Katherine Moennig – Ray Donovan
By: Jamie Steinberg
Q) What are the recent projects that you are working on?
A) The show has been a good six months of the year so far so it has been a little hard to figure out scheduling wise if I was available. I finished a film last summer and I’m waiting to hear what the outcome of it will be. I’m also reading a bunch of things and looking to see if anything grabs my interest at the moment. Then, I’m DJing as well. Between those two things, I’ve been a bit booked up.
Q) What made you want to be a part of “Ray Donovan?”
A) Well, it just felt to be something very different from “The L Word” so I just wanted to see what it would be like doing a show that had a completely different feel to it.
Q) What makes Lena so loyal to Ray and Avi?
A) Let’s face it, we don’t know a lot about her history and that’s certainly something if anything I would like to know more about her – where she came from and what got her to the place she is in now. With that being said, I’ve been under the impression is that they are all she has. I know there has been hints of being in relationships, but they were obviously never flushed out. Honestly, I believe in my own brain when I got this job that Ray (Liev Schreiber) must have gotten her out of some sort of situation that indebted her to him. To what magnitude, I don’t know. But that’s always been my assumption – that he must have saved her in some capacity. With Avi, I think they are just two misfits that oddly get along. They are like Felix and Oscar (“The Odd Couple”) of the private eye department.
Q) If Ray trusts Avi, it doesn’t seem like Lena would question that either.
A) Exactly. But I think with Avi (Steven Bauer) and Lena there is some form of chemistry established between the two of them with a great care and support of one another. Avi is like her brother-husband.
Q) Lena has been unlucky in love. Would you like to see her lower her guard and open herself up more?
A) Yeah, sure. Realistically will that happen? I don’t know. I don’t think romance is really on her brain. I don’t think she’s that kind person and I never really sort of anticipate her having a relationship that she is really trying to maneuver and understand. It’s not that kind of show. I think if it were work related, as if the situation were part of a grander scheme that she was trying to solve, I’d like to see that. If that were ever the case, I’d be more interested in seeing a professional relationship dissolve into personal in that regard.
Q) Are there any aspects of her life you’d like to see explored more?
A) I’d really like to know where she came from. I’d be curious to see what the writers would conjure up in that department. I came up with my own theories when the show started, but that was just for me. That was personal. I’d be most curious to see her origin, the kind of family she was in, how she was raised and how she became who she is now because she is quite fearless and unforgiving.
Q) Is there something you would like to see added to your role?
A) It’s a big show with a lot of storylines and whole lot of characters. So, I’m always pushing for the action element. There is only so much one can fit into an hour long episode with the size the show is. I’m usually pushing for any kind of action for the character. I put that bug in their ear last year so hopefully it will start making up for it this year.
Q) Who would you like to have more scenes or haven’t worked with at all that you would like to share some screen time with?
A) I’d love to even have a two minute scene with Dash Mihok (who plays Bunchy). I think he is brilliant and he has become a dear friend. I think he is one of the loveliest human beings and I have yet to really work with him. So, I hope one day that we will be able to have that happen.
Q) What have been some of your favorite moments to film this season?
A) I would say my favorite moment this season is that Lena got knocked out by Marisol, who Lisa Bonet is playing.
Q) Would you like to see Lena and Marisol explore their connection more?
A) I think they have such an acrimonious dynamic that it would be fun to explore. I wouldn’t hold your breath on that, but it would be fun to explore.
Q) What do you think it is about the show “Ray Donovan” that has made it such a fan favorite?
A) I think the actors are great, for one. That certainly speaks volumes of the program. It’s kind of hard to tell what shows are really going to pop and what aren’t. I would like to think that “Ray Donovan” came on at a time when people were craving that sort of anti-hero style lead character. I also think the scenario is far different than what we have seen with a blue collar Boston family living in the glamor of Los Angeles where they stick out as sore thumbs, yet they manage to hold their own. I always find that a really fascinating aspect.
Q) You’re an actress and a DJ. Is there anything else you would like to try your hand at?
A) I would say that a lot of work and time go into both of those so I feel like my dance card is pretty full at the moment. But I could wake up tomorrow and be inspired by something and completely change my mind. As it stands now, I am filled up in that department.
Q) Many fans still cherish your work on “The L Word” and it was so groundbreaking. What did the time on the show mean to you?
A) That was just one of the greatest experiences of my lie and of my career. It means the world to me because it meant so much to all of us doing it. I’m impressed that the show has still held its own after all these years and people still comment on it. That’s a real testament to the importance of what it was so it was an absolute pleasure and an honor.
Q) You are a part of social media. Do you enjoy the fan feedback you receive?
A) Yeah, it’s nice. I wouldn’t call myself social media savvy by any means. A lot of the time I forget to post things and feel guilty that I haven’t. I don’t spend a lot of time on social media, but when I do I think it’s nice to show support. Social media has become part of our norm now. To have that instant feedback is extra ordinary and it is always snice that people are showing support. It’s lovely.
Q) What would you like to say to everyone who is a fan and supporter of you and your work?
A) Many thank you’s! Thank you for your patience. It doesn’t go unnoticed. I appreciate it.
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