Justin Kelly – Wynonna Earp
By: Maggie Stankiewicz
Q) What kinds of projects are you currently working on?
A) I have a film coming out hopefully next year that I have a small part in. It’s called Run This Town starring Ben Platt, Nina Dobrev and Mena Massoud. We filmed that earlier in February so that should be coming out hopefully next year.
Q) Had you watched “Wynonna Earp” prior to auditioning or was it a completely new experience?
A) I hadn’t seen it before I auditioned but I had known of it. I actually auditioned, I believe, once before a couple years ago. So, once I auditioned I had watched the series. I started the first season and then leading up to filming I watched the whole first season to get a feel for the tone and everything. It’s just a great show.
Q) Birds have been a major symbol this season. Robins are often regarded as birds of honor and divinity and represent renewal or rebirth. How has Robin brought these concepts to life since making his way back to Purgatory?
A) Wow, that’s a great question. You know, that’s the thing. Robin’s comeback…He’s been thrust into this whole crazy journey in Season 3 with Bulshar (Jean Marchand). He’s been sort of standing on the sidelines, but being accepting of it and embracing everything that’s going on while exploring his relationship with Jeremy (Varun Saranga). I think there’s just something very pure about Robin. He’s always just sort of been there and willing to help regardless of what has been thrown his way. We’ve seen him get kidnapped, we’ve seen him get possessed by Bulshar and become one with the trees. All of these things brought him out of the other side of it stronger than before. He’s still holding on and not letting it effect his relationship with Jeremy and also not letting it scare him away. With all of these things happening, it’s not hard to be disheartened by everything and feel afraid. That really falls into the symbolism of it, is just the purity of his spirit and who he is as a person.
Q) Staying on the theme of names, the last name “Jett” is said to be a derivative of Judah – who made an appearance in Genesis…which just so happens to describe the Garden of Eden. Was this a coincidence, or another deliberate act of genius from the writers?
A) You know what, that’s the first time I’ve actually heard that. I really wouldn’t put it past Emily [Andras]. That would be the genius of the writers. I’m going to have to sit and think about that. I could totally see it being the writers. Everything is precise and thought out. It wouldn’t surprise me at all.
Q) What are some of your most memorable behind the scenes moments from the “Wynonna Earp” set?
A) I remember one day we were shooting the date night stuff and it was the scene where Varun and I enter through the door and say hi to Nicole (Katherine Barrell) and Waverly (Dominique Provost-Chalkley). For some reason, we thought it would be a really good idea for one take to…I think it was my idea actually and Varun went along with it and ended up spearheading this thing. We tried one take where we just didn’t show up, where we weren’t on the other side of the door so Kat would open the door to nobody. We did it without really thinking it through that we hadn’t let Kat know, so it fell flat. It was a gag that we had hoped would make the demo or gag reel and it totally ended with a series of confusion from the cast and crew. Varun and I were just laughing at the ridiculousness and once we let Dom and Kat in on the joke the four of us shared a good laugh. There were a lot of those moments that really made me feel one with the cast and completely welcome. They were super welcoming from the beginning.
Q) Who is one character that you wish you could have interacted with more this season?
A) I’d have to say Doc (Tim Rozon). We had a couple great scenes, I love watching Tim. I love watching the stuff he does with the character. I’ve had a couple really fun scenes with the character and it’s just so much fun to watch and play and watch him explore Doc. He has such a great time doing it. It’s really great to watch. I would say Doc and, of course, Wynonna (Melanie Scrofano). I could watch Mel act for days. She’s so funny and a lot of her stuff this season has been super emotional, everything between her and Doc. It’s one thing reading it on paper and thinking, “Oh this is great writing,” but seeing them bring it to life and seeing them play these scenes is super inspiring to watch. I wish I had the chance to work with them a little bit more.
Q) Did you anticipate the resonating response received after you licked that potato?
