Law & Order: Special Victims Unit – Calculated
By: Kaylyn Bell
Eli (Theodore Olson-Johnson) and his friends are walking to class when he randomly gets texted a nude photo from a girl he knows from mathlete. They run into the principal (Joshua David Robinson), who confiscates his phone. As Eli hands him the phone, he sees the picture and tells him to come to his office where he calls the cops.
In the precinct, Captain Benson (Mariska Hargitay) asks Silva (Juliana Aidén Martinez) to come with her to check on a report from Harrington Prep School. As Benson and Silva walk through the school, Silva says that with two 16-year-olds, this is probably just a de minimis violation that they can’t prosecute. Benson agrees that it could be, but points out that this is how SVU is different from what she’s used to at homicide; there isn’t the same certainty of arriving at a scene to a dead body with most SVU cases.
The principal shares that the girl sent it unsolicited and Eli had only met her once before. He gives the phone to Benson and informs them that it was sent over an app called Ghost Letter, which erases messages every 12 hours. Once Eli’s mother arrives, they speak to him; he says the girl’s name is Leah, but she goes to a different school, and he has no idea why she’d send him that. As they leave, Benson directs Silva to go with Bruno (Kevin Kane) and take Leah’s statement while she gets Eli’s phones to TARU.
Silva and Bruno meet at Leah’s (Victoria Russell) house. She insists she never sent the photo to Eli, just to a boy named Oliver (Ryan Anthony Holcomb) a few months ago. She explains that they don’t talk in person, but he reached out to her on Ghost Letter. She says after she sent the photo, he disappeared off the app. Bruno asks if it’s possible that Oliver shared it. Fin (Ice-T) and Velasco (Octavio Pisano) find Oliver leaving school, and he says he doesn’t use Ghost Letter.
In the precinct Benson summarizes for the squad that Leah sent the photo to Oliver, but he never got it and doesn’t have a Ghost Letter account. Bruno suggests that someone with access to Leah’s phone must have sent the photo to Eli this morning without her knowledge. Silva gets notified that TARU wants to see them.
A TARU tech (Jennifer Apple) informs them that they got into the account of the person who posed as Oliver a few months ago and found out that whoever he is, he has sixty other Ghost Letter accounts, all pretending to be a different student. She furthers that he uses the photos he receives to bait other students to send nudes back. Benson recognizes that this is a factory and they need to find out who runs it.
Velasco says TARU is working to identify all the victims in the photos while Bruno is informing the parents of the identified kids. The squad tries to find a common connection between the kids other than that they are students at elite private schools. Benson points out that the man they’re looking for has to be someone that knows enough about all these kids to impersonate them.
Bruno and Silva arrive at Leah’s home again and her mom (Kelly Frye) is upset they haven’t caught anyone yet because this could affect her future. Leah runs into her room, and Silva goes to speak with her. Silva asks if she and Eli have anything in common other than math league, and she says they have the same college admissions counselor, Adam Parker (Jared Canfield).
Carisi (Peter Scanavino) arrives at the precinct to hear about the case. The squad informs him that Adam Parker posed as students to collect nudes, but they’re unsure why since he is already successful as a counselor. They ask Carisi if he can get them a warrant and he tells them to pick him up.
Benson and Carisi head into interrogation with Adam and his lawyer (Janie Brookshire) who assures them her client is here to cooperate. Adam says he’s an opportunist but not a pedophile. His lawyer explains that they are willing to give the contacts of 50 pedophiles, the buyers of the photos.
Benson and Carisi disagree on how to pursue; Benson wants to involve the FBI to get Adam whereas Carisi wants to take the deal and go after the 50 men. Benson reluctantly agrees to go with his plan.
The next morning Carisi informs the squad that the DA made a deal with Adam, which means they will receive access to the buyers and hopefully get the images back. Benson tells them they’re going to use Adam to reach out to all the pedophiles and arrange for them to meet a “child,” who will actually be Silva, at a hotel.
After messaging all the contacts, it only resulted in five meetings. Adam assures them he just needs more time, but Carisi cuts him off and tells him he didn’t hold up his end of the deal. Adam pleads for them not to go to the DA yet and says he can give them the site where he found all the men online. He furthers that the contacts he gave liked teenagers, but the men on this site like kids. Benson asks the name, and he says a game called Wish Crafter.
