Jay Harrington – Benched
Q) What was it about the role or the show “Benched” that made you want to be a part of it?
A) I was excited to do another comedy. I actually went to high school with Michaela [Watkins]. So, when they told me to take a look it I knew it would be great because I really liked her. When they pitched me the idea of the ensemble, it reminded me of shows from way back and it’s just a solid workplace comedy. It’s not your typical lawyer show. It’s not flashy law firms with people with tons of money. This is more real so the comedy comes out of real places and real situations.
Q) Having already known Michaela, did she have to give you a few tips on the character?
A) She called me and asked me to take a look at it because it was something she was developing for Eliza [Coupe] and it was a pilot for USA Network. She just said that she would really like me to come in. A lot of people consider me and look at me as put together and clean cut. This role is a little more of a guy who doesn’t care as much. He’s a little bit looser and rougher around the edges. She just said, “Relax. Come in and show them what you can do.” The part was so well written and I was excited to play this character. She gave me a high five on the way in.
Q) What did you add to the role that wasn’t originally scripted for you?
A) I know originally Michaela didn’t think of the role of Phil for me. She thought of a guy maybe who had let himself go and not necessarily someone who had a spark with Nina. I read it and put myself into it, which was not too far off from what Trent (Carter MacIntyre) is and what he could have done. He could have had a nice place to live, made some big money and maybe had kids. He’s just a little off the path and I read it as this guy who is going to reconsider how he approaches things from now on. This makes him want to be a little bit better.
Q) Being able to watch the pilot early, do you think that has helped with promotion for the show and building buzz?
A) I do! A few years ago, if you would have told me that’s how we would do it then I would say, “You’re crazy because you are taking away from the audience from when it is on television and it is so important to get ratings.” I think that just the way things are now, with an online presence, it only helps to get people to watch it. The network and everyone behind it really likes it and wants people to see it. Rather than throwing it out there and just seeing how it is does, they are doing a ground swell of activity. I think it is a great thing. I think it is a really interesting new way to go about promoting television.
Q) Do you have any online presence planned for when the show premieres? Will you live tweet or share any behind the scenes photos?
A) My folks are going to be out here. It will be my girlfriend, my brother, my parents and a couple of close friends watching with me. We’ll just hang out and with social media I want to get it out there. Sometimes I feel a little bit of giving people a break. They know I’m putting it out there. I’ll wait for a few more days. If people are up for live tweeting, I’m all about that.
Q) Eliza has great comedic timing and repartee. How has it been working with her?
A) We had a lot of fun. We clicked pretty quickly. I’m a fan of her’s and would watch stuff she has been on. I saw her on “Scrubs” and she appreciated “Better Off Ted.” I had a vested interest in that show. With “Happy Endings,” it was kind of appointment TV for my girlfriend and I because we loved that show. Getting to work with her, we clicked pretty quickly. She has a very fun way about her and she goofed around on set. She can do a take the way they scripted it and then she can go do a whole thing. It’s fun to watch! We kind of realized as we went along that I am much more like Nina in real life and she is much more like Phil. By the time they said, “Action,” we had to reverse our roles.
Q) What were some of your most memorable moments from filming “Benched?”
A) I really had a great time with the guest cast that came through. We had Chris Parnell, who also had been on “Better Off Ted” and he and I have a great rivalry in later episodes. Nat Faxon is a guest star and he and I have a scene where we’re on a double date and he is warped from having just seen a terrible accident. It doesn’t sound funny, but when you watch it you will see that he was so funny. I just had a really great time each week seeing who Michaela and Damon [Jones] were going to bring on. We had Albert Tsai from “Trophy Wife” and he was adorable. I have a lot of great memories of the show.
Q) Is there anything else you would like to share with fans about the show?
A) Watch it now! I don’t want to see you in the street in four years and have you say, “I loved that show! Why isn’t it still on?” Check out the show. It’s funny and it’s very good stuff. If you liked my previous shows and Eliza’s shows, I guarantee you will like this show.
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