
Jan – TEC

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By: Lisa Steinberg



Q) Your music is often described as “electronic,” but how would you describe your sound?


A) I like house, tech house and “old school” house. The goal of my songs is to awaken emotions in those who listen to them. It is the reason why I compose and produce them.


Q) What are some of your musical influences?


A) First of all, my father, from whom I have learned a lot by accompanying him since I was little. And then I don’t have preferences for names but for ideas. I like to look at artists who create unique things.


Q) Talk about the story behind your new song “TEC.”


A) It’s a tech house song that I would like people to dance to and enjoy. It is composed with that intention. May the audience have a good time while listening to it.


Q) What do you think it is about the song that fans connect with?


A) It’s difficult to answer that question. For me music is life, it is emotions, feelings. I think it depends on when you listen to the song, the place, how that day went.

I wouldn’t say that a song has to have this or that to connect with the fan. There are songs that at a certain moment can connect 100%, and the same song at another moment cannot.


Q) What is your songwriting process? How do you create your rhythms?


A) First of all, I think about what I want to express with the song: joy, love, sadness, or any other emotion, and from there I generate the rhythm and structure the song.


Q) How much involvement do you have in the production of your music?


A) Total. I am a composer and producer of my songs. For me, it is very important to get as involved as possible in all creations.


Q) With “TEC” out, is this a prelude to a full album or an EP?


A) I’m going to continue releasing songs over the next few months. Later we will see if it is an album or an EP.


Q) You are only 17-years-old and you are already a popular musician. What advice would you give to emerging musicians who want to get started?


A) I am in the beginning of my career. I don’t think I can really give advice. Simply, let everyone never stop doing what they really like in life.


Q) What are some of your favorite places to perform and what makes those places so important to you?


A) I like to perform in places where people dance. It’s really exciting to see that people enjoy and connect with music.


Q) What can fans expect from a live performance by Jan?


A) I like to see how the audience reacts to the songs, how they interact, what moment they are in. You can expect a show in which I hope to awaken emotions in each and every one of them.


Q) Who would you like to collaborate with more on a song in the future?


A) I have no preferences when it comes to names. Yes, in terms of ideas and concepts as I explained before. I learn every day from artists who create unique things.


Q) What artist/musician are you currently listening to and why do you like them?


A) I listen to a lot of music. Not only electronic music, but also hip hop, rap and other genres. My favorite song, for example, is “Message in a Bottle” by The Police.


Q) What would you like to say to everyone who admires and supports you and your work?


A) I’m very grateful that people want to listen to my music and come see me perform. I hope to see many of them this summer and enjoy together.



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