Justin Chon – Deception
By: Jamie Steinberg
Q) What are the recent projects that you are working on?
A) I’ve got a project with Macro that I’m writing and directing. It’s in the script phase. Hopefully, I can make it within a year.
Q) Please tell us the premise for your series “Deception” and about your character Jordan.
A) “Deception” is about an illusionist who helps the FBI through illusions and deceptions to catch criminals. My character is Jordan Kwon. He’s a pickpocket. He’s from Chicago and he’s a part of the magic team.
Q) Was there anything you added to Jordan that wasn’t originally scripted for you?
A) I think the original breakdown for him was African American so me being Asian was a departure from that. In terms of the character, I don’t know. That’s a tough question. Other than who I am, I’m not sure if there is a physical element that I brought. He’s paired with Gunter, played by Vinnie Jones. The two of them have a lot of fun together.
Q) Were you familiar with any of your costars before working with them on set?
A) No. I think I had heard about Jack [Cutmore-Scott]. I heard about him through his other show, but no one in particular. I was a fan of Vinnie and Lenora [Crichlow] who was on “Black Mirror.” I knew Amaury [Nolasco] from “Prison Break.” But I didn’t know anyone personally.
Q) How did you prepare for your role?
A) We have wonderful magic consultants, Francis [Menotti] and David [Kwong]. They helped us with all of the magic preparation. Francis is on set most of the time guiding us through any illusion or practical magic on set. That in itself was a challenge.
Q) What have been some of your most memorable moments from filming the series?
A) It’s been great! It’s a wonderful cast. I’ve really had a lot of fun with Vinnie. I’m a huge fan of Snatch so he’s like an older brother figure. We shoot in New York so shooting at Steiner Studio in Brooklyn was really fun and being on the sound stage is always fantastic. Doing location stuff can be a lot – moving around all the time. So, being on a sound stage is pretty wonderful.
Q) You frequently take on dramatic roles. Is that also what drew you to “Deception?”
A) On “Deception” I think I play a lighter note on the show. That’s part of the reason why I wanted to do it. It was something much more fun and light so I thought I’d really enjoy it.
Q) The show has garnered comparisons to the film Now You See Me. Do you see the similarities?
A) Sure, in some ways. I just think there are some comparisons to that, but “Deception” is unique in its own ways. We do a lot of practical magic on the show. There are bigger set pieces and there are smaller stuff – especially with Jack, he’s gotten really, really good at the card stuff and the more practical elements of magic.
Q) If there is a Season Two (knock on wood), who would you like to have more scenes with or maybe that you haven’t worked with yet that you would like to?
A) I enjoy working with Vinnie, but I’m mostly in the archive of illusions prepping the illusions and a lot of the magic. I think it would be funny if I had more scenes with Amaury. If we got paired up to do more detective work, which I shouldn’t be doing in the show at all…[laughs]
Q) You are a part of social media. Are you looking forward to the instant fan feedback you will be receiving about each episodes?
A) Sure! Absolutely! I think that’s really exciting to witness and it’s interesting to hear what the fans think since we work so hard on our shows.
Q) What do you want to make sure fans know about “Deception?”
A) What I love about the show is that it is really entertaining. I think there are a lot of television shows these days that are so dark and sort of heavy. This show has the procedural element with the FBI since we’re trying to solve crimes. There is a lot of lightness and humor to it. It’s actually quite funny! The creator also wrote “Chuck” so that was an action/comedy. It’s a really fun show to watch. I think there is something in there for everyone. It’s exciting and funny. There are illusions, magic and the family element with the team. So, I think it’s just a really well-rounded show.
Q) What would you like to say to everyone who is a fan and supporter of you and your work?
A) I’d like to say to tune in Sundays at 10pm after “American Idol.” I think you’ll have a good time!
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