Lilliana Ketchman – Dance Moms
By: Lisa Steinberg
Q) What made you want to return to “Dance Moms?”
A) I had some of the best times of my life while filming “Dance Moms.” Learning a dance in about an hour or two and having to compete right away is a challenge, but also a thrill! There is nothing else like it! Abby [Lee Miller] is tough, but she has taught me some of the greatest lessons so of course I wanted to go back!
Q) What was it like for you working with Abby Lee Miller again?
A) I wondered if Abby had changed with all that she has been through, but she is just as tough as she was before…maybe more! Since I had worked with her before her expectations for me were EXTREMELY high, which threw me for a loop at first. Eventually, I learned to deal with the stress and I really came through and competed with some of my most favorite dances ever!
Q) What can you tease about what we will get to see this coming season on the show?
A) For me, you will certainly see me struggle at first, but let’s just say the comeback is always stronger than the setback! As for the moms, you will see drama like you have never seen before!
Q) What were some of your favorite moments from filming this season?
A) I can’t wait for you all to see my solo routine called “Strait Escape.” It was the highlight of the season for me…You will soon see why! I also just love the friendships that I made this season. No matter what was going on, we all became close friends and support each other. We have a bond that others probably couldn’t even understand!
Q) What is it like for you to watch the episodes, being able to see what transpired in a different way than from your perspective while filming?
A) Oh my gosh! That can be frustrating! [laughs] We film a zillion hours a week and that is reduced down to less than an hour so, of course, a lot more happened that what everyone sees. Sometimes when I’m watching it, I’m like, “Wait! Let me explain!”
Q) You’ve starred in a few music videos. What were some of your favorite videos you’ve been a part of?
A) One of my favorites was when I played “Young Sia” in a Sia lyrics video called “Move Your Body.” I had a blast with the 80’s theme, wearing a Sia wig and dancing my heart out!
Q) Do you have any desire to be a choreographer one day?
A) I have so many future goals! I would love to choreograph, but I also would love to do more acting in TV, film and even Broadway! To me, acting is so important in dance and it’s one of my favorite components.
Q) What advice would you give to up and coming dancers?
A) Just never give up and don’t compare yourself to anyone else. Everyone is good at something different and trying to be like another dancer won’t get you anywhere because that person already exists. Be you! Come up with something special about your dancing and take it to another level!
Q) What have you taken away from being a part of “Dance Moms?”
A) That’s a hard question because I have learned a lot. I think, most importantly, is that I learned how to handle stress and I think that will help me throughout my career and my life. You can either let stress take you out or you can use it to your advantage and push yourself to the limits in a positive way!
Q) What would you like to say to everyone who is a fan and supporter of you and your dancing?
A) I want to give my ETERNAL THANKS to all of my fans and supporters! You guys make me feel great every single day of my life. Every comment from young dancers saying I inspire them in some way, just makes me so happy and pushes me to keep doing more. I love all you guys so much!!
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