A) I was waiting once that first trailer came out. I was waiting to see what the response was once the actual episode came out and it’s been great. It’s been so much fun sitting on the sidelines watching everybody. Before Robin was introduced it was so much fun watching everybody try to decipher who this person was licking the potato. I don’t think I’ll ever live down this whole potato thing. It’s been super hilarious and seeing the memes that people come up with. I saw one the other day – it was me licking the potato, but someone replaced the potato with Bobo’s (Michael Eklund) head. The stuff that people come up with is so much fun. It’s been so fun to watch everything unfold. Once a potato licker, always a potato licker.
Q) This season’s Big Gay Dinner was a pivotal moment of television for LGBT viewers. Did the importance of it have an effect on how you played the scene, or was it a natural transition for you as Robin?
A) The importance of it was certainly there in terms of what we were representing in filming the scene together. Even in the scenes Varun and I have together, it’s there. In terms of playing the scene, a lot of it is just a testament to how good these actors are. It just came naturally. I think coming into playing these relationships, it’s important to play them as authentically and truthfully as possible. That’s really easy to do when working with these actors. The importance was definitely there, it just really came through with how we were interacting with each other. It felt super natural.
Q) A lot of fan theories have been circulating this season. Do you have a favorite one that you’ve read or even speculated on yourself?
A) Interesting. I’m trying to think…I’m trying to think if I read any specifically on Robin. There was one theory floating around before Robin was introduced and before everyone knew he was licking the potato. Everyone thought I was Mel and they were all asking, “Why is Wynonna licking this potato?” That was all very entertaining to listen to. I haven’t heard too many on Robin, so I’m going to keep my eye out and my ears peeled.
Q) Jeremy and Robin are Purgatory’s new favorite couple. Other than their mutual affinity for vegan snacks, what is it about Jeremy that is attractive to Robin?
A) I think honestly, it’s how charming he is. Robin is coming back to Purgatory and he grew up where there weren’t a whole lot of other people except for Waverly that he could be himself around. I think Robin sees something really sweet and kind in Jeremy. In their first interaction together, when they’re trying to decipher the mystery of the murder tree, it’s so hard for me to explain because when we were filming these scenes there was this banter that Varun and I had. When we were finished filming the scenes together we were like, “Oh wow! This totally fits.” There was something so immediately comfortable with Jeremy and Robin, even though they didn’t know each other, and I think it just fit. It really works for these two. Jeremy’s a little nerdy and Robin is almost a little more confident. The way they respond to each other is a really nice dynamic and something that Robin finds really cute and really sweet. It’s like, “I like this guy. I like Jeremy and I want to explore this.”
Q) Will Jeremy’s questionable status as a “pure” human have any impact on the Jetri relationship?
A) That’s a good question. I don’t know. It’s something that I haven’t really thought about, but it could. Who knows what Emily might be cookin’ up. At this point, I’m not sure. Everything is still incredibly new with these two and I’m looking forward to exploring that.
Q) Robin’s education in jazz and astronomy have come in handy for both placating Bobo and saving the world. Does he have any other hidden talents that are yet to be explored?
A) Well, aside from the potato licking, I would say that music is something I hope is further explored with Robin just because of my own love of music. It would be cool to think that maybe he is really good at playing music or playing jazz or something like that. We’ll have to wait and find out!
Q) You’re on social media and participate in the weekly live tweets. What have your experiences been interacting with fans this season?
A) It’s been great. It’s been really great. It’s been a bit of a wild ride. I’d been warned about how great this fanbase is and how loyal to the show and how interactive they are, and how caring they are of the characters. When I started live tweeting, I found that it’s been so fun to tweet with everybody while we’re all watching the episodes together. I love seeing everybody’s response when something crazy happens and everybody’s witnessing it for the first time. It’s been great, it’s been so much fun.
Q) Do you have any words of wisdom on how to survive the season finale and impending hiatus?
A) Oh, you know, I would just say buckle up for starters. The great thing about this show is that there are surprises left, right and center. Just be prepared. Be prepared to expect anything. It’s going to be really exciting. These two episodes are fantastic. I’m really looking forward to seeing how everyone reacts to the episode. It’s going to be nuts.
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