of call backs to monster movies. She would play a lot of videos for us, wanting us to familiarize ourselves with that genre. Honestly, I didn’t know anything about it. I never really watch classic movies at all, which I’ll probably be cursed in the industry for saying that. It is what it is. So, I checked out some of those. Also, to get a vibe with the camera shot. It was a very specific type of cinematography with the closeups and the weird angles and all of that. Getting familiar with that genre, that was a big thing for her.
Q) What were some of your favorite scenes to film?
A) It was a comedy so we had tons of fun. I loved working with Grace [Fulton] and Emily [O’Brien] and Barak [Hardley]. We were cracking up left and right. I loved the dinner scenes because you have so much going on. Emily and I were always growing up and Barak, too. He was so good at improv and he was cracking us all up. The dinner scene was super fun. We also shot an LSD scene, which was pretty wild. We shot it in the middle of the night and we were all already delirious, so it helped out.
Q) It sounds like you had a lot of fun on set, but how did you shake off a long day of filming?
A) I’d come home, crack open a beer. Usually, I was pretty tired because we were doing long days. But I’m telling you, I was just cracking up. So, when I would come home, we had a baby too. I’d come home, pop up on the couch, crack a beer and just chill.
Q) What do you think it is about Vampire Dad that will make it a fast fan favorite monster movie?
A) I think the indie vibe – the low budget vibe – is a huge bonus because there is absolute freedom. If you’re willing to forgive some of the indie related stuff, I think it’s really that we had so much fun. I watched it and, to me, it’s hilarious. The storyline is great – a psychologist for the underworld. I think it’s hilarious and people can sink into that. Also, I think at the end of the day, it really is about family. Everybody is trying to protect their loved one. That kind of brings it all back to what people can relate to. Especially now, with everything that is going on, it’s good just to have something to laugh at – something that is quirky and weird and funny.
Q) You have been a part of a number of great projects. What have been some of your favorites that you have worked on?
A) I’ve been fortunate to work on some great stuff. Honestly, I loved “Sharp Objects.” Jean-Marc Vallée was amazing. I had a blast there. Honestly, “SWAT.” “SWAT” was super cool. The cast was so tight like a big family. I loved it. Honestly, I had a blast on Vampire Dad. I met some super cool people. Kathryn M. Moseley is amazing and we’re like family now. And Frankie. Yeah, I’ve been fortunate. There have been some cool projects.
Q) You are a part of social media. Why is that such an important way to connect with your fans?
A) I love to hear what people have to say! It’s funny. I have a pretty cool fanbase. The stuff I work on has been from comedy to super dark to horror to whatever else. And I love to hear what everybody has to say.
Q) What would you like to say to everyone who are fans and supporters of you and the work you do?
A) I would like to say thanks. It’s because of you guys that I am where I am. I couldn’t be happier so I appreciate all of your support. Keep checking out movies!
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