Lyric Lewis – A.P. Bio
By: Jamie Steinberg
Q) What are the recent projects that you are working on?
A) Well, I’m currently waiting to go back and shoot a few new episodes of “Baskets” on FX! I recur as Monica, the daughter of Ken (Alex Morris) who’s dating Christine Baskets (Louie Anderson) on the show. It’s so much fun and Louie makes me almond milk smoothies for my gentle tummy. [laughs]
Q) Please tell us what is new this season on “A.P. Bio” and with Stef.
A) Well, this season as a whole we are really getting a close look into what the shenanigans, the teachers and students alike get into. They are facing new fears this season, standing up for themselves and possibly dating? For Stef, I’m excited for viewers to see more of her in her element and as a fun saucy friend who takes absolutely nothing from nobody. We learn more about her dating life, just how much she loves her girls (and yes, even Jack [Glenn Howerton]) and you see her maybe get into deep trouble at work.
Q) How was she originally described to you?
A) The main thing I remember is that she was originally a rambunctious blonde!
Q) Was there anything you added to this character that wasn’t in her initial breakdown?
A) You know, if I added anything, it was just her heart. Stef was extremely well written on the page. Like, her scenes and lines literally made me laugh out loud from day one. But once I got to really play with her and her words, it was an honor to flesh her out and make her a whole beautiful person. All the dimensions, hunny!
Q) Do you have much of a say in how Stef develops?
A) I guess I would say, yes! Our amazing writers work their butts off on storylines and such, but since we do get a bit of freedom to improvise as the characters and really make the words our own, I would say yes!
Q) Talk about working with costars Glenn Howerton and Patton Oswalt.
A) Working with them is a dream. Patton is like a walking, living, breathing master class in acting, comedic timing, all of it. And he and Glenn are so giving and selfless. We’ll be shooting a scene and they are both good for remembering funny things you’ve improvised in a take and other funny things you could say. And being a “Sunny” fan, working with Glenn is just dope. He’s so smart and funny that to watch him work is another little gift in itself.
Q) What are some of your favorite Season 2 moments that you are looking forward to fans getting to see?
A) Some of my fav moments are from an episode with a huge basketball rival school. Let’s just say we get some stunt work in and it’s incredible. We actually have a couple stunt episodes that I can’t wait to see and there’s a new teacher around that I think will be a new fan favorite. He’s very whiny. [laughs]
Q) You are a part of social media. Do you enjoy the instant fan feedback you receive to episodes?
A) You know, I do enjoy it. It’s nice to know that people are watching and loving it.
Q) Who would you love to have as a guest star on “A.P. Bio?”
A) OMG Jennifer Lewis as my mother, grandmother, aunt, SOMEBODY!!! I love her. And Michael B. Jordan…for obvious reasons.
Q) What do you think it is about this show that has made it such a fan favorite?
A) The dark honesty of it all. I think when people watch this show, they can see themselves in somebody on the show. We’re all real people.
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