Judy Reyes – Devious Maids
By: Lisa Steinberg
Q) Every season of “Devious Maids” the ladies get paired with someone they haven’t worked much with in the past. This year saw you working more with Tom Irwin. What did you think when you first learned you’d be working together?
A) I was beside myself! I have to tell you, I love Tom Irwin and I love his work. I loved his relationship with Evelyn, played by Rebecca Wisocky who I also adore. I have had a ball doing the group scenes with her as well. I think he is a fantastic actor and I think it is a daring pairing. They are similar in their force of personality so I think they have been able to forge a really interesting friendship. I was super duper excited. I remember telling the writers as a result of the devastating loss Zoila went through that it is only fitting she got through a huge transformation this season. I wasn’t sure what it was, but I knew that I wanted it to be big in terms of her relationship with Genevieve (Susan Lucci) and what happens in her life. So I’ve just been thrilled that all of these wonderful things have been happening with her character.
Q) Adrian always works best when he has someone he can go toe to toe with. Has Zoila been that strong foil for him and has working for Genevieve sort of prepared her for that?
A) I think so. I think that Zoila doesn’t function unless she is being extremely honest and truthful. She understands how wealthy people function, only getting what they want and doing what they want. She says, “no.” And actually pretending to be wealthy has given her the opportunity to function from both sides of the fence so to speak. She gets it. The fact that he didn’t even recognize her just really pissed her off and was a hilarious choice for the writers. It was another thing to play off instead of building on some potential romance. It’s a solid friendship.
Q) We have seen a rift between Zoila and Genevieve this season. How will working the bigger mystery of The Circle bring them together?
A) Not to spoil it, but I think ultimately a friendship is a friendship. It just had to force both of them to come to terms with the codependence of their friendship and to really look internally at their own strength and appreciate. I think working the mystery will ultimately help them see that.
Q) As we get closer to the finale, what can you tease about the dynamics between Zoila and Kyle? Does she have real feelings for him?
A) I think what I can tease is that all of that is in the swirl of what happens to Zoila and just because the circumstances under which she met Kyle (Ryan McPartlin) were “devious” and dubious and dishonest – all of that will expose itself from her side and from his and his crazy mother Frances (Stephanie Faracy) as well. All of it will expose itself and reveal itself to be something that might be enduring. Although Kyle is a sweet guy, he is not the most independent guy in the world. He will ultimately have to choose who he is beholden to and I think Zoila will realize that she is in a lot deeper than she intended to. You will see her more embroiled in the mystery than in past seasons.
Q) What has been your favorite or most rewarding part of Zoila’s character development?
A) As you said earlier working with the different actors this season and being able to explore completely different angles. Ultimately, for me, in terms of playing Zoila it is always playing the comedy as well as the emotional journeys that Zoila goes through. I get to have an even exploration of both. It’s not just the comedy but the emotional journey that she goes on. I get a nice taste of both.
Q) What have been some of your favorite moments behind the scenes with Susan Lucci?
A) Susan is just awesome. Behind the scenes, I have actually gotten to spend time with Susan and her wonderful husband. She is absolutely darling and just picking her brain and talking about her legendary career…We have gone out to dinner. As tiny as she is, she is a total foodie. That woman CAN put it down! [laughs] I’m not kidding. And she is extraordinarily conscientious, kind and generous. There is not a bad thing you can say about her. She is just really, really wonderful to be around.
Q) With “Devious Maids” there is such a great mixture of comedy and drama. Can you talk a little bit about keeping up and portraying the balance?
A) I had the good fortune of Zoila being able to balance the comedy with all of the things she goes through. That’s really been so rewarding for me over the last four years. I had the good fortunate of doing that when I played Carla on “Scrubs.” So, I’m familiar with that and I’ve been very fortunate to be able to keep that up. It’s been great to see that in my fellow actors like Ana Ortiz, Rebecca Wisocky and Tom Irwin who bring that weight from their theater experience to the show. It’s so delightful to see and the people who are so devoted to the show are always tweeting us saying they love that part of the show.
Q) It’s always nice seeing Zoila’s relationship with her daughter, Valentina. Is there a chance or an opening for a return for Edy Ganem?
A) Me too! I look forward to seeing her again, too. We always keep in touch via text. Her little boy is just getting bigger and bigger. I know she recently went on location to shoot a film. I look forward to experiencing her and what the deal is with her and her man Remi (Drew Van Acker). That’s what makes the relationship with Zoila and Genevieve so complicated. It’s because they are also family now.
Q) These are strong and independent women. What does that mean to you and why does TV need more fearless females as their leads?
A) The answer to that is obvious. To play a strong female, but to be amongst four of the most fabulous Latinas in television working together…Ana makes this point all the time that we all know each other because we are all normally going against each other for the same roles. It’s so unique to be able to actually have four women who are four leads in this one show playing these great roles and in different types of roles. It’s nonexistent in this town and yes, we need more of that. We need more diverse opportunities and to be able to pioneer that in one single show is unanticipated. It just goes to prove that yes, it is done. It can be done. So, I’m honored to be a part of something that began it. To pioneer that is a thrill. To be among these wonderful women who are a blast to work with and who are so professional, talented and have so much going on outside of the show and expand on that as a result of the show, I’m glad to be a part of it.
Q) Is there anything else you tease as we move forward to the finale?
A) Zoila has to confront her charade because the owner of the house comes back and it is going to be a riot.
Q) What would you like to say to the fans of “Devious Maids?”
A) I can’t thank the fans enough Our fans are so loyal, so into the show and so constant about communicating to us how wonderful they are. Not just here in the states, but all over Europe and Latin America. The new fans have such wonderful things to say about us and our work Please stay with us. Keep watching because I think the finale is going to be as predictably awesome as the others and I think it will keep you with us. Thank you for your loyalty. We appreciate you. Without you there is no us so we’re grateful.
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