Joey Vahedi – The Chosen
By: Gladys Luna
Q) One of your most recent jobs on TV include, “The Chosen” that has become a huge success around the globe; please tell us about your first approach to the show and how were you selected to play the disciple Thomas?
A) I first heard about the show through my agent. I originally auditioned for the role of Simon but didn’t get it. As actors, we are rejected on a constant basis, so you just learn to move on to the next thing. Nine months later I received a callback notice for the role of Thomas. I thought it was a mistake because I never read for that role. When I walked into the room, I met Dallas Jenkins (director/creator) and Beverly Holloway (casting director). Dallas told me he had been watching my tape for Simon, which took me aback. I thought it was pretty cool to know I was still on his radar. Days later I booked the role. It just goes to show you never really know how things happen in this business. Pretty wild!
Q) Were you already familiar with any of your co-stars of “The Chosen” before you started filming the show?
A) I didn’t know anyone on the show at all. I met most of them the week I was shooting my first episode – Season 1, Episode 5. Even then I didn’t really get a chance to talk to them because most of my dialogue was with other characters. Four seasons later and I can safely say these people are some of the best people I’ve ever met.
Q) What do you consider has been the best part of portraying Thomas?
A) I’ve gotten the chance to meet a lot of really lovely people. People I work with. People that feel affected by Thomas’ journey. People who see themselves in him. That’s been the greatest gift – connecting with people through storytelling.
Q) What is it about your character that really pushed your boundaries as an actor?
A) Thomas’ journey has been a special one. There have been highs and lows. Constant pushing and pulling. We see Thomas in a multitude of situations that most people won’t experience in such a condensed timeline. It’s been a fun challenge tackling an arc of a human being who goes through so much. It certainly pushed me to be better and it made me want to be better for my cast mates.
Q) What scene has made you the proudest to film so far and why?
A) Probably our big Season 3 finale: the feeding on the five thousand. We filmed with 12,000 extras over a period of four days. When you walk out into that crowd you feel the energy of these people who are just as excited to be there as you. It’s really something else. It was one of the first times where I was truly in awe of the impact “The Chosen” has had on people.
Q) One of your co-stars on “The Chosen” has been Yasmine Al-Bustami who plays Ramah, Thomas’ love interest. How has it been to collaborate with her in this project?
A) It’s been fun! Everyone we work with is a joy to be around. People are always cracking jokes in between takes. When you spend that much time with a group the chemistry naturally develops. We trust one another and hopefully it all translates onto the screen.
Q) Please tell us about a memorable moment from filming Season 4 of “The Chosen”
A) There is a moment in Episode 6 where we are all completely soaking wet in our tunics. I remember laughing because you’d see everyone having to line up one by one and basically get hosed down by the costume department before each camera set up. The discomfort was real, butlaughing away at the misery with your fellow casemates makes it less miserable.
Q) How did you shake off a long day of shooting and being on set for this project?
A) Oh man…anything to distract my mind. I love watching movies and shows. I watched the entirety of the Harry Potter series (Ravenclaw, let’s goooooo). Watched some “Rick and Morty.” Watched “Succession.” I truly just tried to get lost in another world outside of “The Chosen.” If it wasn’t that then I was drowning my sorrows in Torchy’s queso dip. I will say…have yet to find a better queso in the US.
Q) What has it meant to you to receive so many responses from fans to this significant role?
A) As an artist, the hope is that what you do means something to someone. I see the fan art. I see the letters, the DM’s, etc. It’s crazy to see how people have been impacted by Thomas and ultimately the show. It’s humbling. I’m glad I could be part of someone’s experience. It’s why I do what I do.
Q) What do you hope the fans take away from watching “The Chosen” – maybe a message or emotion?
A) Just because you learned about something one way doesn’t mean it’s the only way. I hope people challenge their own worldviews to be better not just for themselves, but for others.
Q) Is there a dream role you would like to play in the future?
A) Give me an Italian mobster any day of the week. Capeesh?! That or voicing a cool character on an anime. A samurai! I’m not a nerd at all. I promise.
Q) What are the upcoming projects that you have been busy working on?
A) I am gearing up to start shooting Season 5 of “The Chosen.” We know the fans have been waiting anxiously for the story to continue. I’m excited to get back to set in April!
Q) What would you like to say to those who are fans and supporters of you and the work you do?
A) Thank you for supporting my cause to continuously prank other actors on the show. And, for real, thank you for letting me be a part of your life. [smiles]
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