Lizzy Greene – A Million Little Things
By: Lisa Steinberg
Q) I love the interpersonal relationships that are messy, flawed, endearing, frustrating, etc. What is it about the “A Million Little Things” writers that understand crafting really witty, sharp, diverse and multi-dimensional characters?
A) I think it’s fantastic and I think our showrunners do a fantastic job of being able to really portray these very real stories. It may be just acting to us, but they are very real stories to many people around the world. I think our showrunners do a really great job of being able to mix in the uncomfortable humor and the funny jokes along with the really heavy stuff. And I think they do a really good job of making sure that it is not too heavy and we are especially very respectful to all of the topics that we are portraying.
Q) How will Sophie’s character develop this season?
A) This season, especially, Sophie is going to develop over the whole entirety of it. She’s going to grow really, really close to her mom because things are going to happen. She’s a teenager and she’s going to get to experience all the things that teenagers get to do like driving. All of that stuff that is going on in the script is really mirroring my own life as well. I know we have to be so confidential about everything. Especially the last three episodes that we’ve been shooting, they’ve been so strong and fantastic in the sense that things are going to get messy and she’s going to be able to really develop in a way…Not develop, but lose herself in a way where what made her Sophie – everything where she was very vulnerable and then she gained that confidence back and getting that happiness back after going through such traumatic things. I think this season we really get to see the downfall of that. It’s so amazing and fun for me to be able to play because I love a challenge and she is going to have a lot this season.
Q) How will dynamics within the house shift with baby Charlotte? We have seen some shades of resentment already from Danny in the season premiere.
A) It’s really interesting you say that because in that episode there was a scene that was cut for time, but there was a scene where I was able to sit down with Danny (Chance Hurstfield) and talk to him about it. It was a really sweet thing, but we didn’t have time to put it in. Especially with what our creator has really told us about how my character fits in with the new family member, our new growing family… He told me really something cool. He said I, in a way, was going to become like a new mom of Delilah (Stephanie Szostak) and Charlie because I’m going to start taking on responsibility because my mom is going to be so busy with this new baby and I really get to…We kind of saw it in the first episode this season where I was rushing around the room and having this moment with Regina (Christina Moses) where I was listing off all the stuff that I had done – just kind of marking stuff off my list and everything. So, in a way I think I get to sort of become the glue for the situation and pull everyone together. I’m really, really excited.
Q) It’s so great to see the familial chemistry you all share on screen.
A) Aw! Thank you. All three – Tristan [Boyn] as well – I see those two boys…I’ve never had younger siblings but I truly see them as they are my younger brothers. I just love them so much! They are amazing!
Q) Sophie has had to grow up quickly. How will she balance that with her teenage years like Sweet Sixteen, Homecomings and school responsibilities?
A) Like I said, there are a lot of things we shot this season of big milestones she gets to have. Also, she is so incredibly mature because of all she has gone through. There is also a storyline where maybe she meets somebody and she may have a little crush. She experiences her first love, which is so fun! I think she is incredibly strong and she is carrying a lot, but I do think deep down she has a lot of hurt and anger over her situation. That, once again, will play out when things start to get rocky. But she definitely has become such a happy, amazing person. Like I said, there is still the lashes that have cut deep and she had to go through such trauma. She has really, really grown as a character. I’ve been very, very excited about the milestones. They’ve been so fun to shoot.
Q) I love that they don’t gloss over those moments for the younger cast as well. They are a part of the main driving force of the series as well.
A) I think that’s what the show really specializes in. Season 1 very much focused on Jon (Ron Livingson) and the whole subject of suicide. This season is really amazing and it’s been so strong because since it is an ensemble cast everyone is fighting their own battles that nobody knows about. So, this show has really tapped into the storylines that each friend group is going through and it’s really been incredibly sensitive with them and respectful with the topics. The actors have done an incredible job. Season 2 is going to be able to focus on their own issues that each character is going through rather than one large story as a whole. I think that’s really cool because it’s like real life. We only see what’s on the surface and we don’t really ever get to know what is going on behind the scenes.
Q) What really makes a strong female character and what really is behind these types of women on the show that really embodies it?
A) I definitely think that “strong’ is a word that can mean so many different things. I’ll use Katherine (Grace Park) as an example of being able to hear the news of what had gone on with Eddie (David Giuntoli) and being able to hold your head high and take the high road for what is best for her son. I think that’s so incredible. Delilah as well, I think it’s so strong of her with everything she has gone through and she still worries and wants the best for her kids and she always puts them first. I think that’s incredible. I think Sophie is so incredibly strong because of all she’s been through. She could have let herself sort of fall victim to the anger and sadness she’s feeling. She’s really held her head her up because of her friend group and her family is really supporting her through it. I love this was a question because it doesn’t get talked about a lot, but there are so many strong females on this show and we definitely need to see more of that in today’s television. This season I think is so great because I get to have some storylines with some of the other girls on the show, especially Regina. It’s so amazing. The sexual assault that she went through when she was younger…to go through all of that and not let it affect her, but still in a way it’s shaped her but not in a negative way. Her trauma doesn’t define her. I think she is one of the strongest girls on the show. I think she deserves more credit than she gets, especially Christina Moses. She’s an incredible person and such an amazing actress. I learn from these people on the show. It’s literally like going to a master class in acting every day because they take it so seriously. They really do. They push boundaries and think of things that most people wouldn’t. They put so much into their craft. I think it’s amazing and incredibly respectful.
Q) We saw in the premiere red flags that may be coming the family’s way from Barbara Morgan’s son. Is there anything you can share or tease in that regard?
A) Interesting question. He’s definitely looking for the truth about his family and what is going on my father, especially. Also, at some point, I think he’s going to find his way into our friend group and sort of find closure with being a part of the gang. I think later this season you’ll get to see that. It’s all good stuff coming.
Q) Anything like to say to “Millionaires” for their support or leave them with?
A) Especially I’d like to thank them for sticking with us and being so supportive. We think it’s so amazing to be able to portray these characters. I think it’s especially special how we hear stories from the fans about how the show has helped them and how it has brought them closure with their own issues. We cannot thank them enough. They inspire us every day and we have changed scripts and added scripts based on fans and what they have to say and stories they share. We cannot thank them enough. We love them so much.
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