Kristina Anapau – Kuleana
By: Jamie Steinberg
Q) What are the recent projects that you are working on?
A) Last year I co-created and produced a show that is now airing nationwide called “The John Kerwin Kids’ Show!” It’s basically “The Tonight Show” for kids – we have all the stars from Disney, Nickelodeon and much more! John Kerwin is a true master of the interview and really shows the young stars an amazing time during their appearances on the show. The kids in the audience go crazy over getting to be so up close and personal with their favourite celebrities!
Q) Please tell us the premise for the film Kuleana and about your character Rose Coyle.
A) Kuleana is a mystery/drama set on Maui in 1971. Kuleana is the Hawaiian word for “spiritual responsibility” and, as many of the characters learn throughout their respective journeys in the film, Kuleana is a privilege – not a burden. Beautifully written, acted and shot. I’m really impressed with how absolutely stunning the final product is. Brian Kohne (the writer/director) did an incredible job.
Q) Was there anything you added to Rose that wasn’t originally scripted for you?
A) Brian and I sat down a few times before filming and really deepened Rose’s character even more, added subtle nuances, symbolism – Kuleana’s wardrobe designer Beth Ann Keller was phenomenal – she took every idea Brian and I had and added so much beauty and detail into what I wore in the film – the progression of colors that Rose wears, the ruby ring, everything has symbolic purpose and supports the unfolding of her journey and of the film on a whole.
Q) Were you familiar with any of your costars before working with them on Kuleana?
A) We had some Hawaii legends on set – Marlene Sai, Augie Tulba – so yes, absolutely. Sonya Balmores (Marvel’s “Inhumans”) gives a breathtaking performance as Kim.
Q) What did you find challenging about your portrayal?
A) Having to seem utterly miserable as the battered wife of Victor Coyle (Stefan Schaefer) because Stefan is so lovely and so much fun to work with!
Q) What advice did director Brian Kohne provide you while filming that you took to heart?
A) Brian had been developing this script and giving birth to these characters for some time. So, with every conversation we had he offered a wealth of insight — not just into Rose’s character — but into how every word, every look tied into to some deep aspect of human existence.
Q) What were some of your most memorable moments from filming this movie?
A) The fight scene on the cliff! My favorite scene of the film by far. It was our very last shot of the entire production. The sun was setting over the ocean and everyone was giving 150%. It was a very intense scene – emotional fight scenes are always my favorites. [laughs]
Q) What do you hope viewers of this film take with them?
A) I hope the film really helps viewers digest the concept of “Kuleana” on a deep level and apply it to their own lives – we could use more Kuleana in this world!
Q) You often do a lot of action/adventure roles. Is there something about this genre that draws you to it?
A) Well, I love when a scene has incredibly high stakes and physicality. I like the rush I guess. The physical intensity somehow opens my emotional channels in a way that quiet, talking scenes do not. Perhaps because I started out as a ballerina? The kinetic aspect of it all? I’m not exactly sure what it is, but there are definitely more of those types of scenes in action/adventure projects, so I suppose that is one reason I’ve always been drawn to them.
Q) You are a part of social media. Do you enjoy the instant fan feedback you receive to the projects you do?
A) I am (@kristinaanapau across all platforms) and I do. It’s such a different world now than when I started my career twenty years ago. Fans today expect a large degree of transparency and it’s so lovely to be able to cultivate that level personal interaction with everyone.
Q) What advice would you give to upcoming actors and actresses?
A) That often times tenacity is much more important than talent when it comes to success in this industry! You have to have the talent to back that tenacity up of course, but there are a lot of very talented artists out there. Tenacity is really the variable that is responsible for one artist succeeding and another failing. Tenacity…and luck.
Kuleana Trailer
KULEANA Trailer #1 from Hawai’i Cinema on Vimeo.
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