JAGMAC – What’s Right With Me
By: Jamie Steinberg
Q) What inspired you to speak out for National Bullying Prevention Month?
CJ: Bullying has always been an important topic to us because our family owns a martial arts school. One of the main reasons people join our school is because they have been bullied, usually at school. We feel like so much of the depression that kids experience these days stems from some type bullying – either physically or emotionally. When we heard that October was the official month to promote anti-bullying, we knew we had to get involved. We discussed the idea with our label, Unitas Entertainment, and they were in complete agreement that this was our opportunity to try to make a difference and help stomp out bullying once and for all, especially since we had the perfect song to use for this campaign, “What’s Right With Me.”
Q) Alyssa, how did you come up with the concept for the inspirational video you posted to Instagram?
Alyssa: I was trying to think of a way to show how the voices in our heads sometimes makes us our own worst enemy and the biggest bully. Maybe these ideas come from how we think others perceive us or maybe they are even things that we have actually heard people say about us. But oftentimes they can even be just our own thoughts, when we are constantly comparing ourselves to others. So, it’s inevitable that at some point we are going to feel inferior. We always think there will be someone prettier or smarter or more talented…and then we get depressed. But instead of focusing on all of the things that we think are wrong with us, it is so important to focus on what’s right with us! So, when a bully makes fun of us for whatever reason, we can combat those insults by knowing and focusing on all of the positive things about ourselves.
Q) What kind of personal experience do you have with bullying?
Manjo: I remember being at the mall one time when I was younger and this big guy came up to me in the men’s restroom and said, “Hey man, gimme a dollar.” He didn’t look poor or needy so I said, “No.” He got more aggressive in his tone and said it again, “Gimme a dollar.” So, I did. I wasn’t looking for a fight, so I just gave him the money. I felt so stupid and weak after I did that. I know it was only a dollar, but I felt like I caved in to a total stranger and that I should have stood up for myself.
Q) What is something more people should be aware of when it comes to handling a bully?
GABRIEL: The thing about bullies is that most of them were actually bullied themselves and, unfortunately, that’s why they act the way they do. Somewhere along the line someone didn’t treat them very nicely, which is sad. One way to deal with bullies might be to actually try and befriend them. Maybe they’ve just never had a good friend so they don’t know how to be a good friend. Another option is to just try to walk away and let the bully know that you are not fazed by what they are saying or doing. And, finally, in some instances you actually do have to defend yourself if you are being physically threatened. That’s why it is super important to know self-defense. All of my siblings and I are black belts in Tae Kwon-Do and a Filipino martial art called “Eskrima.” Hopefully, we will never need to use these things in a confrontation, but it’s always good to be prepared!
Q) What type of response have you received from your fans to the video?
Angelique: The responses from the fans have truly been incredible. Every day more and more people are sharing their stories with us and are now seeing what’s right with them through our #whatsrightwithme challenge happening on social media! It’s been amazing to see everyone’s response. Their comments have really been eye-opening and have strengthened our resolve to really try and do our best to bring an end to bullying.
Q) What message do you hope your fans take away from your inspirational video?
Alyssa: The message that I hope everyone takes away is this: Each of us is special, created in the image and likeness of God who is love. We weren’t meant to all look alike, or sound alike or be good at the same things. We each have our own unique gifts and talents to share with world. So, stop being dragged down by the negative and start focusing on the positive. Most importantly, be comfortable with who you are and in your own skin. We are all beautiful!!! STAY POSITIVE.
Q) JAGMAC also has the song “What’s Right With Me.” What do you think listeners connect to with it?
Jared: I think the reason that most people can connect with this song is because so many of us tend to pick out the bad things before we see the good things in life. We need to get out of “the glass is half empty” mode and be thankful that we even have a glass and be even more thankful that, even though it’s not completely full, at least there is something in it! In other words, I feel like if we didn’t take things for granted we would be a lot more appreciative of what we do have.
Q) How much of a hand does the band have in the production of their music?
CJ: The good thing about being in a family band is that we all know each other’s strengths really well. Some are really good at playing instruments, others are really great writers or dancers, etc… We each have our individual specialty and our own personalities and experiences to draw from. Because of that I’d say we are all very involved in the various aspects of our music – from the original concepts to lyrics to production and, finally, performance. Music is our passion and we love what we do. What makes it even more awesome is that we can do it all together.
Q) Who would you most like to collaborate with on a song in the future?
Manjo: There are a lot of great artists that we would love to work with! For me personally, I would love to work with Bruno Mars and Zed. I know my other brothers and sisters have their favorite artists as well, so it would be a long list! We just love all kinds of music – whether it be EDM, Country, R&B, Pop and even Big Band music! Music just inspires us, even though collectively (as a group) our tastes are very eclectic.
Q) You’re headed on a cross country tour with 4th Ave. What can fans expect from a live JAGMAC performance?
Gabriel: Each JAGMAC performance is a high energy, feel good and, for some, a life changing experience. We have received countless letters from fans who have poured out their hearts telling us how much our music has inspired them or had a positive effect on them. When we are on stage there is no place we’d rather be. It’s where we were born to be. So, expect to be not only entertained, but to be ENERGIZED after seeing our show and hearing our music!!! And, if you really want to know, you’ll just have to come to one of our shows and experience it for yourself!
Q) You are a part of social media. Why is that such an important way for you to connect with your fans?
Angelique: The great thing about social media is that it’s like being there without actually having to be there! It’s a way for us to connect with our fans every day so that they can see and be a part of what we’re doing. Obviously, it would be impossible for them to see us perform every day in person, but because of the internet we can still keep in touch with them and share things more things about our daily lives that they wouldn’t necessarily see at a concert. Our fans mean the world to us and to have the ability to connect with them on a regular basis is really awesome!
Q) What would you like to say to everyone who is a fan and supporter of you and your music?
Alyssa: We definitely feel like we have the best fans ever! In fact, they are more like our extended family. That’s why we actually call them JAGMAC Fam!!! So many of them have been there since the very beginning and the fact that they have stayed with us through this journey is very humbling. So, we appreciate you JAGMAC Fam and look forward to a future of more amazing music and memories to share with you all!
Watch The Video for “What’s Right With Me”
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