Karrie Martin – Pretty Little Liars
By: Lisa Steinberg
Q) What are the recent projects that you are working on?
A) “Pretty Little Liars” is the first one and I’m really excited and proud to be a part of that production because they are so well known. Hopefully, my character gets enough buzz and I get to come back. Then, I did an indie film that should be coming out this year called Apocalypse. It was an international shoot and I got to be a part of the L.A. production. It was really exciting and I’m looking forward to what this new year brings!
Q) We’ll be seeing you on “Pretty Little Liars.” What can you share about the background of your character Lindsey?
A) You don’t get much of her background, just yet. Hopefully, the character comes back so you get more in depth with her. She is a college student and Hanna is actually her roommate. She’s on her first college tour. Obviously, something occurs (another mystery) and she leaves her behind. Who knows? Lindsey could be a really awesome character later on in the season.
Q) What kind of interaction does Lindsey have with Hanna?
A) It’s a college tour and I’m bringing her around the campus. I’m super into the campus life and I’m knowledgeable about the whole thing. I give tours and understand the whole college life. That’s super fun for me, but Hanna is not having it because her mind is preoccupied with something else.
Q) How was it getting to work with Ashley Benson?
A) She’s actually a really great actress and super professional. I had a really great time with her. She gives you a lot to work off of and it was like we had known each other forever. In a scene that essentially doesn’t give away everything about what the episode is about, she was great and really friendly. She had just finished working on another movie so for her to come in and be ready to work was really awesome. It was a great experience! The entire crew and production was super friendly and absolutely professional. I couldn’t have asked for a better experience!
Q) Were you a fan of “Pretty Little Liars” before being on the show?
A) Last week, I started my first live tweeting. It’s really exciting! I’ve always known about the show. I found the mystery, drama and horror to be kind of scary so I wasn’t sure if I could watch it because it was so intense. Once I got the part, it was so difficult not to be a fan of the show that I just wanted to watch every episode. I was so enthralled by it all! I’ll be doing live tweeting tonight during my episode. I’ve, obviously, become like everyone else with all that drama that occurs in Rosewood each week. I wasn’t one to watch it, but I knew about the pandemonium behind it.
Q) Will you be answering questions when you live tweet?
A) I will answer questions and just be tweeting about what I love about the show. I can do Q&A’s! Obviously, I can’t give away what is going to happen next. I can definitely do a Q&A on the experience and what happened last week.
Q) What did you learn or take away from your time on the show?
A) Obviously, I would love to go back because I saw the professionalism with the production and crew. I can’t say that enough! I definitely took away the comradery that is on that set and the family base they have since they have been working on the show for five or six years. It was an awesome experience to be a part of something so popular in the world that has so many fans dying over it every week. I couldn’t have asked for a better opportunity. I was humbled to be a part of it. From the smallest to the biggest, it was such a welcoming experience and I couldn’t have asked for a first start to my TV life in a better way.
Q) Is there anything else you would like to share with fans about your work on the show?
A) Follow me on all social media! I’m @KarrieMartin on Twitter, on Facebook I can be found under Karrie Martin and @KarrieMartin3 on Instagram. Starting off I didn’t realize how important social media was. Now, I think with celebrities that I’m a fan of how much fun it is to have that interaction. We didn’t have that so many years ago and it’s so much fun for them to be a part of your world. You can make anything happen if you work hard at it. I think it is fun for them to be a part of your life and have them be aware you are there. Bad days happen and good days happen so inspiring and motivating people inspires and motivates me. Whether it is a celebrity or an average person, sometimes I’ll be like, “Wow! I really needed that today.” Especially with your fans, they are the ones who that get you through. If it is music, acting or whatever you are focused on in the industry without them there is nothing. I think I appreciate everything they do. With the celebrities I love, I feel I can be a part of that and I want them to know that I appreciate everything they do for me as well.
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