The detectives have each created an account on Wish Crafter and are setting up as many hotel meet-ups as they can, ensuring the men say something that indicates intent. Silva chats with one player, Matthew (Nik Sharp), who has something off about him; she thinks he might actually be a kid. Carisi assures her that TARU confirms the age he registered with to be 32, but she’s still skeptical. Later that evening, Matthew checks in again, and Bruno reminds Silva to get him to agree to bring condoms or alcohol to show intent. Matthew asks what condoms are, and Bruno exclaims that he’s really working her with fake innocence. She tells him where to buy them but is still questioning why he sounds so young.
Silva spends the day meeting men in the hotel room. Once she’s identified they brought condoms, Fin orders officers to enter, and one by one they arrest them; they get 49 by the end of the day. Matthew arrives late, but Silva recognizes him in the hall. She asks Fin if she really has to get him, and he tells her that Carisi needs all 50. She calls for Matthew, and he is so excited to meet her, he gives her a hug and asks if she wants to play Witch Crafter with him. An officer arrests him, but he’s confused where he’s going and asks for his mom. Silva asks Fin and Bruno if they’re seriously going to process him. Fin says everything he did showed intent, so if they cut him loose, all the arrests could be thrown out for entrapment.
Silva gets to work early the next day so she can catch Benson as she arrives. She pleads for Benson to help her. She explains that Matthew is special needs and not the type of man they’re looking for, and she thinks she might have talked him into bringing the condoms. Benson agrees to look over his file.
Benson arrives at Carisi’s office, and he’s very happy with the fifty busts. She asks him how he’d feel about making it forty-nine and hands him Matthew’s file. She informs him that according to Matthew’s medical file, he has the cognition of a fifth grader, and that his only intent was to make a friend. Carisi tells her he has to go through with it, but his lawyer can plead not guilty.
Carisi arraigns all fifty of the accused men, including Matthew. Outside the courtroom, Silva frustratedly tells Bruno that Fin never should have made her arrest Matthew. Bruno counters that maybe he did her a favor because this will help her learn the difference between Homicide and Special Victims; at SVU the victims aren’t just a chalk outline, they still have a pulse. Silva runs into Matthew’s mom (Katie Kreisler) and tells her she’s going to fix it.
Silva meets Benson in her office and begs her not to let Matthew go to prison. Benson tells her she will take care of it and to trust her.
Benson finds Carisi in his office again and asks for this case to be dismissed. She tells him that she’s going to talk to his boss, Baxter (Tony Goldwyn), about Matthew, so he can either come with her or she’ll go around him.
Baxter’s assistant informed Benson and Carisi he just left for the day so Benson charges down to the parkade. Carisi asks if she’s actually about to ambush the DA on his way to his car, and she tells him that if that’s what it takes, she’ll do it. She finds him just as he’s about to leave, and he rolls his car window down. Baxter tells her that it’s a serious charge, and she counters that justice is supposed to be fair and asks him to reconsider. He tells her that people on the eighth floor have said she gets too personally invested in cases even though court is no place for emotion. Benson replies, “If you can separate justice from emotion, I’d like to see you try.” Baxter asks if Carisi believes him to be innocent too, and he says he does. Baxter agrees to personally look over the case file.
Benson calls Silva into her office and tells her that she got the DA to drop the case against Matthew. Silva thanks her, and Benson gives her thanks back. Silva asks what for, and Benson replies, “For reminding me what a de minimis violation really looks like.”
Silva delivers the news to Matthew and his mom that the case is dropped, and it won’t be on his record. Matthew thanks her and asks if she’d like to come over and play video games with him some time. She says she’d love to, and he hugs her.
Benson informs Leah that they tracked down every member that had access to Adam’s accounts and found they only shared the photos in draft form, which means they never went out over the wire, so her photos should never get out. Benson says she can’t guarantee anything, but assures her that she has a whole life ahead of her to make more mistakes to learn from. Leah says she’s never going to send a photo like that again. Benson tells her that as she’s gotten older, she’s realized “It’s not the mistakes that define us. It’s the choices that we make afterward that do.”
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