Jessica Sipos – Chesapeake Shores
By: Lisa Steinberg
Q) What can you tell us about the season premiere of “Chesapeake Shores” and where do we pick up with character Sarah?
A) It’s beautiful. The locations, the couples, the progression of story lines. The premiere really sets the pacing for the rest of the season. With Sarah, we pick up with her and Kevin (Brendan Penny) continuing their relationship. They’re really getting to know each other at this point.
Q) What can you tease about some of the themes and events that surround this season?
A) As far as themes go I would say love is always the common denominator. Viewers will get to see a lot of insight into relationships, past, present and future. I definitely think this season is the best yet!
Q) What effects will what happened in the finale have in this season going forward?
A) I think really just where relationships have left off and where they have to go from there.
Q) What challenges will Sarah and Kevin face this season?
A) Anytime there’s uncharted territories there will be challenges. There are two major ones this season where Sarah and Kevin really have to decide what it is they want for each other and the relationship. Wish I could spoil it a little more for you, but you’ll have to wait and see!
Q) Will we see more of Sarah interacting with the rest of the O’Brien family this season?
A) We do see more of Sarah with the family! Some time has passed since last season’s finale so at this point she’s really blending in with the rest of the family.
Q) What do you enjoy most about your character arc this season?
A) I think just getting to see more sides of Sarah. How her heart grows with her experiences. She really comes out of her shell this season and as a result there is this beautiful honesty and connection between her and Kevin.
Q) Is there anyone you hadn’t gotten to film any or many scenes with that you were looking forward to working with this season?
A) I always wish I had more scenes with Treat [Williams. He’s so wonderful and fun to work with.
Q) What have been some of your most memorable behind the scenes moments from filming “Chesapeake Shores?”
A) Pranks! There have been some fantastic pranks pulled on each other. I’ll be able to elaborate more after some of the episodes air, but this is really just the best cast and crew to work with. It’s always such a pleasure coming to work.
Q) What do you think it is about the series that has made it such a fan favorite?
A) I think the show touches on certain realities that people can relate to. Everybody loves watching people stumble their way through love. It doesn’t hurt that the show is filmed in one of the most beautiful locations either!
Q) You are a part of social media. Do you enjoy the instant fan feedback you receive to your projects?
A) I do, I really do. Social media is such a great forum for support and I love hearing what people think of projects I’ve been a part of, or their favorite line or moment. And gifs, I love me some gifs.
Q) What would you like to say to everyone who is a fan and supporter of you and the work that you do?
A) You guys are the BEST! Truly. I’m always so grateful for your support and encouragement. It can be a scary thing being vulnerable and growing in front of the public eye, so you support means the world to me.
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