Jett Jano – feels
By: Malasha Parker
Q) You said you were inspired by artists like Michael Jackson, Prince, Frank Ocean and more. From the way that feels sounds, you can see those inspirations incorporated into your music and visuals. How would you describe your specific sound?
A) Wowzers! That totally means a lot to me. I appreciate you for noticing that, but yea I’d honestly say I do progressive or alt-R&B music.
I feel like, for me, it’s about incorporating “elements” (no pun intended [laughs]) from all the greats and creatives that inspired me to create and cultivate my own sound which pays homage to music from the past while adding my own flavor and flair to it.
Q) Where did you get the inspiration to write the song “feels?”
A) It was inspired by real life events actually. I was in a situation last year as to where I met this person and really begin to fall for them and develop feelings for them and honestly the feeling was mutual but we both was in a situation at the time and as much as we wanted to be with each other we couldn’t because the timing wasn’t right and the stars just weren’t aligned for that at that moment. lol
Q) Explain the writing process for “feels.”
A) The writing process honestly was pretty easy for this one (thankfully [laughs]). I literally heard the beat and the melody and most of the lyrics literally started to pour out of me.
Q) How has writing this song and releasing it to the world impacted you?
A) Well, I can say that I’m happy I was able to get that off my chest and vent to (the world [laughs]) about that situation. I can honestly say it’s impacted me in a sense to where I feel like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders about that situation, but then again, I feel like that every time I write [laughs] because I write and draw from my own life and experiences. Honestly, it’s therapeutic for me. It’s pretty much like I’m journaling and sharing my journal with the world. [laughs]
Q) What do you think it is about the song “feels” that has resonated with listeners?
A) Well, I think it’s the storytelling in the song. I’m sure everybody has been in a situation like that and can totally relate. Plus, (not to sound big headed lol) I think the groove, melody, and beat is infectious. You just can’t help but be drawn to it plus it has kinda an old school sound with a modern twist to it.
Q) You have a new project dropping in January. What can you tease about it?
A) Oooooooh! All I’m gonna say is it’s gonna be sooooo good. [laughs] If you’re a lover of feel-good music inspired by 80’s and 90’s R&B, house and dance music then you’ll love this project. My hope, prayer and wish is that I create something that everyone would be able to groove to. From 1 to 91. [laughs]
Q) What do you hope to accomplish with the release of your new project and music?
A) My hope and prayer for this upcoming project is that it brings joy, light and love to everyone who happens to come across it. To be honest, that would be my biggest accomplishment when it comes to this project.
There’s so much heaviness right now in the world and hope my is that when you listen to my music it will make you feel good and for the forty minutes or so your listening to it, you can escape the troubles and heaviness that may be surrounding you at that time and be free and dance, dance, dance lol
Q) How much of a hand do you have when it comes to the production side of the music that you make?
A) Well, as far as vocal production I’m very hands on. I write and arrange everything myself. But when it comes to beats, TBH I usually kinda scouring the net for beats, instrumentals and or producers. If I find something I like I reach out to that producer, and we connect and go from there.
Q) Who would you love to collaborate with on a song in the future?
A) Ooooooh! I’d absolutely love to collab with Kaytranada. I’m such a mega fan of his. His production style is simply amazing.
Q) What appearances or performances do you have planned for your new project?
A) Well, I never like to give too much away all at once, but I definitely have something super dope in store for this project rollout and, of course live performances, more visuals, etc. But if I’m being honest, I’d have to say to stay informed follow me on my social (IG) at @jettjano. I definitely follow back, it’s all love.
Q) What would you like to say to the fans and supporters of you and your music?
A) I want to say thank you the bottom of my heart for taking time to rock and vibe out to ‘little ole me.” Like I always say, my biggest hope is that my music can bring you a sense of joy, make you feel good, and help you get through your day.
My music is really just my own personal testimony and I hope that through my own testimony someone can relate and know they’re not alone.
I want people to know that there’s only one you. You are uniquely made and “YOU” matter, just the mere fact that you’re own this earth means you have purpose.
Don’t ever let anyone tell you otherwise and don’t ever let anyone or anything steal your joy.
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