Lucas Bryant – Shoot The Messenger
By: Jamie Steinberg
Q) What are the recent projects that you are working on?
A) Currently I’m building a skateboard for my 2-year old son. Oh wait. You mean acting stuff? I recently guested on “Frankie Drake Mysteries” for the CBC, “Private Eyes” with that guy Jason Priestley and many old “Haven” friends…I shot a movie called Walk To Vegas that was directed by some guy named Eric Balfour, who was incredible. And also very handsome. And I’m looking to shoot a spooky psychological horror/thriller this summer.
Q) Please tell us the premise for “Shoot the Messenger” and about your character Simon Olenski.
A) A young reporter goes to meet a source who has a big story for her, but instead she ends up witnessing his murder. “Shoot the Messenger” is the story of her struggle to uncover what her source was going to tell her, who was responsible for his death and why. Simon is a more seasoned (that means I’m mature and respected) reporter who is put on the story to help her out and show her the ropes…He also happens to be ridiculously charming and good-looking. I added that last part, but I think it helps explain things.
Q) Was there anything you added to Simon that wasn’t originally scripted for you?
A) Someone (I believe it was pamcakes. Yes, I see you there pamcakes.) mentioned this on twitworld and I thought it was hilarious because she was right on. When we started looking at Simon’s wardrobe I thought it seemed a bit too put-together for how I saw the guy… and then when I found out that he drives a red Audi…I was like what? What kind of guy drives a red Audi? (Except for all you guys out there who drive red Audis…I just didn’t see it as an intrepid journalist vehicle) Apparently, there had been some confusion…Initially, it was supposed to be a dark blue Audi or something, but we decided to keep it and go with it. So, I decided that in some ways he was a kept man – that his fiancé bought his clothes for him and it was her car and her family money. So, in a later episode Daisy (Elyse Levesque) kind of makes fun of his car and he sheepishly confesses that it’s his fiancé’s. I loved that everyone was open to that possibility and I feel it gave a nice layer to Simon.
Q) What made you want to be a part of the show?
A) First of all, I’d worked with Sudz before and loved him. And after I met his wife Jen (Sudz Sutherland and Jennifer Holness are the creative dynamos behind the show) and we talked about the possibility of doing the show, I was completely on board with working with them. I had just come off a show that was more of a supernatural series so the idea of doing something that was grounded in real life was very appealing to me and I thought it told a great story with elements that we don’t often see on TV.
Q) What have you found challenging about your portrayal?
A) One of the most challenging things was keeping it all straight because we shot pieces of eight episodes all out of order. On the flipside, it was quite a treat to get most of the scripts in advance…That rarely happens. But it was a challenge to keep all the pieces of the puzzle together. Thankfully, I made it look easy. I’m kind of amazing.
Q) Were you familiar at all with any of your costars before working with them on “Shoot The Messenger?”
A) I knew so many of them from having worked for many years on “Haven” – my tv dad Nick Campbell, Lyriq Bent, Maurice Dean Wint, Tony Nappo, Ari Cohen, Brenda Bazinet (I’m sure I’m forgetting some) and a lot of the directors and a bunch of people on the crew I knew as well so it was a really familiar and warm set. They all love me.
Q) What are some of your favorite behind the scenes moments from filming the series?
A) Because of Alex Kingston’s schedule, we had to shoot all of the Gazette scenes in a two-week block. So, that meant we were going into the same office every day and working from start to finish kind of like our characters would have in the newspaper office. It’s not something that usually happens on a shoot, but because of that I think it helped us gel as a group and felt a little bit like newspaper camp. We had a blast. I’ve heard I was “endlessly entertaining.” (Those quotes are my own)
Q) What do you think it is about “Shoot The Messenger” that will make it a fast fan favorite?
A) When we were shooting, the themes of corruption and political intrigue and secrets on phones and reporters covering and exposing scandals was not at the forefront of our daily stories like it is today. So, I think people will really enjoy the parallels between real life and the story…Also, it’s just great fast-paced high-stakes storytelling. And I’m in it.
Q) You are a part of social media. Are you looking forward to the fan feedback you are going to receive to episodes?
A) Definitely. Sometimes I’m terrible about keeping up-to-date with my social media back-and-forth, but I do always love hearing peoples’ reactions and the love and support I feel on social media. It hasn’t turned on me yet. YET.
Q) We loved seeing you in “Haven.” What did you personally take away from working on the series?
A) I took away Nathan‘s boots. I also took away many of Nathan‘s jackets. And many of Nathan‘s mannerisms. And (awwwwwww) I also took away many, many incredible friendships and memories and I’m keeping them locked up in a comfy corner of my house. My friends, I mean. They are locked up in my house.
Q) Have you kept in touch with any of your “Haven” costars?
A) I have. I have to feed them. I just told you they’re locked up in my house.
Q) What would you like to say to everyone who is a fan and supporter of you and your work?
A) I would just like to say thank you for having (clearly) such incredible taste.
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