Jo Hartley – After Life
By: Jamie Steinberg
Q) What are the recent projects that you have been working on?
A) I’m currently appearing in Ricky Gervais’s “After Life” Season 2, which is now streaming on Netflix. Due to the overwhelming reaction, Ricky’s decided to do a third season, so we’re all very happy about that! Another show I star in is “In My Skin,” a BBC Comedy/Drama, written and created by the amazing Kayleigh Llewellyn. It’s a coming of age story about a young girl navigating her way through life, sexuality and friendships whilst struggling to deal with a bi-polar mother (played by myself) and an alcoholic father. That will be streaming on HULU in July. I’ve recently shot an indie movie called Sweetheart and I’m also writing a couple of my own shows.
Q) Please tell us what is new this season on “After Life” and with June.
A) There’s a lot to look forward too! Tony (Ricky Gervais) faces new challenges. All the characters have their own little journey in Season 2. June’s madly in love with Lenny (Tony Way) who’s now moved in with her and James, her son. She fusses over them both way too much. June gets a shot in the limelight at a local Talent show, doing a duet with James (Ethan Lawrence). They perform Elton John and Kiki Dee’s “Don’t Go Breaking My Heart” and there’s an awkward love scene between Lenny and I, which James gets in the middle of, three’s a crowd type of thing.
Q) What initially made you want to be a part of the series.
A) Ricky messaged to ask if I’d like to play June. He’d very kindly written the role with me in mind, so I accepted and jumped at the chance. I love him and his work. Everything he touches turns to gold. We initially worked together on David Brent: Life on the Road, “The Office” movie. I play Pauline Gray. The scripts for “After Life” were superb. Plus, it’s always fantastic to get an opportunity to work with such a talented bunch of actors. I knew it would be a lot of fun.
Q) How was June originally described to you?
A) She wasn’t really described to me. I think we discovered June throughout the process. She seemed to evolve scene by scene. A lot of her character came out of the scenes written by Ricky, especially the scene at the newspaper office in Season 1, Episode 5. The awkward chemistry between Lenny and June just seemed to spark us off. And then that odd relationship with her son, James. She’s a woman with a big heart, has no filter and overshares too much, but what you see is what you get. The costume, hair and makeup helped create her, too.
Q) Was there anything you added to the role that wasn’t in her initial breakdown?
A) We did improvisation, which was fun. I guess one always brings something personal to a role, but she evolved mainly from the scripts. Ricky likes to keep it real, be, don’t act. Physical comedy is important for this character, so I sprinkled a little bit of nuance in there.
Q) Going into Season 2 was there someone(s) you were hoping to share more scenes with?
A) Everybody’s brilliant, so whoever I’m in a scene with I’m happy. Wherever June’s story takes her, I’m there. Love being on set with Ricky. I learn a lot from him. It’s a joy knowing everyday will be rewarding and inspiring, a school day. Plus, we get treated with such love and respect. Netflix are great to work for!
Q) Talk about working with comedy icon Ricky Gervais.
A) It’s an absolute pleasure, the best! Ricky makes extraordinary shows about ordinary people. He’s genuine, relatable. Maybe that’s why people love him. He’s a genius. We laugh so much on set. I constantly feel uplifted whenever I’m around Ricky. He possesses a very special energy and his laugh is infectious. He raises my game, is a brilliant actor and a generous director. He’s very smart. Every detail is thought through and he never takes himself seriously. He’s kind and spontaneous. He loves to improvise. It’s been a real gift working with him and his team! This chapter of my life has been enhanced greatly by working with him. I believe when you’re around impeccable quality, it influences you and you begin to aim for it yourself.
Q) What have been some of your favorite moments from filming “After Life?”
A) The duet with James! Mine and Lenny’s love scene, which was awkward but a big hit with the viewers! [laughs] That was a memorable day. We laughed so much we couldn’t film it. There are loads of magical things in Season 2 I love, from everyone.
Q) What do you think it is about this series that has made it a fast fan favorite comedic series?
A) I think it’s relatable, grounded, honest and hopeful. I was crying one minute, laughing the next, I guess it’s about something we’re all going to experience or have experienced. The characters are real, people have said they identify and feel very connected and comforted at times, by the show. I guess we’re all looking for a connection, love. The music’s awesome too, Ricky loves an epic score.
Q) You are a part of social media. With the pandemic going on, are there any plans to live tweet some of the episodes?
A) No, not to my knowledge, but my Twitter and Instagram feeds went crazy. It was so lovely. I have no idea how Ricky coped with his. He’s got millions of followers. I bet his phone was constantly buzzing away!
Q) Do you enjoy the instant fan feedback you receive to the show?
A) Yes, it made me feel very moved. I know Ricky was overwhelmed by the response. We’re all so grateful. Always wonderful to hear the show has helped someone connect or grieve, or just made them laugh. Knowing that has been very heart warming. It feels like I’m part of something special.
Q) What would you like to say to everyone who are fans and supporters of you and the work you do?
A) What a beautiful question to ask: I’d like to say THANK YOU to ALL for your kind love and support. It’s meant the world to me. I’m truly grateful! It’s been helpful to have a positive distraction throughout lockdown. Stay safe, stay home and please tune into my new show “In My Skin” on HULU, June 4. See you all on the next “After Life” with Ricky!
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