
Jason DeVore – Til The Voice Goes Out

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By: Jennifer Vintzileos



Q) Outside of being the frontman for Authority Zero, how would you best describe your sound as a solo artist?


Jason: I suppose that’s hard for me even to say, but if I had to fine tune the phrasing of it I’d say Americana singer songwriting blended with pop, rock, punk and reggae tones.


Q) Who are your Top 3 musical influences?


Jason: I honestly can’t name a top three, but some that come to mind as immediate influence given this project, I’d say could be Jeff Buckley, Dallas Green and Manu Chau.


Q) Tell us the story behind “Turn It Off!”


Jason: This song truly came together almost unconsciously. The more I do interviews it makes me go back and think on the lyricist and it’s clear to me more and more that a massive part of this unconscious writing is based on my struggles with alcohol. From the very first lines, “The devastation slithers in my skin, the broken glass and bottles hit my chins. A conversation whispers through these walls. Call a medic he’s flatlined but duty calls,” it’s more than apparent that it’s where the seed was planted. You’re going through an extremely difficult time in your life to the point of consuming it and all it entails and it’s dragging you down this seemingly endless pit, but at the same time you’ve got work to do and dreams you aspire to fulfill. That leads to the whole phrasing of turning off the noise in your head, the static of the world, the madness and negativity to just give (or allow) yourself to just fucking breath. It’s just all the stuff that makes your head clouded, confuses or distracts you and keeps you up at night. As far as sonically, the more I’ve been asked It’s a rock and roll song with kind of a pop rock/punk song with an 80’s swing. It’s got a lot of intensity to it that evens out the dynamics.


Q) You also had a chance to work with The Ataris and Mercy Music on “Turn It Off!” How did that collaboration come about and what kinds of conversations did you have with them when recording the song?


Jason: Man, it really was as simple as, “Hey you guys wanna lay down some guitars on this new track?” And they were like, “Yeah man that’s a great track, let’s do it.” They’re both such amazing musicians and the greatest dudes. Bob Hoag (the producer) reached out to Kris Roe as he was popping into the studio to do some stuff of his own so he got him on board. And with Brenden Schotlz, Double Helix had mentioned he too was in town doing a track of his own with Bob and that he’d be stoked to play on it. It all was almost meant to be.


Q) “Turn It Off!” is the first single off your upcoming LP Til The Voice Goes Out, which is set for a June release. What can fans look forward to with this album?


Jason: Yes, and I am so overwhelmed with excitement for this record to come out June 7th. It truly is a rollercoaster and a journey through musical styles, emotions, breaking down walls in every regard. My hopes are you’ll find yourself singing along and laughing one minute and then deep in your thoughts and emotions crying the next.


Q) Which song was your favorite to record for the new LP?


Jason: Oh man, that’s an impossible question to answer in all honesty. Each has a special place in my heart. They’re all so very unique.


Q) This is also your fourth solo LP. What do you love most about being able to step away from the frontman role and create your own music?


Jason: I love it all equally so very much and it is certainly my ying to the yang of Authority Zero. What I can say that I enjoy most about it is the lack of expectation and the clean slate I have to work with. Anything is possible, anything across the board is experimental and lyrically it is very direct and honest. It gives me an opportunity to really write songs to the purist of their ability without any boundaries to an open audience that may not be familiar with the group and our staple sound as well.


Q) What do you hope lingers with audiences that explore this upcoming LP?


Jason: I truly hope the audience walks away from this record at first listen through with a sense of fulfillment in every way and exhausted emotionally.


Q) With the release of Til The Voice Goes Out, are there any plans to do some solo shows to promote the new album?


Jason: Absolutely! Most of which in the beginning phases with by solely acoustic, but I do have big plans to have full band performances as well in the coming months.


Q) Who would you love to collaborate with on a song in the future?


Jason: Bruce Springsteen, Billy Joe (Green Day), Jim Lindberg (Pennywise), Post Malone, Frank Turner and Chuck Ragan…just to name a few.


Q) In your thirty years as a musician, what is the best advice you have been given that you still apply to your music career today?


Jason: Be true to yourself, be proud of your work, play every show like it’s your very last, hold nothing back, keep yourself honest and keep your eye on the prize.


Q) What would you like to say to your fans and supporters of your music?


Jason: I love you. Thank you for everything


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