Kyle Schmid – SIX
By: Jamie Steinberg
Q) What are the recent projects that you are working on?
A) Right now, I’m focused on hopefully moving forward into the third season of “SIX.” Then, I’m leaving to go to Russia for a month for the World Cup in a week.
Q) How was your character Alex Caulder originally described to you?
A) As a kind of a playboy, philosopher. He had kind of a checkered past with a rough family upbringing as finding the military as his first family base. It kind of became that father figure for him. I found him very intriguing, which excited me as an actor.
Q) What have you added to him that wasn’t originally scripted for you?
A) that’s a funny question because when writers kind of start a show they have kind of these lists, borders and guidelines as to who somebody is. Our writers were very happy and supportive to allow us to create organically and kind of just envelope these characters. A lot of who Caulder is comes from working with these writers and the show. They have been very supportive of that, so we’ve been lucky.
Q) Are the guys as close off screen as they are on screen?
A) I don’t think I’ve ever worked on a project where we just constantly look forward to hanging out on and off set and continuing to train with one another in our off seasons. It’s been good!
Q) What continues to challenge you about playing Caulder?
A) This season was an enormous challenge. It was, quite honestly, the biggest challenge I have had as an actor – on and off screen. There are moments where it is hard not to take your material home and Caulder really goes down a rabbit hole this season and there were moments where I wasn’t sure if he was going to be able to climb out. It effected my personal life at times. It definitely effected my relationships with some of the actors and the production on set. Ultimately, from the limited amount of what I have seen, it was absolutely worth it, but it was very difficult. I’m very grateful for the material and the trust that our writers and producers put in me to kind of take on the responsibility of this storyline. This season is a challenge in itself. I just hope that it comes off on screen for our audience because it’s an important storyline and I’m very excited to see how it is received.
Q) Is there anything about Caulder that you want to be sure to clear up for fans?
A) I think it’s pretty apparent just in a reality that is…Our characters are so well written that I think it is important for an audience to be able to relate to them. Caulder isn’t necessarily a playboy or sarcastic. He was kind of a comedic light of the show in the first season and I think most people realize that it was a cloak to kind of cover up a lot of darkness and sadness in him. I hope there is nothing I need to clarify, necessarily. I just hope people can relate to him at times.
Q) Was there someone in particular you were hoping to work with this season?
A) Without giving too much away, this season was a lonely one for Caulder. That was difficult on a multitude of levels from wishing I was working with my brothers more often and some of the great cast we had join us this season. That said, there aren’t any real regrets because as I mentioned before the material was a real treat to work on.
Q) What do you think it is about “SIX” that has made it such a fan favorite series?
A) I think it’s because of the integrity that we all have when approaching this material. There is a lot of responsibility that goes into making a show about a group of people that have sacrificed and done so much. Although our show isn’t necessarily based on any true lives, we do our best to represent a community that constantly puts themselves in the line of fire and makes the choice week in and week out to leave their families behind to fight for the greater good of our society. So, I think we’ve done well at maintaining that integrity and I think that’s what sets us apart from other shows that are perhaps on other networks. Their storylines might be a little more about the glitz and the glam and the big explosions.
Q) You are a part of social media. Do you enjoy the instant fan feedback from the fans?
A) The hard work and dedication that we have put in – to have that support has made the grueling hours and sometimes the tedious storylines worth it.
Q) Is there anything else you want to say to the fans of “SIX?”
A) It’s a whirlwind of a season and it’s something I’m very proud of. This season is a huge step up from last season and I’m excited to see what our audience think and bring in new fans of the show. I’ve never seen anything like this and I’m very, very excited to see how it will make an impact on our fanbase.
Q) What would you like to say to everyone who is a fan and supporter of you and the work that you do?
A) I just want to thank everyone very much. I’m lucky enough to be successful in an industry that can be very difficult. I have spent years just trying to get work and it’s difficult at times and to have found a project that I truly, truly love and be able to work with a group of people and experience this material first hand is such a pleasure. And to share it with people who have had my back the whole time over the past twenty years is something that I couldn’t be more grateful for.
The second season of “SIX”is currently airing on HISTORY on Wednesday nights at 10pm ET/PT.
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