Juliana Tucker – The Great Indoors
By: Ashlee Dell’Arciprete
Q) Congratulations on your forthcoming debut EP, The Great Indoors. Your new single from the EP titled “Alone but Not Lonely,” which released on Valentine’s Day. It’s extremely catchy and for single people everywhere. What was the meaning behind the song?
A) Thank you!! I actually wrote this song right after I found out my ex started dating someone new. The second it was publicized on social media; all my friends and family contacted me telling me I’ll find my person soon and to not worry because my time will come. While I appreciated having such supportive and caring friends/family, I realized in that moment I actually didn’t need to be comforted. It was the first time in my life I genuinely felt happy being on my own. I then thought back to my last relationship and sometimes feeling my loneliest, which is when I came to the realization that the words “alone” and “lonely” are not the same. That’s when I decided to write a song about it.
Q) What do you hope listeners take away from the single?
A) “Alone But Not Lonely” is made for anyone who finds comfort in their solitude and for anyone who enjoys being on their own even if it’s just for a few minutes. Alone time always helps me reset, so whether or not you’re single, I think this message can hopefully connect with people on that level as well. It’s also a song that emphasizes the idea of self-love. I think we live in a society where people are expected to find their *other half,* when in reality I believe the most important relationship we will ever have is the one with ourselves and just because someone isn’t in a romantic relationship doesn’t mean they’re unhappy.
Q) Do you plan on filming a music video for “Alone but Not Lonely?”
A) As of now, it’s not in the works, but in the wise words of Justin Bieber, “never say never.” I can’t believe I just quoted Bieber, but I’m here for it. In the meantime, I do have a lyric video out for this single, so check that out and let me know what you think!
Q) Since you’re an independent artist, what was the production process of releasing “Alone but Not Lonely” as well as your upcoming EP, The Great Indoors?
A) As an independent artist, I have to fund everything on my own and create my own connections, so it’s not necessarily the easier route. But I do believe it’s fulfilling. I was lucky enough to meet incredibly talented musicians and creatives along the way that were an integral part of my EP. I wouldn’t have been able to do everything I did without every single one of them and for that I’m forever grateful and excited to continue working with them for my future releases! It’s a team effort always.
Q) What are some themes you’ll be exploring on the EP?
A) The biggest reoccurring theme in The Great Indoors is growing up. It’s meant to be a self-reflective body of work that explores the difficulties and joys we endure as we grow up and learn about ourselves. It’s also meant to remind people to look within us for our happiness because at the end of the day, our most important relationships are the ones with ourselves.
Q) Which tracks were some of your favorites to create or maybe challenged you the most for The Great Indoors?
A) The hardest and most meaningful track for me to write was the title track, “The Great Indoors.” I wrote that song in the peak of the pandemic in my one-bedroom apartment with my guitar. It took me almost a month to research the concept before actually sitting down to write anything. I would watch documentaries and shows on vulnerability and nature, I would read blogs about people’s experiences in quarantine, I would write in my journal about my own experiences, etc. Once I felt as though I retained all the information I needed to start writing, I sat down and finished the song in a few hours. It was originally written on my acoustic guitar, but I always knew I wanted to bring in my pianist, Jules Lee, to turn the song into a piano ballad. The second I heard everything come together, I actually teared up because it was the most vulnerable that I’ve ever been when writing a song and that’s a feeling I will never forget.
Q) You made your TV debut on “American Idol” at just sixteen years old. Have you been in contact with anyone from “American Idol” since being on the show?
A) I’ve kept in touch with a couple artists who were auditioning at the same time and they’re the best! We will always have those memories together.
Q) What advice would you give to upcoming musicians just joining the business?
A) The best advice I could give, which is also what I tell myself, is to just be you. There are plenty of talented musicians in the world, but what will eventually tell you apart from everyone else is your uniqueness and true self. I would also say when you feel like giving up, don’t. I study artists all the time who look like they just blew up overnight, but that’s rarely true. Artists usually work on their craft for years before anything makes a mark, so just keep pushing through and believing in yourself even when you feel like stopping.
Q) You’re active on TikTok and other social media platforms. How important is it for you to use social media to connect with your fans?
A) It’s very important for me because it allows me to connect with my fans on a more intimate level than ever before. I am able to receive feedback on what resonates with them and what doesn’t, and it always opens my eyes to new perspectives, which I love. I’m constantly trying different things to connect with new fans and it’s definitely not easy, but I’m a firm believer in social media and the potential impact it can have on an artist. I never take posting for granted and I’m grateful for everyone who watches my videos and interacts with me. It means more than you know.
Q) Who would you love to collaborate with on a song in the future?
A) Nothing would make me happier than to collaborate with Julia Michaels, Jeremy Zucker, Christian French, Bazzi and/or Post Malone. Oh, and Khalid! There are honestly so many more, but I’ll keep it small for now. [smiles]
Q) What would you like to say to your fans and supporters of you and your music?
A) THANK YOU. Thank you for following along on this journey with me and supporting me. I know there are millions of singers out there, so the fact that my supporters are taking time out of there day to show love to my music and songwriting means the world to me. Please know that I can feel your love and kindness through my phone, always. And I’m sending it right back!! [smiles]
Watch The Video For Single “Fair Warning”
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