Josh Kelly – My Husband’s Secret Wife
By: Taylor Gates
Q) How did you get involved with your latest film My Husband’s Secret Wife?
A) I did a Christmas movie for the producers called Romance at Reindeer Lodge earlier in the year and I was really impressed with them and wanted to work with them again. Apparently, they weren’t unimpressed with my performance on that [laughs], so they let me come back and do this one.
Q) Did you have to audition, or did they reach out to you directly?
A) They reached out to me when we were shooting the other film actually. They were like, “I think we have another role that might be right for you.”
Q) I have a feeling your roles in the two movies are very different though.
A) Yes. [Laughs]
Q) What can you tell us about your part in this movie?
A) I would describe my character as a manipulator, but at the beginning he is also manipulated so it’s more complicated. I don’t want to spoil anything, but he’s a guy who’s trying to make two women happy.
Q) How would you describe the movie in three words?
A) Deception meets desire.
Q) Two little boys, Ethan and Oliver Green, both play your son in the movie. What was it like working with them?
A) They were awesome. We didn’t have a whole lot of time to shoot and I wish we could’ve gotten about another week to hang out with them before we started, but they were great. It’s funny because they’re identical twins, but one of them in particular looks exactly like my best friend did in first and second grade, so that was really fun. Thank God [co-star] Helena [Mattsson] was there because she was so great with them. She was a nurturing, maternal figure that really helped them on set and allowed them to act. I totally won them over by the end, though.
Q) Where did you shoot it and what was the timeline like?
A) We shot in Louisville, Kentucky in about two weeks.
Q) Do you have any funny, behind-the-scene stories to share?
A) There was one shot where the camera was across the street. It was very technical with cars having to pass at certain times and things like that. It was a scene where I was kissing [co-star] Briana [Evigan] and in order to get the timing they would keep going, “Kiss. Okay, now unkiss. Kiss, unkiss.” We were laughing and joking about it the whole time.
Q) What was it like to work with writer/director Tamar Halpern?
A) She was such a boss. I remember her coming in one day and apologizing for being frenzied the previous day. It was a crazy story. Apparently, her car had been t-boned when someone ran a red light because their kid had accidentally shot himself and they were trying to get to the hospital. Tamar was like, “It’s okay! Just do whatever you need to do to get him there!” But she was so fantastic to work with.
Q) This movie is described as a thriller. In general, what’s your favorite genre to act in?
A) It depends on my mood. I like doing it all. I got to play a more mentally complicated character than I normally get to play and that was cool. I love them all. It honestly depends. I love doing action movies and actions TV shows, but then you get a little worn out with that and look forward to doing drama and comedy.
Q) What show would you love to guest star on right now?
A) Honestly, I’m guest-starring on a show right now. It’s a great role that I really love, so I would probably say that. It’s a show called “Midnight, Texas” and one of my friends is the lead. It’s a character I’ve never gotten to play, and I get to do this crazy, cool supernatural stuff. I was in the first five minutes of “True Blood,” but other than that I’ve never really gotten to experience supernatural before.
Q) Besides guest-starring, do you have any other projects coming up?
A) No, right now I’m just chipping away at “Midnight, Texas.” The second season is going to be really cool. I’m heavily involved and it’s really fun. The stunts and the fight scenes are so much fun.
Q) Do you have anything you would like to say to your fans?
A) Thank you so much for watching. I recently did a “One Life to Live” event, and it was so cool to see people that used to picket outside the studios to keep it from being cancelled. It was really cool, and a bunch of them are “Midnight, Texas” fans which is cool, so just thank you.
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